Sam Winchester AU

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Sleeping Beauty AU
Version 2

"Happy Birthday my dear", the king said and gave you a light kiss on the cheek, his stubble brushing against your soft skin which caused you to giggle.
"You could have at least shaved for this big day, your highness", you teased him with a sly smirk on your lips. He hated it when you addressed him so formerly. He might be the king but after all he was also your father.
The King touched his own cheek and smiled lovingly at you. His eyes seemed to look through you, thinking about different times. Times when your mother was still alive.
"You sound just like your dearest mother", he told you and kissed your cheek for a second time before he started stroking through your hair. "And you also have her beauty."
You blushed at his words. Your mother had died on the day you were born and it hurt to know that she had died so you could live. She had died for you and you couldn't remember her. Of course you had seen massive pictures of her. The palast was paved with pictures of her and your father. There even was a picture where she was holding you in her arms when you were a baby. A known artist had painted it for your first birthday and it was the favorite picture of the king. Maybe because it was the only picture that showed the whole family.
You had stared endless times at those pictures on the walls in the great hall. On the floor. In your bedroom. You had stared at them, tried to imagine how your mothers voice would've sounded, how her hair smelled. But no matter how hard you tried, she remained to be a stranger, some woman in a drawing.
"Excuse me, my King. May I inform you that the guests have arrived the palace", a servant curtsied infront of your father before he did the same infront of you. "Princess Y/N."
"Yes, yes of course. You are excused, James", the King turned around to you again. "Are you excited my dear?"
You nodded and took the arm your father was handing you. With a last deep breath you started following him, into the great hall where all your birthday guests were waiting for you. Strange that it felt like something was missing.———
"Princess Y/N, my greatest wishes for your big day", the king of the neighbouring land greeted you and nodded in your fathers direction. "Henry! Glad to see you my friend."
They chatted for a few moments and you looked around, searching for the fairies. You spotted them in the corner of the great hall and smiled at them as soon as they had caught you looking in their direction. One of them started to wave you towards them and you excused yourself to your father and King William, before you quickly walked over to the three fairies.
"Y/N, you look lovely in that dress. Just like your mother", they told you and you blushed again. Your fingers brushing over the silk of your dress. A small smile appeared on your face.
"Thank you. I wish she could be here today", the fairies gave you an apologetic glance before one of them, the smallest, suddenly conjured a small present in her hands.
"That's for you my princess. It belonged to your dearest mother and she gave it to us the day we told her that she was expecting a baby girl. We were supposed to give it to you when you were old enough." With shaking hands you took the box from them and pressed it against your stomach. This belonged to your mother?
"Open it", the other fairy pleaded and you laughed before you opened the smal box. Inside of it was a beautiful golden hairbrush with her initials engraved to it.
You sucked in your breath, not knowing what you could possible say.
"Thank you", you whispered under your breath and the three fairies gave you a warm hearted smile. "I better take it to my room. Thank you."
After you had put the hairbrush on your nighstand you had quickly made your way back to the great hall. There was no servant in sight so you took the forbidden staircase, hoping that it would help you to arrive the hall much quicker so that no one would even notice your absence. It wasn't really polite to miss your own birthday festivities.
You quickly made your way through the forbidden staircase. There were legends about this staircase, telling that an evil witch would live inside of the walls. But you didn't believed in stories like that. You weren't that naive. You weren't a kid anymore.
You came past an old wooden door. A door which you hadn't expected to be here and before you even had the chance to think about it, your curiousity had took over your actions and you opened the door. It opened with an audible creak and you were greeted with dust and stiffy air. It was dark and looked like an abondoned old room. Something you better shouldn't spend your time with. You already wanted to close the door again when you could hear her.
The voice of an old woman.
"Oh Dear", she said, her voice sounding like she hadn't spoken to anyone in an entire decade. "It's so great to see you here. I wanted to wish you a happy birthday but my old body", she interrupted herself by smiling apologetic at you. "My old body doesn't like the many stairs. I'm not the youngest anymore my beautiful princess."
"I'm sorry for interrupting you then", you quickly said but the old woman only smiled and patted with her hand on the chair that was standing next to her. You made your way towards her and only noticed then that she was sitting infront of a spinning wheel. Her old and weak hands could barely hold the wool.
"Let me help you", you said and reached out for the wool in her hands when your thumb brushed against the needle. You let out a quick noise of surprise. Your vision started to blur and your stomach made a twist.
"Whats happening?", you asked the old lady as you sunk to your knees. Her friendly smile was washed from her face and her now evil looking eyes only stared at you. Then she laughed. Loud and evil. It frightened you.
"Oh Dear. You are going to sleep a while. Or let's say, you might never wake up again." Your vision started to get black and then everything around you was gone.
You woke up because someone had thrown cold water right into your face. Your joints felt stiff, like you hadn't moved in forever.
"Who are you?", a harsh voice asked you and you winced at the light that was pointing directly into your face. You blinked a few times and stared at the man who was holding the sun in his hands.
"I - I'm the princess", you mumbled and tried to cover your eyes with your hand because it didn't seemed like the man would stop pointing the sun in your direction. How was he doing that? Was he a magician? Was he working together with the witch from the forbidden staircase?
"Alright Sweetheart. I'm the president of freakin' America", he reached for somthing in his back pocket and pointed it at your head. It looked threateningly although you had never seen something like it before. It was the same with the sun in his hands.
"Please don't hurt me", you whined and looked up to the man. His green eyes were staring harsh at you. "I haven't done anything wrong. And i'll never walk through the forbidden staircase ever again. Please." Your entire body was shaking in fear and you were cold from the water that was still dripping down your face.
"The forbidden staircase?", another voice asked and you freezed as you spotted the other man in the corner of the room. He looked friendlier as the one with the sun and you secretly hoped that he would help you. That he might even protect you.
"Yes! I am so sorry. I -I just want to go home. Please", you looked at the other man. He was tall, really tall and he had long-ish brown hair. He was handsome and you immediately blushed when you saw him smiling at you.
"Who are you? That's your last chance or I'll shoot you in your freakin' head", the green eyed one asked through gritted teeth and you winced again at the coldness in his voice. He used a strange language, something that you weren't familiar with and he looked like he was about to kill you. Would the other guy stop him if he tried to kill you?
"Y/N", you quickly muttered and glanced over to the taller one, searching for something in his features that would show you that he wasn't going to hurt you. "I'm Y/N." The taller one nodded before he pressed a button on the wall. Immediately the room was flashed with light. How had he done that?
"Put the gun down Dean. She seems harmless to me. She is not a demon, we checked it. Nor is she a vampire, werwolfe, shapeshifer or whatever. I guess she's just human", the taller one said and the other man, Dean, finally turned away from you. "And she's afraid."
"Yeah you guess. That girl is crazy Sam! She just appeared in my room and scared the shit out of me", Dean made some gestures with his hands before the taller guy, Sam, grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him a few metres away from you where they started talking very quiet to each other.
A few minutes of silence passed which you used to find out where you were. You were sitting on the ground of something which looked like a bedroom. It wasn't noble enough to belong to a palast but it also wasn't as poor furnished to belong to one of the servants. There were weapons on the wall, weapons you'd never seen before. You were definitely not at home and based on the clothers Sam and Dean were wearing, you weren't even sure if you were in the right kingdom.
Suddenly Sam kneeled down in front of you and at the sight of his amazing hazel colored eyes you forgot for a minute that you were actually frightened of those strangers.
"I'm Sam Winchester", he introduced himself and hesitantly you shook his hand, before he pointed to his companion. "And this is Dean, my older brother. You said your name is Y/N, right?"
You nodded and looked over to Dean, who looked very unpleaseant. His arms were crossed infront of his chest. You didn't understood why he was acting so angry and why he had tried his best to frighten you so much. Didn't he knew where you were? Didn't he knew that he had talked to the princess?
"Where am I?", you asked and looked back to Sam. His expression was different than Deans. He looked friendly and curious and every once in a while he gave you a warm hearted smile which caused you to blush.
"You don't know how you got here?", Sam asked back and again, you nodded. You had no idea. One Minute you were talking to this old woman, this witch, and the next you were lying on the ground, greeted by some strangers with a strange language and the sun in their hands.
"What's the last thing you can remember, Y/N? Before you saw us?", Dean asked then and came a little bit closer. He was still holding the sun in his hands and at your questioning glance he asked if you had a problem with flash lights. Flash lights, that was an interesting name for a sun you could hold in your hand.
"I talked to this old woman", you started and frowned as the memory came back. "I wanted to help her with her spinning wheel and then I stung myself. I fell asleep."
Sam and Dean exchanged a quick look before Dean suddenly started to laugh. "Forget it Sammy. I know what you're thinking but seriously? Sleeping Beauty? Sure she's a really pretty girl but, that's a fairy tale? Since when does this crap exist in real life?"
"You think I'm from a fairy tale?", you asked confused and Sam nodded. He reached out for your hand and showed Dean your finger with the small wound from the spinning wheel needle which was for some reasons still there.
"Seriously?", Dean groaned again and threw his hands up into the air. "Sleeping beauty appears in my bedroom? What's next? The Seven dwarfs in our kitchen?"
"But think about it Dean. We've dealt with so many other creatures, things we never believed would exist. Why not sleeping beauty?" Sam was still holding your hand and squeezed it lightly. You felt strangely safe around him and the feeling that someone was missing, the feeling you had had in the great hall, was suddenly gone.
"Can you help me to go back then?", you asked shyly and Sam nodded immediately. Dean looked like he really had to think about it, when he finally nodded and smiled.
"But only if you tell red riding hood that she can stay wherever she is right now."

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