Dean Winchester and your son

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"Mommy! Look!" he points towards a man facing away from you, "That man told me that he knows you!" your son tugged on your sleeve.
"Who?" you asked as you kneeled next to him.
"Him! the man who's walking towards us!" your son pointed again at a man wearing flannel and walking towards you.
"Oh my-" you stood up as shock left you speechless.
He laughed, "(Y/n)?" he said as he tried to get you talking.
"Umm-" you snapped out of it and gave a laugh, "yeah, you're- Dean? Dean Winchester?"
"Yeah, we went to high school together! Sophe-
"-more year," you both said in unison.
Your son tugged on his sleeve, "you promised me ice cream," which caused the both of you to laugh again.
"Yeah," Dean looked at you, "Do you wanna get some ice cream, I'll pay?"
You thought about it for a second then nodded. Dean smiled back at you as you opened your hand for your son to take. But your hand was empty.You looked down and found your son holding hands with Dean.

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