Destiel AU

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Destiel AU
I just had to
Fairytale AU where a feather from Castiel's wings can heal the sick or the dying. Castiel came to earth long ago but was captured by a greedy man, Crowley. Crowley uses his feathers to prolong his own life and also sells them to the highest bidder. Castiel is kept in a cage, his wings forcibly plucked and he never sees the outside.
Dean Winchester and his brother Sam are petty thieves and beggars. They could never afford the price of one of the magic feathers, but one winter Sam falls ill. His life hangs in the balance and Dean is sure a feather is the only thing that could save him.
He breaks into Crowley's home, knowing that if he is caught, he will be killed. Dean has some idea that the feathers come from a magical bird but nothing prepares him for Castiel – a beautiful, winged man.
Castiel begs Dean to free him and promises to heal his brother if he will.
Dean readily agrees and breaks Castiel free from his cage. Castiel's wings are too damaged to fly so the two of them must escape on foot. Once Crowley finds out Castiel is gone, he pursues them.
They reach Sam and Castiel is able to heal him. He is incredibly touched by Dean's devotion to his brother. He had thought humans were greedy and selfish like Crowley, but now he sees that man is only one man, not a true representation of people.
Dean urges Castiel to flee and get to safety but Castiel won't leave the two brothers. He fears what Crowley might do to them when he finds them. He chooses to stay by Dean's side and protect him. He feels for Dean in a way he has never felt for anyone before.
He kisses Dean softly, quietly, while Sam is asleep. Dean kisses him back fiercely.
They both resolve to never let Crowley part them.

100 chapter

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