Gally TMR series AU

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Y/n always dreaded going to algebra class. Not only was math her worst subject but she hated being harassed by Gally. Gally was well known throughout school and had quite the reputation. He was captain of the football team, drove a nice car, got straight A's, was very good looking, and overall charming. His only flaw was he was a womanizer. He never had a girlfriend, he just messed around with a bunch of girls. So when he tried to ask y/n out she immediately shut him down. She liked Gally they used to be good friends, but she could never play his 'hit it and quit it' game. She knew she deserved better then that. He never gave up, everyday he tried to persuade her to go out with him, and she never gave in, she held her ground.
The bell rang meaning it was time for class. Y/n made her way to math and quickly found a seat to sit down in. She kept her head down trying to become invisible. Gally walked in and spotted y/n. He took the seat next to her, just like he does everyday. "Hey y/n" Gally said trying to get her attention. "Y/n"... Still nothing. She had her nose in her textbook and pretended she didn't notice. "Y/n are you okay?" Gally asked watching her secretly hoping she would reply and acknowledge him. She sighed and closed her textbook.
"Hi" she finally replied. "Morning class" Mr.Davis said as he walked into class. Y/n was relieved that he would soon start teaching and she wouldn't have to talk to Gally any longer. "Before I forget, I've graded your tests" Mr.David announced to the class. He walked around and passed back the graded tests. Y/n chewed her lip anxious and nervous to see her grade. He handed Gally's back first whispering a 'good job' before handing y/n's back. "Ms.y/l/n please see me after class" he whispered loud enough for only her and Gally to hear.
She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath before looking down at her paper. A big F written in red sat at the top and y/n wanted to cry. She thought she did better than that. Class was a blur, y/n's mind was to pre occupied with her failing grade.
The bell rang and the class piled out leaving y/n and Mr.Davis alone. He walked over to y/n and sat down next to her. "Y/n I've noticed you have been having trouble. I don't want you to fail so I think you should get a tutor" he said feeling bad for the girl. He really didn't want her to fail, he didn't want any of his students to fail. Y/n just nodded, there was no denying it, he was right. "Gally is a fantastic student and I think he could be a great tutor. You should ask him" he recommended before walking back over to his desk. Y/n picked up all of her stuff including the failing test and left. She thought about what he said, wondering if it was a good idea to ask Gally for help. He would probably want something in return, like a date or something. It won't hurt to ask.
She closed her locker door and was surprised to see Gally standing there leaning against the other lockers. "Jesus, are you trying be to scare me half to death?" She asked shoving the boy but he barely moved. He couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to see if you were okay" he spoke sounding sincere. "Yeah I just need to get a tutor. I was actually going to come and ask you" she said looking down at her feet. Gally's eyes widened in shock, did she really want his help? "Yeah, I'll help" he chimed excited that they would be able to spend some time together. Y/n looked up at Gally and smiled. "Really?" She asked a little bit excited herself. She really needed the help and Gally was really smart. "Of course, I don't mind. If you want I can come over after practice.""That would be nice. Thanks a lot Gally" she smiled.
School was over. Y/n walked to her car to drive home. Y/n got to her room and closed the door. She still had about an hour and a half until Gally came over so she decided to take a quick nap. She jumped onto her bed and quickly fell asleep.
Gally knocked on the door and rang the doorbell. 5 minutes later y/n's mum came and answered the door. "Hi Gally how are you?" She asked letting the boy inside. Her and Gallys mum were good friends and knew each other for a long time. "I'm good Mrs.y/l/n thank you. I'm here to study with y/n" he replied. "Oh good, she's upstairs in her room" she replied leaving Gally to walk himself.
He walked up the stairs and made his way to y/n's room. He hadn't been there since he was 12 but he still remembered where it was. The door was closed and he knocked. No answer. He knocked again and waited a minute before creeping the door open to look inside. He couldn't help but chuckle when he saw y/n sprawled out on her bed sound asleep. He let himself in dropping his backpack on her bed. He walked over to the side of her bed and shook her lightly. "Whatttt" y/n groaned. "Do you want to study or sleep?" He asked and then y/n's eyes shot open when she realized it wasn't her mum. "Shit sorry Gal" she said rolling over on her back. She rubbed her eyes trying to wake herself up. Gally sat down at the end of the bed and opened up his text book. Y/n finally woke herself up enough to get out of bed and open up her text book.
She walked over to the end if the bed and took a seat next to Gally. "What are we learning?" Y/n asked as she opened up her book to the same page as Gallys. "Pythagorean Theorem" he replied. "It's about mesmerization, you remember the theory you'll have no problem" he added handing her some notes. She read through them. She was amazed at how his hand writing was so neat. The notes were definitely helping. They worked for an hour and y/n finally got the hang of it. She was so excited and couldn't thank Gally enough. Once she was able to do problems on her own she tossed her book to the side and fell backwards onto her bed.
"Okay I'm bored" she said staring at the ceiling. "Entertain me" she said looking over to Gally. "And how do I do that?" He raised an eyebrow looking at the girl curiously. "I don't know. What did we use to do when we were kids" she asked trying to think back herself. "Play 21 questions" he replied laughing. Y/n smiled remembering how they used to play stupid games like that all the time. "Okay. This will be fun." She said.
She scooted up to the top of her bed and Gally followed. They both laid side by side on the bed. "You go first" she said
"Okay... Umm... Why don't you have a boyfriend" he asked
"I haven't met anyone that's stood out to me more than a friend" satisfied with her answer, she began thinking of her own question. "Why don't you keep girlfriends?" She asked really curious to what he was going to say
"I don't know, I'm a crappy boyfriend. I never know how to treat a girl" y/n was shocked at his answer. She thought it was because Gally liked to keep his options open not because he didn't know how to treat a girl.
"I can help you. You know, teach you how to treat a lady" y/n murmured almost hoping Gally didn't hear her. It was a stupid idea and she didn't know why she said it.
"Okay" Gally acknowledged with hopeful eyes.
The next few weeks Gally taught y/n algebra and she taught him how he should treat a lady. Their lessons always ranged from direct variations to proper manners, or slope to communication. Y/n was finally passing math all because of Gally. And Gally took time away from girls until he was an expert in treating ladies right.
It was exactly one month later from when their lessons began. Y/n waited for Gally at home like she always did. She sat in her bed and thought back to everything she has taught him. She couldn't help but be proud of herself because he has come a long way.
Gally's knock on the door brought her back from her thoughts. "Hey Gal" she said opening the door to let him in. "Hey y/n sorry I'm late" he replied looking down at his watch. "Don't worry about it, I think today is the last day we should study anyways. I think you're ready and I'm passing my classes so we are in a good place" she said and Gally's face fell sad but then he quickly brushed it off hoping she didn't notice.
They both took turns reviewing what they learned and y/n was right, they were both ready to part ways. Y/n fell back on her bed and stared at the ceiling like she usually did when they were done studying. Gally copied and laid down besides her. Their shoulders were touching as they both stared at the ceiling in silence. Moments passed until Gally finally spoke.
"Can I ask you something?" Gally said turning on his side to face y/n. "Sure" she replied doing the same. "You think I'm ready right? To find a girlfriend and treat her right and be happy?" He asked. She looked at him puzzled, wondering why he was asking this. "Yes I think you're more than ready" she answered sending him an assured smile.
Gally rolled back in his previous position on his back. Y/n noticed something was up, she took her right hand and pulled Gally's face to look her in the eyes. "What's wrong?" She questioned trying to get a read for the boy. His eyes met hers before he spoke. "We'll there is this girl, and I've liked her for a while now. And I never got the chance to date her which I'm glad because I was a shank before. I want to ask her out but I still feel like I'm not good enough. I mean this girl is great and she deserves the absolute best. I-I'm just scared I guess. Scared I can't give her the best and scared she'll say no." His cheeks turned a bright crimson and he looked back up to the ceiling, totally embarrassed.
"Gally you're stressing yourself out over nothing. Any girl is lucky to have you, just ask her out and go from there" y/n giggled. She couldn't believe Gally, captain of the football team, straight A student, kid who everyone loved was scared of asking a girl out.
"It's not funny y/n, I think I am love with this girl" he said trying not to laugh himself. She was right, he needed to tell her and then go from there. He rolled back over on his side to face her. She was still in the same position staring at him.
"That girl I was talking about is you y/n" he whispered. Y/n almost didn't hear him, but she did. Her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. "M-me?" She asked completely taken aback.
"Yes, you've been the one. You are the one. I'm not a shank anymore, I know how to treat a lady. You know that better than anyone. I guess what I'm trying to say is, will you give me a chance?" He bit his lip nervously waiting for a reply. Y/n was still in a state of shock but managed to let out an "okay"
Gallys smile grew as he stared at the girl he was completely and utterly in love with. He cupped her cheeks and both their eyes fluttered shut before he pulled her closer into a soft and sweet kiss. Gally pulled back and placed another kiss on her forehead. He pulled her into his chest. "This is perfect" he whispered as they both laid there cuddled up enjoying the moment

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