Derek Hale and your son

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I hummed to myself as I washed the last of the dishes. I was just finishing up cleaning the kitchen after dinner. I could hear my husband playing with our son in the other room and I smiled to myself, listening to them laughing and enjoying themselves. Just as I put the last plate up to dry, tiny feet came padding into the room.
"Mommy!" Sammy giggled, wrapping his arms around my leg tightly. I laughed and bent down, placing a kiss on top of his head.
"Are you and Daddy having fun?" I asked. he nodded happily and I looked up to see Derek standing in the doorway watching us, a few toy cars in his hands. I smiled up at him, getting a toothy grin in return.
"We're racing cars!" my son said excited. I made a sound of wonderment, getting a little laugh from him. Just as I was about to stand up, I noticed that Sammy's feet were bare.
"Where are your fuzzy socks, mister?" I asked, poking his little tummy. He squealed and took off before I could catch him. I stood up, looking at Derek.
"He took them off before I could stop him," he defended, giving me a shrug and a smile.
"Well, go catch him and put them on!" I said, walking up to him and placing a kiss on his cheek. "I don't want him to catch a cold."
"Alright, alright," he agreed, placing his lips on mine briefly before walking into the living room after our son. "Sam, come here!"
I went back to Derek and I's bedroom and jumped into the shower, changing into pajamas after. Just as I was opening the door to go back to the living room and see my boys, Sammy came running down the hall laughing, Derek following close behind, fuzzy socks flailing around in his hands.
"What is going on?" I laughed. Derek stopped and turned to look at me.
"He won't keep the socks on!" he told me, taking a deep breath. "And you know, he's fast for a three year old."
"That would be because he is half his dad," I explained, walking up and putting my hands on his firm chest. "Werewolf."
"Right," Derek sighed.
"Let's go catch him. Maybe we can do it together." He smiled down at me and nodded, leading me into the next room after the toddler. We chased him around until we were finally able to snatch him up, putting his socks on his feet. By the time we got him, though, he was all tuckered out and ready for bed. Derek and I took him back and tucked him in, taking his socks off so he wouldn't get too hot, and giving him good night kisses.
"That wasn't so bad," Derek said, leading me to our bedroom. I nodded and let out a small chuckle. We crawled into bed, curling up under the covers and kissing goodnight.
"We'll just have to do it again tomorrow," I reminded him, hearing a loud groan.

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