Chapter 30

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I got into my car and contemplated heading right to Amber’s house. I didn’t have practice today and I didn’t want to head to Shannon’s place in case she had an urge to kick my ass, keeping her promise to hurt me if I hurt Amber.

I blew out a breath as I started my car and drove out of the parking lot. As I was heading down the street I noticed a car was following me turn for turn. I pulled into a gas station and the car parked next to me. I looked to my right and saw Noelle smiling at me. What the hell was wrong with this chick?

I got out of my car and moved to hers. I tapped on the driver’s side window and she rolled it down, still smiling at me.

“Why are you following me?”

She pouts. “I just want to talk. Can you spare five minutes.”

“I’ll give you one minute and you better start by telling me why you did this.” I growl at her.

“I didn’t do anything.” she says trying to portray her innocence.

I sigh and kneel down so I can look Noelle in her eyes. “Noelle, I don’t love you okay. It was just sex between us. I love Amber and nothing that you say or do will change that.”

“Emery forget about that girl! If she cares so much why did she break up with you?”

Was she serious? “She broke up with me over a lie and I plan on fixing this.”

I stand up straight and walk back to my car. I get inside and start the engine. I pull out of my spot and head towards Amber’s house. I blow out a sigh of relief when I don’t see Noelle following me.

I pull up to Amber’s house and park on the curb. I get out of my car and before I can even close the door Amber appears at her door with her arms folded across her chest.

“What part of ‘give me a while’ did you not understand?” she frowns at me when our eyes lock.

I rush up to her and reach out to take her hands but she jerks away from me. I drop my head in defeat and step back from her. When I lift my head to look at her I see a tear in her eye.

“Baby please. Give me five minutes; what I have to say is very important.”

She shakes her head no. “Emery, if you keep on pushing me the little hope you had for us getting back together will be nonexistent. Let me cool off and then we will talk.”

Before I could respond she steps back into her house and closes the door on me once again. This was crazy and I needed for this to end. I went to my car and grabbed my recent STD results from the glove compartment. I fold it up and place it in Amber’s mailbox. Hopefully she would look over it and believe me.

I get back into my car and head to Shannon’s house. As soon as I walk in Shannon rushes up to me and pushes my shoulder.

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