Chapter Twenty Five

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-I'm home. Thanks for letting me stay x-

-You're welcome, Becs x-

Beca was messaging Chloe as she was getting her things together for work that week. It was unusual for her to not be looking forward to DJing, but her boss was really starting to irritate her with his patronising tone.

Meanwhile, Chloe was messaging Cynthia Rose and Emily on Facebook.

Cynthia: -Has Beca gone home?-

Chloe: -She left this morning, why?-

Emily: -She promised Cynthia and I that she would give us a mix that she had worked on :(-

Chloe: -Oh, sorry :( You should have said-
Chloe: -Wait, I have an idea-

Cynthia: -What?-

Chloe: -I wouldn't mind going to Beca's to pick it up, if you want?-

Cynthia: -Oh sure, you wouldn't mind ;)-

Chloe: -Ssh! I'll go to visit her sometime next week if I can get a flight-

So the redhead set to work on getting Beca's address for a surprise visit.

-Can I have your address? CR is making wedding invitations and her messages aren't sending to you x-

Beca replied with her address, then Chloe scoured the internet for a flight the next weekend. Fortunately, it didn't take her long before she found one for Saturday morning.

'Perfect', Chloe said to herself.
The week was passing much too slowly for Chloe, who was waiting for the weekend. The week was also passing slowly for Beca, who was regularly being irritated by her boss. He underestimated the brunette's talents, and made more than the occasional sexist joke when she attempted to do a 'man's job'.

'He's disgusting, but the work will help me get recognised'

Beca, in her pyjamas, was on Skype to Chloe.

'Will it really though if he's always undermining you?', the redhead asked.

'Well I've had gigs because of him'

'I still think you could do better'

'Yeah, I guess...How are you anyway?'

Chloe flashed a big smile at Beca and then replied.

'I'm great, thank you. I'm looking forward to the weekend'

'Aren't we all?', the brunette replied, not even questioning what she had said.

Chloe felt butterflies rise in her stomach. She could hardly wait to see her.
On Friday night, Chloe messaged her friend to see what she was doing the next day.

-I'm working in the morning/afternoon and just chilling in the evening. You?x-

-Oh not much. Just relaxing x-

Chloe planned to hang outside of the brunette's flat until she came home from work; if she got bored she could visit the café across the street for an hour.

Knowing that she was catching a flight to surprise Beca the very next day was an exhilerating but scary thought.
It was time to bite the bullet.
Chloe peered out of the window, seeing the clouds cower beneath the huge plane wings. She had her earphones in, and was listening to another of Beca's old mixes- it calmed her.

What are you doing?, she asked herself.

Seeing the girl you love, her heart replied.
Chloe arrived at the DJ's apartment. She was there an hour and a half before Beca would finish work.
There was a note on her door that read:

'Repair guy,

Please give the neighbour to your left my keys when you're done. Thanks.'

Without even considering what she was doing, Chloe knocked on the door to her left.


'Hi, I'm Chloe. Beca's friend'

The neighbour was a sweet-looking elderly lady. Chloe held out her phone to show a picture of Beca, trying to prove that she wasn't a creepy weirdo.

'Okay, dear. I guess you want the keys', the lady said as she handed over the keys, 'My husband had red hair'

Chloe smiled softly, and had a short conversation with the woman before heading into Beca's flat.

Propping her small suitcase against a wall, the redhead went to the bathroom to freshen up. Next, her mission was to find the mix that Cynthia and Emily wanted.
She remembered that Beca always used to keep her mixes in her bedside drawer, so that was her first port of call.

'Gum, earphones, earplugs...', Chloe listed aloud as she rifled through her things.


She had found the mix, so placed it safely in her pocket. Then, as she was about to shut the the drawer, a flash of white caught her eye.

It was an envelope with her name on it.

The girl carefully thought about her next move. Should she open it? What if it was a horrible letter listing the reasons why Beca would never want to get back together with her? What if it was the opposite?

She needed to know.

Ripping open the envelope, she removed the letter inside.

'Dear Chloe,

We just had a big argument and I'm not really sure what to do now. Dad has left me alone to sit in my room. He says that I need time to think, but I think he's left me because he can't deal with crying women.

Turning my back on you was really hard, Chlo. I never thought that I'd ever have to say goodbye to my best friend. You've always been there, so I don't know how I'm going to live without you. I'm going to miss your kisses and your hugs, but most of all, I'm going to miss your heart. You never give up on anyone and you always stay enthusiastic and positive no matter what. I never feel bored or uncomfortable around you, and I trust you completely. I guess that's why I love you so much. Am I allowed to say that now?
You and the Bellas are the best things that have ever happened to me. I know I sound really cringeworthy, but if you hadn't convinced me to audition that day, I don't know where I'd be. Thank you for always supporting me, and for allowing me to help you to change the Bellas.

Now look, there was something you said to me in our argument which is still bothering me. You told me that you were my second choice. I'm really mad about that, Chlo.
I'm mad because you aren't my second choice- you're my first choice, and you always will be. I'll admit that I didn't want to join the Bellas at first, but you're the reason I stayed. Trust me, if you weren't there, I would have given up just like I give up on most things.

Fuck. I don't want to give up on you. I still remember your big blue eyes from the activities fair, your amazing voice when you sang Bruno Mars, winning our first competition, sharing a tent, your singing at the campfire, our first kiss, winning the Worlds, kissing you at the Worlds, and all those nights we've shared- even those before we were together. (Of course I haven't forgotten our little moment in the shower. If things go back to normal, I want to hear you sing it one more time. Even if it's at a cheesy karaoke bar).

I'm so scared when I'm with you, Chlo. I'm terrified because you make me so happy, and what if I lose that? You're perfect and I want you all to myself. I keep seeing my parents' divorce in the back of my mind, but I know that I've got to try to forget that, because I know that I need you in my life, and I know that we're better than that.

I want things back to normal. I want you. Is that selfish?

If this is really goodbye, then I'm sorry. Look after yourself, and I hope you remember me some day. And hey, if you ever fall in love with me again, let me know?

I love you, Chloe Beale, you total, utter weirdo.


Chloe stared at the letter, hands trembling.

'I love you too', she whispered.

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