It's a Family Thing

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"I'm here mainly because I need to find a way to get back to the Enchanted Forest." She told him, over the sound of Pongo chasing after toys Roland was throwing across the hallway.

Archie gave her a doubtful look. "Regina, I know you want him back, but you have kids to look after. I think you would be best staying here."

"I know, but I can't just stay at my house and watch television while Robin could be hurt, or captive, or- or-"

"He sounds like a very independent man." Archie pressed, "I know the dark one has power, but I think he'll be okay."

Regina didn't know how he could be so optimistic. "I just don't know what to do."

After a few seconds of silence, a lightbulb suddenly went off in Archie's head.

"You said Robin was a member of the Merry Men- right?"

Slowly, Regina nodded, noting the enthusiastic expression on his face.

"I know technically I'm not allowed to release files of my other patients but..." He stood up quickly, heading for his giant filing cabinet and opening up the door.

"Archie, care to tell me what's going on?"

"There's someone I used to have sessions with a couple years ago, someone who said he used to be in league with the Merry Men."

Instantly, Regina shot up and smiled. "Really? Who?"

Pulling out a folder, he flipped through the pages and pulled out a single piece of white paper. "His name is Will. Will Scarlett. You two might have lots in common; he's spent a couple years in Wonderland."

Regina took the paper from him and studied it carefully. It had his address, phone number, and criminal record- that was surprisingly full, she noticed.

"Maybe he knows how to travel realms," Archie told her, though he still didn't support the idea.

"Thank you Archie!" Regina said, glancing at the rectangular picture on the corner of the paper. She knew it wasn't much, but if the man had known Robin before in the past, he might know how to get him back.

"No problem. Just don't tell anyone I gave that to you."

Regina turned to face the scampering Dalmatian and her son, who were both coming back down the hallway. "Roland, we're going to go- tell Pongo and Lucy goodbye."

The boy looked disappointed, but he obeyed. He took her hand and followed her towards the door.

"Oh- and Regina," Archie caught her right before she exited. "Be careful. Will is a nice man, but he can be... Quite the character."

Regina gave him a look. "I think I can handle a character. I am a queen, after all."

With that, he waved goodbye and watched them as they slowly vanished down the hallway.


The car ride to the address put down on the paper lasted for about ten minutes as Regina tried to find the right house number. Roland was preoccupied with some Legos she had bought him a couple days prior; he had gotten substantially better at riding in the car. Ever since Regina had ordered him a carseat (and cleaned her car), he had stopped puking. She figured it just took a little while to get used to.

"Now you stay in here while I talk to someone okay?" Regina said, turning around to face him. Roland didn't seem to be paying attention to her; he was too engulfed in his superhero Lego set. Rolling her eyes, Regina grabbed her purse and got out of the car, heading for a small house that looked exactly like the others lining the street on the far side of town. She didn't want to make a quick assumption, but the far side of town wasn't the best of areas (the trolls tended to live among these parts). Nevertheless, the former mayor walked right up to the front door and gave it three hard knocks. She waited as patiently as she could for someone to answer it.

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