Chapter 67

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Clarke's POV

Lexa and I follow Menelaus, the others trailing behind us. Octavia and Raven are still arguing, but more quietly now because Indra threatened them in extremely explicit ways. I didn't know you could remove a tongue that way...

A few Ice Warriors Menelaus trusts follow behind them. We reach the city faster than I thought. It seemed like a longer walk when I was in chains.

Lexa doesn't let go of my hand, which I find both sweet and adorable. Once Octavia and Raven see that, they stop arguing and just complain about how cute we are. I make them stop once they start comparing us to the sweet berries we've found on the ground. Lexa is already turning slightly pink and rubbing her thumb over the back of my hand self-consciously by then.

As we walk towards the main plaza, citizens recognize us and drop what they're doing and gather their family. They eagerly walk alongside us with hope in their eyes.

A young girl runs up to Lexa and gives her a white flower. It's unlike anything I've seen before in history books and must be native to the Ice Nation. "Heda." The girl says, smiling widely at her before running back to her family. She squeals happily when she sees that Lexa's tucked the flower in her armor, displaying it.

I smile and squeeze Lexa's hand. She looks at me and gives me a shy grin.

Octavia and Raven "aww" in the background until a smack in the back of the head from Indra shuts them up.

By the time we step up onto the stage in the center of the plaza, there's a sea of people waiting for us to speak.

We pause for a moment to let everyone else that came with us from the castle get up on the stage.

"The Ice Queen is dead." Lexa announces, her voice carrying in the silence.

The cheers are deafening and I can hear some in the front repeating "thank you, Heda" over and over.

Lexa raises and hand and the noise stops instantly. "We have a warrior here that Clarke of the Sky People and I think would make a good leader. He was not scared when he questioned my motives, nor was he scared when the Ice Queen sentenced him to death. The guards trust him and so do we. That man is Menelaus. But it is not up to us. It is up to you, the people, to decide who your next ruler will be."

"Who killed her?" A man in the front asked.

Lexa repeats the question louder so the gathered people can hear. "This man asked me who killed the Ice Queen. Clarke and I delivered the fatal blows. But we do not wish to rule over this nation, for we both have one of our own."

Menelaus steps forward. "If I may say a few words of my own, Heda and Wanheda. I am honored that these great warriors think I could be a suitable leader for this Great Nation. I am not sure what I have done to deserve this, but if I am chosen by you all, I promise to be nothing like her and to try to help this nation get back on its feet."

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