I guess we would be camping out here tonight then. I fold my arms across my chest and stare out the window at my classmates who are leaving the building. I see Emery, Shannon and Garrett leaving and when my eyes rest on Emery he gives me a small smile and waves.

“Amber, I love you so much and it hurts me that it has come to this between us. Boys will come and go but I’m your mother for life.”

Will Smith was right: parents just don’t understand. I wasn’t giving her the silent treatment because of Emery. She was downplaying my feelings and not taking them into regard when it came to her and Mitch. That was why I was giving her the silent treatment.

I made no move to look at her. She can force me to a lot of things but she can’t make me talk. I hear her sigh again, this time heavier than the last. She starts the car and pulls out of the drop off/pick up zone.

The ride home is an awkward twenty minutes of silence. Once my mom pulls into the garage and parks I jump out of the car. I rush inside the house and into my room. I slam the door and flop down on my bed.

A few seconds later my mom taps on the door and opens it. I peek up at her as she slowly enters my room.

“Mitch will be dropping by in a few hours. He wants to take me dinner. Do you want to join us?”

She was joking right? Why would I want to join them for dinner? I guess my silence gave her my answer.

“Fine. When you get hungry you can order pizza.”

She backs out of my room and closes the door. Seconds later she barges back in.

“No! I am not going to play this game with you Amber. Talk to me or you can forget out the class trip at the end of next month and prom too if you think I’m playing.”

I sat up in my bed and I’m sure the look on face displays my shock. Was she serious?

“Fine! You want me to talk? I may be young and there are tons of life experiences ahead of me but I know that Emery will be in the picture experiencing them with me. If you want to be with Mitch, then fine. But know this, when I leave for college that will be the last time you see me!”

My mom just shakes her head. “You don’t mean that.” she whispers.

“Well then don’t choose a man over me.” I counter.

“Don’t I deserve to be happy too?” she begins to sniffle.

I want to roll my eyes. “Mommy you can be…just with someone who isn’t my boyfriend’s uncle.”

We stare at each and I can my mother is thinking over our words. She starts to back out of my room.

“We’ll talk some more later tonight.”

I watch her until she disappears. I turn back onto my stomach and bury my face into my pillow.


My relationship with my daughter was going downhill and fast. All because the heart wants what the heart wants. If I could wave a magic wand and make Mitch not be Emery’s uncle I would do it in a heartbeat!

I desperately to mend things with her but it didn’t look like that would happen. I still was in shock that Amber threatened to write me out of her life when she went off to college. Was Emery that important to her?

“Vivian, what’s wrong baby?”

Mitch’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts. He reached across the table we sat at and placed his hands on top of mine. I blew out a breath.

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