Dean Winchester AU Part One

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Christmas AU
By the way you're and elf
"Hey y/n Santa wants to see you in his office right away"
You look up from your work and nod at the other elf "Thank you I'll go right now" you tell her standing up from your chair and walking through the workshop towards Santa's office.
Along the way you saw all the piles of toys and presents and couldn't help but smile, but then it fell, why does santa want to see you you thought to yourself, had you done something wrong?
You sighed and tried to push all those negative thoughts away when you reached the huge mahogany doors, you lift your hand and knocked three times on the door.
It opened as if by magic and you stepped in and saw Santa going over the naughty and nice list one last time before the big day " You wanted to see me Santa" You asked stepping over paper and approaching his huge desk.
He looked up and got a huge smile on his face "Yes y/n" He said standing up and and grabbing a folded piece of paper off his desk then moving to where you stood "I received a letter today from a little boy named Ben, he's worried that his family has lost christmas spirit, I need you to go to Kansas and see if you can bring some spirit back to the family".
You listened while every second your excitement grew, you would finally have a chance to see what life was like outside of the workshop, when Santa finished you eagerly nodded your head and said "Really I get to see what it's like out there oh wow thank you thank you santa" you said hugging him.
He laughed his belly laugh and hugged you back, when he pulled away he had a snow globe in his hand "It's time to show you the family" He said and then an image appeared on the screen of a little boy with dark brown hair and a smile that lit up his whole face "this is Ben, he's slowly starting to lose faith in christmas" then another image showed up "This is charlie, she has all but lost faith in the holiday, she's Ben's older sister" the image depicted a young girl with fiery red hair and bright green eye.
You looked up at Santa in shock "They are both so young and they've already started to lose the magic of christmas?"
"Sadly yes that's why I need you to bring back that joy to their lives" He said reaching up and squeezing your shoulder then turning back to the snow globe and continuing "Last but not least is their father Dean, he's a workaholic and often times spends long hours away from his children especially during the holiday's, he own a retail store and now is the busiest time of the year for them, he has no christmas spirit at all and it's rubbing off on the kids, he's going to be the hardest one to get to but I know you can do it y/n" Santa said giving you the snow globe that held the picture of a man with Emerald green eyes much like his daughter and dark blonde hair like his son.
You looked at the snowglobe and then back up to Santa "I'm ready".
He laughed "I knew you would be, mrs. claus took the liberty of picking you out some clothing and an apartment while you're in Kansas, you have a job interview tomorrow for the babysitting position Dean sent out and finally this purse will give you all the money you need, and remember that your not supposed to get attached to any of them alright, that's the number one rule" He said handing you a bag and a set of keys.
You were worried for a second and then just let it go
"are you ready y/n" he asked
You eagerly nodded your head yes while Santa grinned at you "alright here we go" he said flicking his wrist and sending you to Kansas to help the winchesters out for the holidays.

Now settled in your little apartment you set off for the store the winchesters owned for your job interview, you pull up to a massive store and get out of your car then walk to the front desk and ask for Dean.
A moment later a tall man with muscular arms and defined shoulders walks up to you and holds out his hand "Dean winchester, it's a pleasure to meet you" he said in a low gruff voice that gave you goose bumps.
You lift your hand to shake his and stutter "The pleasures all mine, I'm y/n, I sent in a resume for the babysitting position".
His face perks up "Yes follow me I have your file back in my office" he said turning and walking away.
You run to catch up with his long strides and look around the store, your store is wonderful I love all the christmas decorations you say walking into his office behind him.
"Yeah I guess, you could say that, I just can't wait for it to be over he said picking up a file and glancing over it.
You hold in a scoff and think to yourself that this was going to be harder than you thought.
Dean was about to say something when his phone started to ring, he fished it out of his pocket and looked at the caller I.D and then looked back at you "Do you mind if I take this real quick" he asked.
"No it's fine go ahead" you said flashing him a smile.
He smiled back and stood up from his chair and stepping out of the office, you took the time to come up with a plan, obviously Dean wasn't going to be easy to crack so you had to find some way to get to the kids, they were likely your best shot at making Dean realize how far he had fallen, the only problem was you had to first, get the job, and second, get the kids to believe, but before you could think of what to do next Dean came back in an annoyed expression on his face.
"I just got off the phone with my partner and he wants to have a meeting in an hour, but the kids get out of school and I don't have time to find somebody else, would you mind starting now, I looked over your file and you're more than qualified, plus now that I met you I think the kids will really like you" He asked his green eyes begging you.
Well that was easier than you thought it would, get the job check, now you just half to work on the kids "I would love to meet the kids, I can come by in an hour or do you want me to just follow you" you asked standing up and gathering your things.
He sighed in relief "thank you so much Y/n, I'll make sure you get payed a little more for starting on such short notice" he said walking out of the office behind you and then closing and locking the door "If you wouldn't mind you can just follow me so you don't half to ask for directions, My car is just over here" he approached a sleek black car.
"oh wow, It's beautiful Dean" you said walking towards it to get a better look.
"Thank you" his face lit up "this is a 67 chevy impala, I got it from my dad before he passed away" he said running his hands over the car lovingly, then he snapped back into business mode "just follow me I'll slow down a little so you can keep up" he said getting into his car and giving you a flirty wink.
Your heart skipped a beat when you turned to get into your own car, you had no idea what to think you had never felt anything like it before so you pushed off to the side for examination later then started your car and followed the impala down the road.

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