Sam and Dean Winchester

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"Dude, I think we should get out of her room before she finds us here." Sam muttered, hands deep into his pockets.
Dean shook his head. "No man, I swear she is hiding something. And we are going to find out." He spewed. "Haven't you noticed how weird she's been acting?"
You wrapped the towel around your damped body, and slipped out of the bathroom. Soft voices echoed through the hallway, making your furrow your brows.
Being a hunter, you were always on edge. Even when you know you didn't have to be.
As you slowly opened the door, you froze as your eyes landed on two familiar figures. "What the hell?" You grunted.
They both snapped their gaze to you.
"Oh hey Y/N we-" Dean paused as he looked you up and down.
Sam mirrored his actions, staring at the exposed parts of your body, noticing how short the towel was.
"Totally aren't snooping." He said awkwardly.
You let out a soft chuckle, as you ran your hand through your hair. "Sure you weren't."
The boys felt themselves grow under their pants, as they continued their lingering stares.
You noticed their slight shifts as they gazed your body up and down. Dean was more obvious, his lip twitching as he shook his head.
While Sam was was less obvious. He pursed his lips, eyes were hard and straight. It was kind of hard to read him.
But with the on going stares and the constant shifting in their stance, you thought it'd be fun to tease them.
"Can one of you help me with the lotion? I can't reach certain areas on my back." You lightly bit on your lower lip.
Sam raised his eyes brows while his mouth parted and formed in an 'O'
"I will!" They both blurted out.
The WINCHESTERS shard a glance with one another. Annoyance plastered onto their face.
"I think it's just a one man job." You muttered.
"I got it sammy. Don't you have some reading or some other crap you have to do?" Dean exclaimed.
"Nope. All caught up with everything. What about you? Isn't it your turn to go on a supply run?" He asked.
You couldn't help but giggle as the boys went back and forth.
This was going to be fun.

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