Chapter Thirty Five

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'Are you ready?'

'I guess. I mean, you packed my bags, so...'

'Okay, let's go!'

The girls were setting off on a camping trip together. Beca had taken a weekend off from work, and they were going to spend it with the Bellas in the middle of a dark, deserted, wooded area. Beca was not entirely looking forward to it.

'You are so...jolly', she mumbled, watching Chloe out of the corner of her eye. The redhead was singing along to a girly song on the car radio- adding in as much of her own choreography as she could without risking their lives.

'I can't wait to see everyone- it's going to be so fun!', she said in between lyrics.

'You're such a cheeseball, Chloe Beale'


When they eventually arrived, Beca and Chloe journeyed through the campsite until they found where the Bellas told them to meet. As soon as the Bellas caught sight of the girls, they ran over and showered them with hugs and kisses.

'I've missed you guys so much!', Emily exclaimed, giving them one big bear hug that all the girls joined in on.

All the girls but Fat Amy.

'Hey, Amy', Beca called, in an attempt to get her included.

'Trust you to arrive when we've just finished slaving away, putting a tent up'

'Fat Amy', Aubrey began, looking over her shoulder mid-hug, 'You didn't help anyway'

Amy put a hand behind her head, and one hand on her hip and said, 'I was being your muse'

'How a-muse-ing', Chloe giggled.

'I can tell that this is going to be a long weekend', Beca remarked, rolling her eyes.

After breaking up the group hug, Beca and Chloe walked towards the tent and put their bags down next to it.

'Where are the other tents?', Beca questioned.

The Bellas looked at each other in bemusement.

'Oh please don't tell me we're sleeping in the same tent again', the girl sighed.

'It'll be fun, Beca!', Chloe cheered, 'Let's catch up on the gossip first though'

All of the girls, including a slightly grumpy Beca sat in camping chairs in a circular arrangement. There wasn't a fire going yet, as it was too early in the afternoon.

'So the wedding is coming up...', Cynthia Rose began, 'And I am...shitting my pants'

'Getting cold feet?', Stacie asked her.

'Nah, I've got thick socks on'

'I mean pre-wedding jitters'

'Oh! No, I'm just nervous'

'Don't be nervous, CR', Chloe said, giving a comforting smile, 'It'll be the best day of your life- look forward to it'

Cynthia returned the smile, then Flo began to tell everyone what she had been up to.

'I've been visiting my family back home mostly', she said, 'I've brought some mexican candy with me'

Fat Amy raised an eyebrow, 'And where would this candy be?'

'I'm saving it for later', Flo replied, making Fat Amy frown. Then, she asked Amy how she and Bumper had been.

'We're pretty much a power couple right now', the girl answered, 'I've got access to his candy whenever I want, if you know what I mean'

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