Sam Winchester AU Part One

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Sleeping Beauty AU
Being a Princess wasn't always what everyone made it out to be. The townspeople probably thought you were this ditsy little thing that didn't want to even lift her finger to help. Oh were they wrong. You had just as many duties as your father, the King, to follow through with throughout your day. Most of the time your mother helped you but she was the Queen after all and had many duties of her own to attend to. A majority of the duties that you were supposed to do were your lessons with the teacher. You were a Princess so learning something complicated such as mathematics or astronomy were completely out of the question. Instead from a young age you were learning howto properly read and write, how to walk with your back straight, how to enunciate your words, how a lady should eat and most importantly how a lady should act in front of company. Needless to say that was the one subject that you were still working on after all these years, learning how to control that mouth of yours when some rude Prince made some idiotic remark your way. Everyone thought you were dumb and only the pretty face to see around the palace, they didn't know just how intelligent you really were. Studying things that 'ladies of royalty' shouldn't be studying or reading books that could 'only' be comprehended by men. You were very sneaky with how you went about hiding those books from your ladies maids and most importantly your mother. You also loved to read books of adventure and mystery. It was your escape from being cooped up in a palace all day long with no friends to accompany you. Mother thought it wasn't write for a lady to always have her nose in a book but she understood your boredom and kept quiet.
It was hard staying in the palace with only your self as company, you needed to get out if only for a day. So you were slowly arranging an escape plan for the days to come. There was a festival to be held in the town in two days, usually the royals wouldn't attend to something so little like a·town festival but you had never gone to one and who knows it actually might be kind of fun. You figured you could ask to go for a walk and somehow slip past the guards, you even had some old clothing you stole from the maids' quarters downstairs just so you could look the part. In your mind everything was coming together quite nicely.

It was the day of the festival and you had asked your father to go for a walk, like usual he sent you with two of his guards so you could stay safe. Little did they know that in your purse you carried the tattered clothing, worn down shoes and a brown cape. After a few minutes you three had arrived towards the outskirts of town, stopping at this small tiny shop right by the towns' gate to look around. Soon you looked to the guards and asked if they would give you a moment to go try on a beautiful dress in the back room of the store since there was no immediate threat back there. They both looked to each other silently wondering if that was a good idea or not, then nodded and you were off to the back of the store with a shit eating grin on your face.Everything was certainly working out like you had planned. Hopefully they wouldn't come looking for you until after you sneaked out the back.
"I'll just be a minute gentlemen, feel free to wander around the store as well." You called out to them as they turned their back towards the door you entered through to await for your return. Once again just like every other time, they didn't answer you.
You quickly got changed, well as quickly as you could in the dress you picked out for today. You tried to make it simple, coming up with the excuse you didn't want to deal with so many layers and get too over heated by the sun. After changing and looking at yourself in the small mirror that they had to ruffle your hair up some, you were quick to find an exit. Walking out of the small room you peered out and noticed that the two guards still had their backs facing you. Opening the door ever so quietly you looked to your right and noticed another door at the end of the hallway, you prayed it led outside. Taking tiny steps you made your way to the door and you were very cautious in opening that one as well, so the light wouldn't reach the guards and make them turn around prematurely.
You had done it, you were outside and with no stupid guards to 'protect' you. You ran for it though, wanting not to spare a minute in getting lost amongst the crowd of all the people. Once reaching the gate you entered through and were immediately overwhelmed by all the new things you were getting to experience for the first time. The music that was being played up and down the streets was wonderfully different than what was played inside the palace, the smells of freshly baked goods was filling your nostrils, everyone laughing and interacting with one another was definitely an amazing sight. You don't normally get this in the palace and you were loving this plan even more. All the decorations and different festive games that the children were playing all looked like so much fun. You were walking backwards trying to take in everything you probably missed on the way in but right when you turned back around you were immediately knocked to the ground.
"Whoa hey, I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention."You heard a strong smooth voice say and grabbed a hold of the hand that was held out to you, "It was totally my fa..." That's the moment your eyes came into contact with beautiful hazel ones, "Fault. Hi."
You gave this incredibly handsome stranger a smile, "Hello."It felt like hours were passing between you two and no one was saying a word to each other, he even still had your hand within his. Both of you were brought out of your dazes slightly when someone bumped you from the back propelling you forward into his arms. He caught you and now had both of his arms wrapped around your waist, hands placed on your back. While both of your hands were splayed out on his chest. Looking up when you heard him chuckle you realized how close your faces were from each other, which made blush immediately rise to your cheeks. Somehow you knew this man from somewhere, he looked oddly familiar.
"Well then, I guess if we're to keep bumping into one another maybe you should know my name. I'm Y/N." You said just above a whisper.
He smiled at you, making the butterflies in your stomach flutter more profusely,
"I'm Sam."
In your whole life you never thought that you would be so entranced by a beautiful smile or bright hazel eyes staring back into your own. Yet here you were at a loss for words, standing in front of this handsome stranger, who is probably no more than a peasant in the village your family ruled over.
"Well then Sam, it's a pleasure to meet you." You nodded your head slightly in a polite manner.
"Believe me. The pleasure is all mine." He responded sending you the cutest wink you've ever seen, "Are you enjoying yourself so far?"
"Uh yes, yes I am. Everything is absolutely breathtaking." You said spinning around in awe at everything again.
When you turned back to Sam it seemed as though he was trying to hide his smile by lowering his head some, "That's good to hear, so I'll uh leave you be then, your special someone is probably wondering where you are."
"I—I don't have a special someone." All of a sudden you got bold when you saw his eyes light up, "Would you like to accompany me the rest of the festival? That is, if you don't have a special someone to get back to."
"I don't and I'd love to Y/N." He replied rather quickly and held his arm out for you to take a hold of, which you very eagerly did.The butterflies in your stomach flitting around more furiously at the contact.You could already tell, this was going to be a day to remember.

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