Dean Winchester AU

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Magic AU
You set your head on the window sill, watching the man move boxes out of the moving truck. Your eyes darted over to a boy who looked your age sitting in the front yard, with his little brother with him playing.
"Are you watching our new neighbors, sweetie?"
You looked up, smiling at your mother. "That house had been empty for months," you said. "But now it has a family in it, and that means Josh and I can make new friends!"
You mother smiled, stroking your hair out of your face. "I'm sure they would love to be your friends," she said.
"Do you think they know about magic?" you asked, sitting up straighter.
"Probably not," your mother replied, making you pout. "But that doesn't mean you can't be friends still."
You smiled, nodding quickly. "I'd like that."
She smiled, looking out the window. "And it looks like your father is home from work."
You gasped, spinning in your seat to see your father walking down the street. "Daddy!" you cried, bolting out of the house and down the sidewalk.
He grinned widely, kneeling down and catching you as you launched yourself at him. "Oh, and how has my princess been today?"
"Great, Daddy!" you cried, looking at him. "I played with Josh while Mommy clean the kitchen this morning, and then when Mommy put Josh down for his nap, we got new neighbors!" You pointed over at the house, smiling widely.
Your father put you down as he stood, taking your hand. "Well, if we got new neighbors, then we should meet them," he said.
You nodded, walking with him to the house, stopping by the moving truck. The man saw you both as he walked to the truck again, smiling slightly. "Hi, I'm Shane Bryce," your father said as you glanced over at the two boys, smiling at them as they watched you. "This is my daughter, Y/N. We just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood."
The man smiled, nodding to your father. "I'm John Winchester, and these are my two boys, Dean and Sam."
You waved as Sam did, Dean waving but a little less enthusiastically. "How old are your boys?" your father asked, smiling politely. "My wife, Kendra, is home with our other son, who's about three."
"Sam is actually three," John replied. "And Dean's 7 now."
"I'm 7 too!" you cried, beaming.
John smiled, nodding to his sons. "You can go say hi if you'd like."
You looked up at your father, who nodded, and you sebamed, letting go of his hand to move towards the boys. "Hi, I'm Y/N, I'm 7!" you cried.
The older boy, Dean, looked up at you. "I'm Dean, this is my brother Sam."
"I'm your neighbor," you said, smiling. "I have a little brother too, but he's napping right now. My Mommy said he threw a fit and needed a nap."
Dean nodded slowly. "Cool."
"So, do you want to be friends?" you asked, bouncing on your feet.
Dean looked at you a minute, before shrugging. "Sure, I guess. Why not?"
You smiled, sitting down on the grass in front of him. "I think we're gonna be friends for a long time!"

You smiled, sitting on your front steps, looking over the garden your mother had planted and cared for. "Hi, Y/N."
You looked up, smiling as you saw Dean walking from his yard to yours. "Hi, Dean!" you cried, sitting up.
He took a deep breath, sliding his hands into his pockets. "So, do you want to play?"
"Sure! What do you want to play?" you asked, standing.
Dean shrugged. "Doesn't matter. My dad's just busy and Sam's asleep."
"I have a playset in my backyard, with a swing and slide and monkey bars," you said in a rush. "Do you want to play there?"
You smiled as you moved to the back gate, Dean following you. "This is faster," you said. "Plus, Mommy doesn't like shoes in the house."
Dean smiled as he saw the playset, one of the first smiles you had seen from him. You slowed down, watching him move towards one swing, watching you as you sat on the swing beside him. "So what does your dad do?" he asked, moving the swing.
You bit your lip, trying not to say that he worked at the Ministry of Magic. "He works for the government," you decided on. "He helps people."
He nodded, saying, "Mine is a mechanic."
"Can I ask where your mom is?" you asked softly.
You watched Dean take a deep breath, looking down at his shoes. "She...died three years ago. In a fire."
"I'm sorry," you said softly.
"I miss her," he whispered.
You didn't know what to say, so you reached over and placed your hand on his shoulder. He looked up, meeting your eyes. You gave him a small smile, and you smiled back.

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