Tony Stark

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"Oh my god I'm so nervous!" You whined. "You'll be fine, stop worrying I'm sure they are really nice people." Said Grace comfortingly. "We're here." Said the taxi driver abruptly. You froze for a minute, just staring at the house in which you would soon be living with three guys you'd never met. "L...Lets go." you stuttered, Grace reassuringly patting your shoulder as the two of you slid out of the car. "It's a bit isolated isn't it, why did you choose here again?" Grace questioned. "I like it here, it's good for my art." you shrugged. As you finally reached the end of the massive driveway, you heard a car engine approaching from behind, watching as it pulled up to the front of the house, it stopped as a dark haired man got out.
As you got closer, Grace whispered in your ear, "Wow, he is so hot.", "He's alright I suppose, he looks like he could be a bit of a jerk though." You muttered disregarding her comment. As you finally approached the man, he turned and smiled "Hi, my name is Tony Stark, you must be Y/N and... sorry but I'm not sure I got your name?" he asked as confidently as you would expect coming from a genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist. "Hi, I'm Grace," your friend giggled, twirling a stray piece of hair around her finger, completely elbowing you out of the way at a chance to get closer to the man you now knew as Tony Stark. "Don't you have to go now Grace?" you retorted, raising an eyebrow questioningly at your friend. "Uh... yeah sure I guess, bye Tony." Grace said as she uncertainly made her way back down the driveway.
"Would you like help with your bags?" Tony asked. "Umm yeah if you wouldn't mind thanks, I could use a little help." you replied. As the two of you climbed the steps to the front door you suddenly got incredibly nervous, and wished you hadn't sent Grace away. Tony flung the front door open and strutted in with an air of importance and shouted "Steve, Bucky she's here, what are you guys doing? Wait... don't actually answer that." What seemed like a few seconds later two men burst through the door to the left of tony, both breathless and covered in what seemed like whipped cream.
"Oh shit, sorry we uh didn't realize you were going to be here so early. Um we were just um making a trifle..." blushed Steve whilst Bucky just grinned from behind him. "Is that what they call it nowadays." chuckled Tony, turning to you "Just ignore these two, they are still in the honeymoon phase, come on I'll show you your room." He grinned. Following Tony, speechless, to the second floor he pushed open the door to the left "So this is your room, I hope you like it, I'm only down the hall if you ever need anything okay?" He smiled fondly. "Oh, yeah this is great, thank you" You nervously muttered. "I'll leave you too get settled in and dinner should be ready in about half an hour." Tony smirked, bowing out of the room. Leaving you alone for the first time since getting here, immediately leaving you feeling lost.
You freshened up, unpacked, and made your way downstairs. Standing nervously in the hall for moment unsure on where to go, you heard Tony's laugh from the room on the left, so reassuring and safe that you felt yourself gravitating towards it without another thought. Cautiously pushing open the door you stepped inside the grandest kitchen you'd ever seen. Stood around a granite counter was Tony and the other two whose names had already left your mind. "Hi I'm Bucky and this is Steve, I don't think we have been properly introduced yet" said Bucky winking at you cheekily whilst Steve gently shoved him in the shoulder.
As the four of you sat down at the table to enjoy a mundanely normal meal of pizza. "So what kind of things are you into?" Tony asked mouth stuffed with cheese. "Oh you'd find it really boring to be honest." you muttered shyly, a light blush colouring your cheeks. "No, no I want to know, I'm sure it's not boring at all." he assured. "Okay well I'm an artist, I guess." you murmured almost unintelligibly. "See that's not boring at all, I would love to see some of your work sometime. " Tony replied grinning widely at you. "Thanks, I was thinking about drawing some of the landscapes around here." you replied excitedly, quickly realising what you had just said, blushing and looking away. "Sorry, I get too carried away sometimes." you apologised. "Don't ever be sorry for what you enjoy I think it's amazing, I can show you some of the best places around here if you would like?" Asked Tony whilst leaning over the table to place a hand comfortingly on yours. "I would love that thank you!" you smiled, cheeks still a bright red.
You woke up the next day, slightly groggy from staying up late with Tony, drinking too much of his fancy wine and telling him too much about your pathetic life. You sat up as you heard a loud knock at your door "Come in." you called sleepily. "Hi, I wasn't sure if you were up yet, Tony isn't. How much did you guys drink last night?" Asked Steve still slightly nervous around you. "Way too much, my head is killing me" you moaned, throwing your arm across your eyes. "I thought so, anyway I wondered whether you wanted some pancakes, no whipped cream unfortunately though, Bucky's making them and they taste amazing but I brought you some water and aspirin anyway" gushed Steve, cheeks tinted pick "Aww thank you I'll come down now! Pancakes sound amazing right now!" you replied, a wide grin on your face. As you and Steve reached the bottom of the stairs, he turned to face you "I'm sorry about yesterday, I hope you weren't embarrassed by us" Steve nervously apologized, wringing his hands in front of him. "Don't worry about it, you guys are cute." you assured, placing a hand comfortingly on his bicep. As you sat down to eat your pancakes Tony walked in "Morning Y/N, did you sleep okay?" he asked. "Morning yeah thank you it was great." you said whilst thinking about how good he looked first thing in the morning.
"I was wondering if you wanted me to show you around the grounds and stuff today." Tony asked whilst sipping on a cup of coffee. "Yeah sure that'll be great thanks I'll just go get ready then." you replied, hurrying of to get ready, eager to spend more time with Tony. "Hey Y/N are you ready?" called Tony from the other side of the door "Yeah I'm coming now." you replied, grabbing your jacket and phone from the side. Once outside Tony went straight to a forest trail, which took you all the way to the top of a hill, stopping at times to show you things or tell you about the history of the place. When the two of you reached the top he turned to you hopefully "What do you think?" He asked. "It's beautiful!" you exclaimed astonished by how amazing everything looked from up here. "Just like you." Tony said grabbing your small hand and pulling you against his broad chest.
"T...T...Tony..." you stuttered, interrupted by Tony's lips crashing down on yours as his hands caressed your hips. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself, I've wanted to do that since the moment I saw you." Tony said still holding you tight against him, smiling adoringly down at you. "Is that what you say to all the girls?" you questioned, eyebrows raised. "Yes." He admitted, "But I don't bring them all here." Tony chuckled, a small smile on his lips. "You're different Y/N I think... I love you." Tony blushed, letting go of you to turn away. Grabbed him, you spun him back round to face you "I love you too." you whispered, latching your lips back onto his. Tony froze for a moment, and then pushed your back against a tree whist kissing down your neck. "Should we finish this at home?" you whispered. "Your room or mine?" he asked in a voice that made your insides melt. "Yours" you murmured against his lips as he scooped you up and carried you back down the hill....

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