Teenage Sam Winchester

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"Only two more months. Two more months and I'm free", you whispered to yourself as you wrote the number over and over again in your notebook. Less than sixty days and high school would be forever over for you and the only thing that was still between you and your freedom were the finals.
You peaked over to the other side of the room where Abigail and her friends sat. Those girls with the long tanned legs and the manicured fingernails and their boyfriends from the school's football team were also called the "cool kids". More than once in your life you'd wished to be one of them. To be invited to one of their parties and to sit at their table in the cafeteria. Their table which was the most popular place to eat in the whole school.
It was unnecessary to add that you didn't belonged to them. That you never would be one of them. Not you, the girl with the comic shirt and the growing love for NSYNC. Nope, you definitely were not cool enough for them and you secretly hated it. Secretly the only thing you ever wanted was to belong to something. Like everyone does.
"May I have your attention?", the voice of the teacher echoed loud through the room and all the ongoing conversations suddenly stopped. Even Abigail and her wolf pack became quiet for a second or two.
An overly attractive guy with medium brown hair, which was styled like it used to be longer for a long time, and a plaid shirt walked in. He was tall and a handsome smile spread over his face. A smile that didn't seemed to belong into a high school. No one smiled here, especially not in the math class by Mr Parker.
"This is Sam Winchester everyone. His family moved here a few days ago. Maybe you want to introduce yourself to the class Sam?", Mr Parker asked the new guy who seemed to be a bit overwhelmed with the situation. He almost looked like he was nervous, which you couldn't believe. You'd never seen anyone but you to be nervous while speaking infront of a crowd of people. So maybe it was just your head that was making things up. Maybe Sam Winchester wasn't nervous, maybe he was just speechless and needed his time to get his eyes off of Abigail.
The latter was definitely having her eyes on Sam and you bet that if eyes were able to speak, her's would've probably screamed 'Mine! You're mine'.
Sam cleared his throat after a while and let his gaze wander across the room until his eyes suddenly stopped at you. He looked at you with such itensity that you had to look away or otherwise you'd be blushing like a red tomato. Why was he staring at you?
"My name's Sam. I'm 17 and turn 18 in a few weeks", Sam started and you could swear that every girl in class was staring at him but you. You kept looking down and stared at the numbers in your notebook. He had a beautiful voice. A voice that was made to tell stories and to laugh a lot. A voice that you wanted to hear again. "And I am new", the whole class started to laugh and Mr Parker requested him to take a free seat.
There were only two empty tables in the room. The place between Abigail and some other girl with perfectly sun kissed skin or the table right next to you in the back row. Sam's eyes quickly travelled to you and then to Abigail and back to you, before he took his stuff and sat down next to the blonde girl in the front row, who now turned around and showed you her (also beautiful and perfect) pierced tongue.
God, you hated that bitch.
The cafeteria was as full like always. The table with Abigail and the other cool kids was surrounded by lots of other students. Some of them ate while standing next to the table, only in the sake of being close to that blonde bitch. Only to be able to hear the newest gossip and to see what the high school's high society was wearing and eating today. How their make up was done and to hear which party on the upcoming weekend would be good enough for them.
You expected the new guy to sit at this table as well, but your expectations turned out to be wrong as Sam walked into the cafeteria, grabbed one of the silver trays and headed right to your table. Your table where you used to spent your lunchtime alone. It had been like this right from the start and you didn't expected it to change in the last two months of school.
"Abigail and the others sit at the table next to the windows", you said when Sam had reached you. You didn't looked up from your own food. You didn't greeted him in any way and , even more unlikely, thought that he might wanted to eat with you.
"I saw them and they also invited me to eat with them but I'd rather sit here if that's okay for you?", Sam asked and you gave him an perplexed look. Had he really just said that?
"Uhm no", you managed to stutter. "I mean no, it's no problem." You blushed and an anxious feeling build inside of your stomach. Sam Winchester took his silver tray that was stacked with food and placed it right next to you like nothing had happened. Like it was totally normal so sit next to you.
"What's your name?", Sam then asked and took a bite of his tomato sandwich. He had asked you this in such a casual tone and sounded like he actually wanted to have a conversation with you. Maybe he wasn't like the other "cool kids"? The thought of Sam Winchester being just like you flashed your mind and you quickly shook your head, so the thought would disappear. But it was too late.
"I'm Y/N", you said and a smile appeared on Sam's face. He looked good, you thought to yourself. Damn he looked really good.
An awkward silence reigned between the two of you where Sam continued eating his sandwich and you caught yourself by staring at him way more often than it could be considered as normal. His eyes seemed to change the color depending on the light and the angle you were looking at his face. His hair looked soft and you ached to touch it. And his smell! Great god you didn't wanted to hit on him but he smelled so good.
"Is there something on my face or why are you looking at me in such a creepy way?", Sam suddenly joked and you could feel the heat in your face immediately.
"Why are you sitting here with me Sam? Why are you not with Abigail?", you bursted out and a small crease formed between his brows. Then he laughed.
"Abigail? Why the hell should I?"
"Because, because", you started and buried your face into your own hands. "Because you sat down next to her in math? And why she's so beautiful? And because I am weird? And because of one hundred other reasons?"
"If I would sit down next to a girl only because she's beautiful, you'd be my first choice trust me Y/N. But Abigail and Beth had a math book which I don't have yet. And there wasn't a math book on your table so I sat next to the other girls because I wanted to check out the book." Sam explained and looked like he believed his actions must have been obvious.
"Say that again", you mumbled and peered through your fingers. Sam was grinning at you.
"Abigail had a math -", he started but you cutt him off.
"I meant the other part. Where you claimed that I am beautiful, which I am obviously not."
Sam started to laugh. He laughed a loud and sincere laugh which made your heart jump in your chest. He was so friendly and sweet. Where had he been all those years?
"You are really beautiful Y/N", Sam said after he'd calmed down from his laughter. The school bell rang and this special moment between you, whatever it had been, was over. With a last wink Sam disappeared into the crowd and you were left alone.
For the first time in your life you didn't felt the need to fit in anymore. To be one of the "cool kids". You only wanted to be friends with Sam Winchester and somehow you felt like you could actually survive that last two months of high school.

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