Sherlock Holmes

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"Well, maybe it's because you keep pushing me away! Sherlock, stop pushing me away." you begged. The two of you had been at it for hours, as you often did. "It's good to have friends! People who help you and protect you and love you."
"I don't need any help, don't need protection, and I don't need any love either." Sherlock stated.
"Everyone needs help sometimes. Everyone needs love, Sherlock. Even you." you put your hand on him, looking him in the eyes.
"What do you want from me, Y/N?"
"I want to be your friend! I want you to let me help you and-"
"An what? Love me?"
"No? But that's what you just said. Friends help and love and protect, that nonsense. Tell me, do enlighten me, Y/N. What's so great about love? The only thing it does is make you weak. Love can tear you apart faster than anything else on this planet and you somehow think I could feel that for you? That is completely absurd, Y/N."
"You break my heart, Sherlock Holmes."
"You see? It's only a weakness."
"Whatever, Sherlock. I'm done trying to prove myself to you. Just call me if you ever need help or something." you growled and slammed his door as you walked out.
"Sherlock?" your voice pleaded as soon as Sherlock picked up the phone. It was obvious you'd been crying and you were terrified. "Sherlock?" you repeated louder.
"Tell him about my visit." he heard Moriarty command, holding a gun to your head. "Go on, lovely.
"Sherlock, help me." you whimpered. Moriarty sighed and you let out a cry as he yanked the phone away from you.
"Give me that he muttered impatiently. "A bore, isn't she?" he asked.
"Not so much. She's very bright, but she's frightened." Sherlock was already getting his things together to leave.
"Anyway, she's not going to tell you about my visit, so I will. It was fun, actually... Well, for me anyway. I don't think your Y/N enjoyed it much." he laughed as you squirmed at his finger touching your cheek.
"What did you do to her?" Sherlock asked, trying to hide the urgency in his tone.
"Patience, Holmes. I'm getting to that part." he said, smiling. "Why do you care anyway? I heard you don't even care about poor, poor Y/N. From what I hear, she's heartbroken." Moriarty laughed. Sherlock finally realized, Moriarty had been planning this for a long time. He'd been using you for a long time and you'd been giving Sherlock desperate hints for months. "Let's play a little game, Sherlock. I'l be the teacher and you be the student." he stated. "Have you figured it out yet?"
"Yes." Sherlock replied.
"Good, now, do you mind sharing your answer?"
"You've had her wired this whole time. The moment you found out she was close to me you took your chance. She's and innocent girl. She's got nothing to do with this. Let her go and I'll play your game."
"But, Sherlock, she is the game." he sighed. "She is the game..." he repeated. "And I'm getting very bored quickly... I might just... get rid of her." he said, slowly driving a dull knife into your side.
"Sherlock!" you screamed. "I'll give you ten minutes to find her. That's all. I'll kill her and leave if you don't." Moriarty hung up the phone.
Sherlock knew he was later but he hoped Moriarty hadn't notices, though Sherlock knew he had.
"Y/N!" Sherlock yelled when he burst in the door. You were strapped to a chair in the middle of a small concrete room. Your head hung over, and the blood on your forehead, cold and dry, signaling it wasn't fresh but the blood on your shirt was warm and sticky as it spread on your shirt quickly. Sherlock tapped your cheeks, calling your name. Sherlock cut you loose of the leather restraints on your chest, wrists and ankles, allowing you to fall forward onto him as he called for an ambulance.
"You came..." you panted, letting out a hoarse sob. "You came..."
"Of course I did." he whispered, pushing your hair back. "Sit tight, then. You're going to be okay." he nodded.
"Sherlock, I'm sorry."
Just in time, the ambulance arrived. You were beginning to fade, your skin grew a sickly pale and your eyes were glossy. "If you hadn't found her when you had, she would be dead." the doctor reported at the hospital. "But the surgery went smoothly and she's resting now. We'll soon be able to release her."
"How long?" your brother, Greg, asked.
"A few days, a week or two at the most." said the white haired old man. "I'll have a nurse take you to see her. If you'll excuse me," the doctor weaved around the men in front of him. They'd all been crying together, more than anyone in the hospital had ever seen three grown men cry.
"Y/N?" your brother said quietly and cautiously as he stepped toward you. You slowly turned your head, still groggy from the sedative given to you. A small smile formed on your chapped lips. "Y/N..." he sighed with relief, his bloodshot eyes swelling again with happy tears. "You're never allowed to leave my sight again."
"How do you feel, love?" John asked, smiling as he crouched at your bedside, pulling your hand to his lips.
"Better than you lot look." you replied hoarsely. "I love you guys." you coughed as you tried to laugh with them.
"I love you too." Greg replied, John's lips hummed against your knuckles and Sherlock stood stiffly at the edge of your bed, his chin held high in the air.
"Well..." you shrugged.
"What?" he asked.
"Come here." You held your arm in the air and John stepped away as Sherlock moved around your bed, slowly lowering himself to allow you to hug his neck. "You're supposed to hug me back, genius." you whispered. Hesitantly, his arms wrapped around you and he hugged you close to him.
"Am I missing something?" Greg asked.
"Usually." you winked before you pulled away from Sherlock's hug and pressed your lips full onto his in a slow kiss, earning a groan of disgust from Greg and a chuckle form John.

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