Chapter 41

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After practice I head into the locker room to change. I grab my phone from my locker and see a text from Amber which informs me that she is at the mall getting Shannon’s gift. I change quickly and head to the parking lot. I call Amber as I approach my car.

“Hey, how was practice?” she asks when she answers the call.

“Great. We’re ready for tomorrow. Are you at home?”

“Nope, I’m at Shannon’s. Hurry up and get here.”

I smile. “All right. See you in twenty minutes.”

I end the call and get into my car. I start the engine and head home. I pull into the driveway and as soon as I get out the front door opens. Amber rushes out and jumps on me. She wraps her arms around my neck and I hug her tight as I close the driver side door.

“Someone’s happy to see me.” I tease her with a smile while placing her on her feet.

She smiles up at me. “It’s no surprise that I am. I’m staying for dinner so come on.”

She grabs my hand and pulls me inside the house. We go into the dining room and join Shannon and her parents.

“Remember sweetheart that this party is to be over at midnight.” Shannon’s dad states while forking some of his food into his mouth.

Shannon nods. “Yes I know.”

“I hope you all have fun.” her mother chimes in.

“Of course we will.” Amber states with a smile.

We all enjoy the rest of dinner and afterwards I take Amber home for the evening. I park on the curb, shut off the engine and turn to Amber.

“Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?” I ask her.

“No I can ride with Shannon. I’ll ride with you to the party though.” she tells me before pulling me to her.

She places a kiss on my lips and hugs my neck.

“See you tomorrow.” she whispers and gets out of the car.

I watch her until she goes into the house and disappears. I start the engine back up and head back home. When I enter the house I head straight to my room to rest for the upcoming day.

I pull my sheets back on the bed and climb inside. I turn off the light and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

I wake the next morning around seven o’clock. I get out of bed and yawn and stretch. I am pumped about the game today and since I have time to kill I go into the home gym Shannon’s dad installed over a year ago. I decide to work out for an hour.

I lift some weights for half an hour and then run on the treadmill for the last half hour. I am sweating a bit when I finish so I go into the bathroom and instead of a shower I start a bath so I can soak my muscles to prevent a cramp during the game.

I sit in the tub for forty-five minutes and feel so relaxed when I get out. I dry off and dress in a regular tee with white basketball shorts. I go downstairs and fix a quick breakfast since Shannon’s mom is still asleep.

I eat my food at the dining table and when I’m done Shannon comes downstairs. She enters the kitchen as I am cleaning my bowl.

“Morning.” she smiles at me.

“Good morning and happy birthday.” I smile back.

“Thanks! Excited for today?” she asks as she opens the fridge and pulls out the jug of orange juice.

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