The incident that Beca was referring to occured almost two years ago when the Barden Bellas had just moved into their very own place together. It was a Friday night and Beca was out at a fellow musician's flat to work on a set of tracks; a few of the Bellas meanwhile were at a club.

Chloe came home that night fairly intoxicated- not completely wasted, but enough to be slurring her words and falling over every now and then. Cynthia Rose and Amy propped her up through the front door of the house, and then slowly helped her up the stairs.

'I...I wan Bec', she slurred, halfway up the staircase.

'What does she want?', CR asked Amy.

'Beca', Chloe told her, making sure her pronunciation was clearer this time by hardening the 'b' sound.

Fat Amy stopped to steady the grip of her arm under the redhead's armpits, then carried on with the haul.

'Is she home?', Chloe asked- her face a picture of innocence.

'She's not here', CR informed her friend. 'I told you they secretly like each other', she harshly whispered to Amy.

Once the peak of the mountainous staircase had been reached, the girls left Chloe to make her own way to her room. However, in her drunken state, Chloe wasn't even considering going to her room- all she could think about was seeing Beca. So off she went to search for her friend.

Stumbling up another small staircase to where the brunette slept, Chloe knocked on the door.

'Beca?', she whispered to the door, 'I'm coming in, okay?'

She let herself into the room, and despite being told numerous times that Beca wasn't at home, she still appeared to be surprised when she couldn't see her. Nevertheless, the redhead tip-toed over to the bed, and sat on the edge of the mattress.

'It's late', she yawned.

All of a sudden, she began to undress, haphazardly throwing her skirt and blouse onto the floor, as well as her bra and tights; oddly, she decided to leave her lace, hipster briefs on. Sighing deeply, she casually glanced over at the desk chair on the opposite side of the room. There, she noticed, was a plaid shirt.

'You'll do'

Chloe sauntered over to the chair. Next, she slid on the plaid shirt, which was grey, white and black in colour. It was a comfortable fit, covering just enough of her bottom half to leave something to the imagination. When she returned to Beca's bed, she fell asleep almost instantly on top of the sheets.

The following morning, Beca was greeted by Cynthia Rose, who told her that Chloe had gotten drunk the night before and kept asking after her.

'Is she okay?'

'She's gonna have a hangover from hell today, that's for sure'

The brunette strolled upstairs to put her bag in her room, with the intentions of visiting Chloe's room after to check on the girl. When she opened her door, she let out a gasp as she saw who was laying on her bed. Beca was a little confused, but didn't want to wake the sleeping Bella, so she just silently wandered over to her desk to put her bag down.

Then, she turned around and saw what she was wearing.

It was as if Chloe had some kind of sixth sense, because she woke up almost as soon as Beca had laid eyes on her. She rubbed at her face, stretched, then clutched at her head with a frown. It took her a moment before she noticed Beca staring at her.

'Oh...Becs I'm sorry', she yawned. 'I don't know why I'm in here', she added with a slight laugh.

'I heard you got pretty drunk last night- that might have something to do with it'

The redhead gradually lifted herself from the mattress, and once she was off it, she stretched her arms way above her head. When she did this, the plaid shirt raised up too, and a sneak peek of a pert bottom in white hipster briefs was revealed. Beca felt her cheeks go red, and a weird, fluttery sensation happen in her chest; she averted her eyes.


'Yeah?', Chloe answered, yawning and stretching still.

'Why are you...wearing my shirt?'

The ginger looked down at her torso. After a few seconds of contemplation and eyebrow-furrowing, she ended up remembering what she had done just before she slept.

'I came in here to look for you', she began to explain, 'You were out, so I guess I got undressed and put on the closest piece of clean clothing I could find. Then I went to sleep here'

'Okay, that's understandable'

'I'm gonna go for a shower now', Chloe said as she made her way towards the door, 'I'll give you your shirt afterwards- even though it's really comfortable'

Beca scratched her head in thought, then replied, 'You can keep the shirt. It suits you better anyway'

'Are you sure?'

'I'm sure', Beca smiled. Then, as Chloe was about to approach her for a hug, she said, 'Oh, don't forget your clothes from last night', and went to fetch the pile of clothing beside the bed.

When she returned to the doorway with Chloe's blouse, skirt, tights and bra in her hands, she passed them over to her friend.

'Thanks, Beca. Love you', the redhead smiled gratefully, pulling the girl in for a hug.

It was moments like this that made Beca want to pick Chloe up, wrap her legs around her waist and kiss her. She thought it was weird of her to be thinking about stuff like that- to be thinking about her friend like that- but little did she know, Chloe was thinking the exact same thing.
The brunette always tried to keep their hugs short and sweet like the ones she gave to the other Bellas, but every time she felt Chloe's arms slide around her back or her hands hold onto her neck, she couldn't help but hang on a few seconds longer. On some level, Chloe knew this, and hugged her even tighter for it. Who would have guessed that out of all the people the redhead had embraced in her lifetime that a moody, hard-faced DJ would give her the warmest and most meaningful ones of all?

'Love you too', Beca whispered into fiery, red hair.
'Where did that shirt go?'

'It got ruined when Amy washed it that time, remember?', Chloe answered.

'I'll buy you another to replace it'

'Just so you can check me out in it', Chloe teased with a wink.

Beca thought about her reply, then concluded, 'Pretty much, yeah'

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