Brett (Teen Wolf)

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"It's hurts so much, please make it stop!" You wailed out.
"Shhhh baby girl," he gripped your hand harder.
"Brett, I don't have much have any longer," your voice strained from the pain.
"No, I'm not leaving your side!"
"It's better," you coughed, "if you do."
Brett wiped the tears streaming down your face as his own fell, "how can I just leave the girl who made me want to wake up everyone, who made me feel complete, made me feel wanted, needed, and special, who gave me the world in a matter of months, how could I ever leave that girl alone? Y/N, it's all going to be ok, Scott on his way! It's all going to be fine, just don't give up on me!"
"It'll be too late."
"Stop talking like that, we're going to get you help! Y/N, don't leave ME," he stroked your cheek as the poison sunk in more.
"Brett, please know that I always loved you, but it's time to say goodbye..." You struggled for air now.
"Don't waste time on goodbyes, were still doing everything we can to save you!"
"There's nothing do..."
Just then Scott through open the door as the 48th hour was now minutes away, the black veins growing closer to your heart. The two began to work rapidly, pressing the ashes of the rare plant into your wound. The pain grew to be excruciating as you screamed out, Brett began to lay kisses on your hand, clenching it in between.
"Y/N! You're doing good! It's starting to clear, babe, shhh..." He rubbed circles in your palms as the veins slowly dispersed.
Scott began to slowly slip out of the room, knowing his task was done, "McCall..." He stood frozen, "thank you." Brett smiled, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"You saved my world."

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