Dad!Dean Winchester

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Dean pulled up outside the giant brick building putting the impala in park before turning back to get a complete look of the place. It looked sad, cold even, and hard everything his daughter was not, surely this couldn't be the place he was expected to leave his kid-the one thing he loved most in the world-for seven hours each day.
He looked at her through the rear-view mirror. She sat in the back seat her face pressed to the glass as she bounced in her seat excitedly. Her brand new bright purple backpack slung around her shoulders and her hair was up in pigtails, it may have taken him several tries in order to get it to look good but she had insisted and-well-Dean couldn't say no to her.
He watched as her face broke into an even bigger grin, if that was even possible, as she waved at someone through the window. Dean in turn spun around to look out the window only to see a little boy, roughly her age, with an equally big smile waving at her.
There was only one thought running through Dean's head: hell no. He reached forward to put the car back into drive when Sam's hand caught his own, anticipating this reaction. Dean shot Sam a death glare as Sam gave him the bitch face.
"Did you see what that little...thing...was doing?" Dean asked gesturing towards the little boy.
"Dude, he just wants to be her friend. You should be happy that she's making friends." Sam stated slowly already having expected this reaction.
"No guy just wants to be just friends with a girl." Dean scowled glaring at the little boy who was making faces at his daughter earning loud laughter from her.
"Dude he's five." Sam rolled his eyes, if he couldn't get Dean to let her go soon she would be late.
Dean only scoffed in response crossing his arms in a child-like fashion and glaring at the boy through the window.
"Daddy can I go now?" He heard a high-pitched voice ask from the back seat earning a small frown, why was she so excited to leave.
"Do you have everything?" He questioned.
"Yes." She answered quickly reaching for the door handle only to be disappointed to find that it was locked.
"Are you sure?" Dean asked.
"Yyyeeesss." The five year old sang.
"Pencils, books?" Dean stalled.
"Yes and yes." She answered already having answered these questions before she left the bunker.
"Notebooks-" Dean started only to be cut off by his daughter.
"Notebooks, markers, crayons, backpack, lunch, and paper. Can I go now?" She bounced in her seat in anticipation.
"But-but what about-" Dean grasped for ideas looking to Sam for help, which proved to be a mistake.
"Dude come on she's going to be late." Sam tried to reason with his brother.
"But what if she's not ready?" Dean practically shouted. "What if she gets bullied, or she doesn't like her teacher? What if she can't keep up with the other kids?"
The five-year-old rolled her eyes and sighed loudly slumping further into the back seat. She'd heard this all before and after a long talk with Uncle Sammy she learned that her daddy was just scared, he didn't mean any of what he was saying.
"Daddy." She complained as Dean turned his attention back to her.
"Can I pleeeaasseee go." She begged putting on her best puppy-dog face.
Dean gave her a skeptical look and she then knew that she almost had what she wanted, she did this a lot.
"I promise to be safe, and nice, and kind, and smart, and and and good." She rambled on thinking of anything she could say to get her daddy to let her go.
It was these words that broke him as the realization of everything hit him, his daughter was growing up and there was nothing he could do about it.
"Ok sweetheart give daddy a kiss." Dean held his arms open for his daughter over the back of the seat.
She gladly leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck pressing her lips to his cheek as he squeezed her tight pressing his lips to the top of her head.
After several moments of sitting like that she had had enough.
"Daaadddddy." She whined causing Dean to chuckle and pull back.
"Alright alright." He said holding his hands up in surrender. "I love you."
"Love you too." The she chimed reaching for the door handle and pulling it open. "Bye uncle Sammy." She called as she exited the vehicle slamming the door behind her.
Dean watched as his daughter ran straight for the boy who had waited patiently for her to get out of the car. Dean clenched his jaw in anger as he watched the boy and his daughter race towards the school building, laughing.
"I don't like him." Dean muttered crossing his arms again.
"Yes I know." Sam rolled his eyes.
"You know we could-" Dean began only to be cut off by Sam
"No Dean we are not waiting here until she finishes school."
"But it's only seven hours."

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