Chris Pratt

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I heart his wife and his son but c'mon
"And... action!" the director shouted and both you and Chris got into characters.
You were filming the scene of where your character was pleading with Chris' character, Owen, to not go out to hunt the I-Rex with the Raptors.
"You are not going to do this. I am not going to let you do this Owen" you spoke in a low and firm voice.
"(Y/n)" he let out a sigh "I know that this is dangerous but I have to do this, it is the only way. There are so many lives at risk here!"
"And what about your life Owen?! What about you?! You can't do this Owen, please" you took hold of his shoulders as tears started welling up in your eyes "You might die out there"
Owen let out a sad sigh and wrapped his arms around you "I know, (Y/c/n). I know. But it must be done." he pulled away from you.
"No, no Owen please. I'm begging you. Please don't do this" your lower lip trembled "I can't- I can't be without you. Please I can't stand the chance of losing you" you chocked on fake-tears.
"I'm sorry, but I have to. Those people depend on me" his voice was low and rough.
"B-but no, Owen, no. I love you!" you said desperately and suddenly you saw something flash through Chris' eyes. It was supposed to happen because it was actually the first time your character said that she loved Owen but this- the flash through Chris' eyes was something completely different.
"I know" he said walking again back close to you, but still leaving space between the two of you.
"And I love you too. More than anything else in this world" he said with a soft smile on his face. A completely unlike Owen smile for that matter.
"Uh wha-" you didn't utter more words as Chris kept talking.
"And it is funny cause I never thought I would ever love a woman as much as I love you" he added with a soft chuckle and you visibly frowned more.
"Uh has there been any additions to the script and I didn't know?" you asked with an awkward laugh as you looked around you at the crew and director, breaking character. This was not how the scene was supposed to go.
Chris as Owen would just say 'I know' with a soft smirk and then leave as (Y/c/n) still pleaded with him. Certainly not this. But none of the people on the crew made any move as to stop him so... what the hell was going on?
"And... this may sound crazy but well uh..." he laughed rather nervously and took hold of your hand. He bent down on one knee and your eyes widened.
"Uh Chris... what are you doing?" you asked your boyfriend in disbelief.
"(Y/n)" he said your name rather than your character's "I know we haven't been very long together, only two years, but I've known you for so long that I think- no, no I am sure that we were meant to be. Even if you had to practically torture me before saying yes to a date with me" he said with a laugh and you chuckled slightly as well "But that does not matter. It wouldn't be you if I didn't have to try for months to get you to go out. And honestly... I loved it. I loved it more than I thought I ever would just like I loved you more than I thought I ever would. And I know that... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So... I am just going to ask you cause the sooner the better-" he said taking in a deep breath and letting go of your hand he searched through his pockets.
He soon found what he was looking for and soon took a small red velvet box out of his pocket and held it in front of you opening it "(Y/n) will you marry me?" he asked with an unsure smile.
Your breath hitched on your throat as you felt your heart lip to your throat. Your eyes widened as you looked around you at everybody else that was looking at you with expecting looks.
You turned your head to look at Chris and a wide smile spread on your lips as the tears that had welled up in your eyes from your previous acting now rolled down. They were happy tears.
"Yes, Chris. Yes" you breathed out and a wide grin spread on his face as he took the ring and put it on your finger, soon wrapping his arms around you, just like you did, and spinning you around.
Everybody clapped and cheered around you. Chris pulled just slightly away to look at you, his own eyes glistening with tears as he bent down to kiss your lips softly.
He pulled completely away as he turned to look at everybody else and taking hold of your hand he lifted it in the air, the huge smile never leaving his face.

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