Chapter 37

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My body is shaking and I breathe in quiet pants.

Electricity is what Clarke says powers the Ark's lights. How can something so useful be so incredibly agonizing?

"Do you love the Ice Queen?" My torturer asks.

He sounds almost gleeful and my eyes were not shut tightly with the pain I am sure I would see that twisted man smiling.


I hear a few clicks and my back arches and I gasp for breath, dry air stinging my dry throat. It stops after a moment, but I keep twitching.

"You know," he says casually as though this could be a normal conversation. "I could do this all day. All night. Everyday. So you should just give up and marry Her Highness."

"Never," I growl. The rumbling of the sound makes me since.

I have not had water or food yet. Though I doubt the Ice Queen would allow me to die of starvation or dehydration, I know the torturer would be happy to kill me.

The circles attaching me to the electric device are removed.

I force my eyes open and watch as he makes his way back to his table covered in an array of tools. He picks up an ordinary knife.

I smile weakly. I may not like torture, giving or receiving, but I am the Commander. I know how to break people.

Knives are useful because shallow cuts hurt a lot and do not bleed much, so you do not have to worry about your victim dying of blood loss.

He slides at on my bicep, creating an angry red line slowly oozing blood. I lean my head against the hard rock behind me.

I wonder how long it will take him to realize that I will not be broken. In my years I have learned that emotional torture is so much more effective. I have become numb to physical pain.

Of course, I still feel it, but I know what it is like to feel the pain of the death of a loved one. And that is thousands of times worse than any physical wound.

The new wound stings and the torturer is smirking at me. I glance over at my parents. They have not turned away, to my surprise, and are watching with defeated, sad expressions.

I hiss as the knife slides shallowly into my shoulder. Torturer must have studied the human body extensively to miss major blood vessels like that.

"Ah. Resilient to physical pain, huh?" He studies me. "You know, your Clarke is going to declare war. She's going to lead her people and yours to their deaths. And I'm going to enjoy slowly killing her in front of you."

There's an invisible fist around my heart, clenching hard and I am left hurting.

That does sound like something Clarke would do. My people had better respect her or I will strike them down myself when I get out of here. If I get out of here.

Stay alive, Clarke. Just stay alive, my love.

What do you guys think? Because I'm totally hating Torturer and the Ice Queen right now. I kind of want to punch them both in the face for hurting Lexa. Oh, well. Thanks for reading and stay awesome!!

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