Dan(isnotonfire) Howell

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You and Dan had been lying in his bed just talking since you woke up. "You hungry?" you asked, it was 12 and neither of you had ate. "Nah not really, I'd love a cup of tea though if you're going to the kitchen babe," he replied. "I never said I was going to the kitchen," you smiled. "But I thought you said you were hungry," Dan said, confusion clear on his face. "Nope I good, I just asked if you were hungry, I'm not leaving the warmth of this blanket fort we've got going on here," you said. "Uggghhhhh," Dan groaned, "I guess I'll go make my own tea then," he finished, crawling out of bed. "I guess you will," you responded as he quickly got dressed.

This place is a fucking mess, Dan thought to himself. "Oh and babe?" he heard you call as he reached the kitchen. "Yeah?" he asked. "I'd love a cup of tea, since you're going to the kitchen," you giggled. "Are you fucking kidding me? What no, if I have to get out of bed so do you chick!" You groaned, dragging yourself from the blankety fortress you and Dan had created in your sleep. You grabbed one of his jumpers off the floor and pulled it on over you pjs. You stumbled out of the room, looking at your phone and hit your toe off of a box laying in the middle of the floor. "Fffffffff fuckity fuck fuck fuck," you hissed. "You okay?" Dan asked, walking to the kitchen door. He looked down to see you laying on the floor, holding your foot in you hand and he tried to suppress a laugh. "Don't you dare Howell," you warned. "Hhmmm?" he hummed, his lips pressed together tightly to hold in the laugh that could release itself at any second. "This place is a fucking mess," you grumbled, getting up from your spot on the floor. "I know, we should probably do something. Are you okay?" Dan asked quickly. "I guess, and yeah I'm fine," you said, walking into the kitchen. Dan began to giggle, but within seconds it has turned into a full- body laugh. "You should have seen.. your face.. I just.." Dan managed to breathe out between laughs. "Shut up," you blushed as you began to make the tea. "O..kay I'm good.. I'm fine," Dan stuttered, calming down.
Once you had made tea for the two of you, you and Dan went back to bed given that you had nowhere to be. You were having a conversation about which pokemon you'd both like to be and which you would actually be when you got a text. "Who's that?" Dan asked, curiosity getting the better of him. "Just Louise," you smiled. You had met Louise around five years ago through Dan, just before you and him had started dating. Since then Louise had become one of your best friends and she had had Darcy. "Oohhh, is she up to anything today?" Dan wondered. "Nah, I don't think so. Plus, Darcy is being exceptionally difficult today," you replied. "You should invite them over," Dan said. "Really?"
"Well yeah, I don't see why not. I mean, Darcy is acting up for Lou and she loves coming here so that might help, and I want to see that baby squish. Honestly, I haven't seen that little cutie in ages and it's not like we're going to do anything today," Dan rambled. "Okay, I'll ask her now," you said, before pecking Dan. "What's that for?" Dan questioned, smiling. "Nothing you're just cute," you hummed in response, as you text Louise.
"Okay, you gotta move babe," you said, attempting to lift Dan's arm that was laying across your torso. "But I don't want to," he replied, pulling you closer to him and snuggling his face into your neck. "We have to," you said, turning to face him," Louise just text me to say that she'll be here around 3 and its already 1.30."
"Have you forgotten how much of a mess this flat is right now? And to add to it, we still look like crap because we've been in bed all day."
"It won't take long to tidy, and wow stop bullying me," Dan teased, "I think I look great."
"Sorry," you giggled and you pressed a quick kiss to his nose. "Wow thanks," he said. "Shut up you love it," you giggled again. "Love you more though," Dan smiled before kissing you. "Ewwwww Daniel you're so cheesy this is not a sappy romcom from 2005," you laughed, Dan did too. "But seriously, we have to get up and tidy and not like our usual fast clean up, like there's going to be a small child in the house."
"Fuck, yeah Louise is bringing Darcy,"
"She is"
"And I still have fucking hobbit hair," Dan said, raising his hand to cover his head.
"You do," you smiled. "Stop smiling at this monstrosity," Dan glared at you.
"But it's cute," you replied, poking his dimple. "Okay you actually have to stop now."
"Okay fine," you said, pulling Dan's arm off you and getting out of bed, Dan coping your actions. "Right, well let the games begin!"
"And what, the odds be ever in our favour? Dan this is not the fucking hunger games," you joked. "Hey, you can't just bring up that film, I'm still not over the feels from the film!"
"Dan you brought up the film with the quote jesus christ."
"Well yeah, okay whatever."
"Your such a nerd, we need to start cleaning come on," you said, "I'll do the kitchen, you go for the hall and we'll both hit the lounge."
"Okay good, we've got a plan," Dan said as you walking into the kitchen, "we can do this, we're a team," he finished. "That we are squish, that we are," you replied. "WHAT TEAM?" Dan shouted. "WILDCATS" you returned. "WHAT TEAM?"
"WE GOTTA CLEAN" you finished, laughing. "Wow we're trash," Dan said from the hallway. "Definitely," you called back, emptying the dishwasher.
You and Louise we're in the kitchen, having a chat over a cup of tea when you were suddenly interrupted. "Help...... help me," Dan called, "I'm being attacked!" You smiled when you heard Darcy giggle. "I'll save you Daniel," you called back, looking to Louise who had just taken her vlogging camera out. "You sounded very heroic, if I do say so myself," she said. "What can I say, being a hero is what I do," you joked as Louise pointed the camera to you. "Babe seriously, help me," you heard Dan shout from the living room. "Oh yeah, you're being attacked," you laughed. You went to the lounge to see Dan laying on his back with Darcy sitting on his chest, covering his face with stickers. "Help," Dan cried, "this intergalactic monster is attacking me with unidentified sticky things," he continued as Darcy giggled, putting another sticker in Dan's hair. "What kind of space monster are you?" you asked Darcy, nearing her and your boyfriend. "GGGRRRRRRR," she growled in response. "Oh Dan, she's one of those monsters," you said. "She can't be?" Dan said, acting shocked. "What? What is she?" Louise asked from behind the camera as she filmed the scene. "The kind that can only be stopped by TICKLES," you said, lifting Darcy off of Dan and high into the air and spinning her in a circle. Next, you pinned her to the ground and started to tickle her and Dan joined in. Darcy rolled around laughing hysterically as you an Dan continued to tickle her.
"You two are actually the cutest," Louise gushed as you pulled Darcy into your lap, kissing the top of her head and holding her until she calmed down. "I need pictures of this," Louise continued, shutting off the camera and pulling out her phone. You quickly glanced to Dan, who was sitting on the floor beside you. He was looking at you the way you had only seen in movies, you know how the guy looks at the girl when she looks away, except you weren't looking away. "What?" you asked, rubbing your face, suddenly conscious. "Nothing," Dan smiled and pecked your cheek and you looked to the floor, praying that a huge blush wasn't about to spread across your face. "You ready?" Louise asked lifting her phone up to signal she was ready to take a picture. "Wait why are you getting pictures?" you asked. "The thumbnail for the video obviously," she replied, "and maybe twitter," she mumbled, smiling. "Okay ," you laughed. "Come on, you two Dan," Louise insisted.

Later that night after Louise and Darcy had gone home, you and Dan were sitting in the lounge beside each other in the browsing position. "Today was fun," you recalled. "It was nice wasn't it?" Dan replied. "Do you ever think about us?" he continued. "What do you mean?" you asked. "I mean, like our future."
"Yeah, I have," you smiled, "have you?"
"I think we'd have a cute family."
"You see us with a family?" you asked, pushing your laptop to the side as Dan mimicked your actions and you turned to face one another.
"Yeah don't you?" he asked, a slight hint of worry in his voice.
"I do, but tell me what you see, I'm interested."
"You're making me go first?"
"Hey I saved you from an intergalactic monster that was covering your face in, how did you put it? 'unidentified sticky things'"
"That you did, okay fine I'll go first. I see us married with 3 gorgeous children, two boys and a girl. They'll be intelligent and kind. If we're being honest, they're going to be nerdy as fuck because look at us, look at this place," he smiled, pointing around the room, and so you looked. There was pacman and tetris lamps around the room, a giant pixal mirror above the fireplace, dvds and playstation games stacked high on the shelves. You looked back to Dan, hinting for him to continue. "I want them to love reading as much as we do because it opens doors to hundreds of different worlds. I want to show them what good music is and take them to gigs when they're old enough. I'll make sure they know they're loved and I'll do anything in my power to give them the world. I want us all to be happy and healthy. I want them to be able to talk to us about anything and everything. I see us with a dog, maybe two, who knows? and I see us living until we're old and grey, proud of what we've one and the amazing people we're raised. I want-" you cut him off by leaning into him and kissing him slowly, your arms around his neck. "You are the cutest emo noodle you know that right?" you said once you had broken away. "Well, this isn't how I saw this going but fuck it," Dan said. "Wasn't how you saw what babe?" you questioned, he was rooting through the packet of haribo you had been sharing. "Will you marry me?" he asked, pulling out a jelly ring. "Are.. you... are you serious?" you stuttered. "I've never been more serious in all my life. I was going to ask in a few months because I'm waiting on the ring because I designed it myself so I'll have it soon I promise but I have honesty never been more serious about something in my whole life and I don't even know how I just asked you because I've honestly been so nervous because I love you so much but if you don't want to its fine I-" you cut him off again with another kiss. "Yes," you smiled. "Wait what?" Dan asked, shocked. "I said yes, I'm going to marry you, you waffley twat," you laughed. "Are you serious?" Dan was staring at you, still in shock. "I'm as serious as you were two seconds ago, I've never been more sure of something in my life." Dan kissed you before placing the jelly ring on your finger. A tear fell and hit his hand. "You're crying,why are you crying?" Dan quizzed. "Because I'm so fucking happy right now its not even happy its better than happy," you gushed. "Well I don't expect you to keep a jelly ring on your finger until the other one arrives so lets eat it," Dan said, reaching for your hand. "No, wait," you said, quickly pulling your hand out of his reach. "What am I waiting for?" he asked. "I need a picture," you replied, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "But it's not the actual ring babe, well not yet anyway."
"Well when the other ring comes, we can just recreate the pictures we're about to take with my ring."
"The jelly ring?"
"Yes my original engagement ring, the jelly ring," you laughed. "Okay then," Dan smiled. He pulled you onto his lap and kissed your cheek. You opened the camera app on your phone and took a picture of your hand and then another of you and Dan, your haribo ring on show. "I love you," you said, a smile spreading across your face once again. "I love you more," Dan said, before placing a kiss on your lips.

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