60. #71 Evgeni Malkin (Pittsburgh Penguins)

Start from the beginning

"No. But I know to respect women."

In a next moment, Ralph skates to you and looks first at Lucic and Malkin, who are both tugging on their gloves and then at you: 'Everything okay, new girl?"

"Everything's fine, thank you."
"So drop the puck already."

The cold rubber in your hands feels heavier before you drop it. And seeing two hockey players glaring daggers at each other doesn't help. You gulp hard and ask: "You guys ready?"
"Just drop it, sweet cheeks."

Geno slaps his stick away and mumbles quietly: "Shut up."

"Wanna go, Russian boy?"

"Let's go."

As soon as the puck hits the ice, the gloves drop and two angered players start throwing punches. They clench fists around the fabric of each other's jerseys and don't let go when hits get more furious and they have to dodge each time the fists of the opponent threaten to destroy their faces. You look around and notice other refs holding other players away. All of them are busy, so you are all alone to handle two tall and muscular players. And the fight doesn't seem to be cooling down. Quick glimpse on the fighting hockey players reveals you Evgeni's nose is driving blood and Milan's lip is cut, blood dripping on his jersey. Finally, Evgeni makes the last punch and knocks Lucic down on the ice. As soon as they hit the ice, other refs come to help you separate them.

Ralph takes Evgeni to the penalty box, while you have to take Lucic to LA's penalty box. You hook your arm under his and try to ignore the face that it makes you sick.

"Wanna join me in there?"

You push him into a box and say to the supervisor: "Punch him for me, will ya?"

"That's not over yet, babe!" he yells after you and you wince in disgust. It's not the first time a guy has picked on you, but it never felt so wrong.

As the first period continues, you charm the entire arena. You never make a wrong call and you really know what are you doing on the ice. Even the players from both teams are being respectful. Apparently, being a female ref between men won their respect...

During the first intermission you skate off the ice and join the other refs in their locker room.

"Great game, kiddo. But what happened before the puck dropped?"

You pull the helmet off your head and shake with your hair: "Nothing special."
"Didn't seem like nothing."
"I swear, everything is fine, nothing happened," you sit on a bench and unlace your skates. A strand of hair falls on your face and you absently tuck it back behind your ear, the events of the first period replaying in your mind. The thing that stands out the most is how Evgeni Malkin stood up for your even though he didn't even know you. With a deep sigh, you lean back and close your eyes. This is more exhausting than any other game you've refereed.

"Is everything okay?" Mark, the other linemen asks while unlacing his skates as well.

"Yeah. It happened so much during this first period and..."
"It's your first game. You'll get used to it. Do the players give you hard time for being a female ref?"

You could've told what Lucic had told you, but you decide you won't. After all, you are a girl among men and complaining won't help you.

"I ignore them even if they do. I am kinda used to it."

"If they will become annoying, let us know, okay?"
"Thanks, guys. I will," you smile and pull the phone out of your bag. Nothing special, just few messages of few of the players from the minors, wishing you a good luck.

"How long do we have?"
Ralph checks time on his phone: "Five minutes. We should get ready."

"But I've only just unlaced my skates!"
"This is the NHL. Come on, we have two more periods."

With a sigh, you lace your skates back up and clip your hair into a ponytail before putting a helmet on.

"Let's do this then."

"Keep up the great work out there."

The first half of second period nothing special happens, but with the score of 4:2 for Pittsburgh, Los Angeles' players are getting nervous, which reflects in penalties and profanities. And that makes you nervous, so once you accidentally make a wrong call.

"Watch the game, woman!" Gaborik yells when you don't see Nick Shore hit the boards with his head after being tripped by one of the Pens' player.

"Guess hotness doesn't mean smartness," Lucic skates by you. you exhale deeply, but before you can respond, Evgeni chases after Lucic and the brawl breaks out again. You watch the fight with horror in your eyes and in one moment you are too close, which ends up with Lucic accidentally punching you in a face, sending you on the ice. You look on the ice and see your blood coloring white surface red.

Your hand covers your nose and you try to get up, but your legs don't seem to function properly. With a corner of your eye you see Evgeni tackling Lucic on the ice and the other refs separating them, while Ralph hooks his hands under your arms and helps you up: "Are you okay? Does your head hurt? Come on, I'll take you to a doctor, okay?"
"I-I am fine. I can do this."

"No, you can't. Come on."

You hear murmuring of the crowd as you skate off the ice.

After the game you head out of the arena, holding gauze to your nose. On your wait out, few fans stop you and ask you how are you feeling or just congratulate for your first time refereeing NHL game. Even though your head is pounding, your responses are friendly. But when someone puts their hand on your shoulder, you turn your head. And notice Evgeni's bruised face and huge grin: "You okay? Great game."

"Oh, thank you. Great fights and also a game. How are you feeling?"
"I am fine. How are you?"

"I've seen better days. Listen...did you really fight for me?"
"He not respect you. He should."

"You really didn't have to get into a fight for me. But I appreciate it, though."

He gives you a huge smile: "I am Evgeni. And you are?"
"My name is Nikky."
"Pretty name for a pretty girl. Hope to see you again."
"Same. It was nice meeting you, but I have to go. See you soon!"

"Goodbye, Nikky."

Few months more pass before Evgeni and you get together. And whenever he hears anyone talk poorly about you, he is willing to drop his gloves and get into a fight. You soon become known as "The Ref Girl" around the league and soon the other teams learn is not okay to mess with you.

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