Chapter 1 | "The Name's Matt"

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Jas-chan: Okay, We, Noire_08 and I decided to make a story about 2p Canada x Reader. We hope you will enjoy it!

[Reader's P.O.V.]

Wait for it...

I closed my eyes shut while my teacher blabbered something about summer vacation and stuff.

Just a little more....

I opened my eyes and impatiently looked at our clock, which was ticking really slow from my view.



I smiled as I heard the sound of the school bell, signaling that this school year has ended and summer vacation is back!

"Okay class, enjoy your summer vacation!" Our adviser said to the whole class while she hurriedly went out of the classroom, probably trying to avoid the barrage of students rioting and wanting to get out of the classrooms. I wish you good luck, ma'am.

I stood up from my seat, not wanting to waste more time, grabbed my bag and dashed out of the classroom before anyone else can. I shouted one last thing before going out. "Good bye suckers!" After that, I finally went out.

I was still running past all the students, classrooms and lockers until suddenly, the number one bullies at this school tripped me. I fell flat on my face, anger rising up.

"What the f*** do you want?" I glared at them. I just want to go home and play Undertale 2 in my room. I don't really care about their little club and I just want to leave.

They just laughed but I really didn't care. I got up and sprinted away from them, using my athletic skills on how fast I can be. I am NEVER gonna miss those losers!

I immediately ran out of the school, and started making my way home. My house is just walking distance from my school so I didn't had any problems on getting home. It took me around 15 minutes to arrive back at home.

As I reached home, I did my little happy dance before getting my keys from my pockets. I opened the door and put my shoes on the shoe rack. "I'm home." I shouted. I went to the living room and saw my parents talking probably to their "close friends" that they had been talking about.

"Ah, [name]. Welcome back. Change your clothes and come back down here. We have some news for you." I nodded and went to my [fav color] room. I changed into my [fav color] shirt and shorts. I went down and greeted with a fake smile. "What is it mom?" I asked.

"These are my close friends that I had been talking to you about. The young gentleman here is their son, Matt." I looked at the boy she was referring to and put on a fake smile. "Hello, I'm [name]." I fakely smiled at him. He just waved his hand and lazily removed his shades.

"The name's Matt." He looked away lazily. Well I think that was a good impression? I don't even know anymore. I looked at my mom and she forced a smile. "Now, your father, these people and I are gonna go on a business trip. We wanted both of you to get to know each other rather than spending your summer in your room. Since both of you are old enough. We decided to let both of you live with each other here." My mom clapped her hands together.

I tilted my head in confusion. Business trip? Close friends? Matt? I didn't follow on what she was hinting at. I did heard everything but need more details.

"Well, [name], Matt, enjoy your summer. Because we have to go now." My parents kissed my forehead and all of them went off. "Oh, and Matt, your room is at the left corridor, at the end of the hall." My mom reminded Matt as he just nodded.

Matt looked around and grabbed his things. "This place is great and stuff." He said before going up. You have got to be kidding me. I stood there, dumbfounded, still processing on what was going on. Then I just realized.



Mom and Dad: Go and Spend Summer with Matt.
[name]: No!
Parents: You have no choice! *leaves you with Matt*
Matt: I didn't even want to come here in the first place.

Word Count: [733]

Once Upon a Summer [2p Canada x Reader] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now