Chapter 26

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The Ice Queen never leaves her castle unless it is to instill fear in the hearts of her people or for meetings.

So why is she here?

Clarke moves in front of me as if shielding me from her. She raises her gun and points it at the Ice Queen. She calmly looks at Clarke with a slightly bored expression. Clarke pulls the trigger and the guns clicks. No bullet shoots out of it.

Clarke hits it with her hand a few times before aiming again. She pulls the trigger and the gun just clicks. Clarke groans and tucks the gun back into her pants.

As much as I appreciate her attempt to protect me, I would rather stand beside her than behind her. I reach out and take ahold of her hand.

The Ice Queen glares daggers at Clarke before turning to me with a sickeningly sweet smile.

"You could do so much better than her, Lexa darling. You could have me. Why do you settle for that?" She gestures distastefully at my girlfriend.

I frown at her. She is truly insane. I would never leave the one I love for someone I despise.

"I do not want you. And I told you, do not call me Lexa." I say calmly, tracing my thumb along the smooth skin of Clarke's hand.

"You know you don't mean that, dear. Come with me, love, and we can be married tomorrow." She holds out her hand, looking at me expectantly.

She really thinks I am going with her?

Above all else, she thinks I would willingly spend more time in her presence than I absolutely need to?

I squeeze Clarke's hand. "No. I am with Clarke. I am not with you. I was never with you. I never will be with you."

It may be harsh, but hopefully my words will get through to whatever delusional world she is living in.

She thinks she did me a favor by killing, torturing, and maiming Costia.

That might be why she sent so many of her Ice Warriors. To take Clarke to do the same to her.

I will not let that happen.

Not again.

Not while I still have the strength to fight.

"You're not going to come with me?" She tries to give me a sad look to attempt to change my mind.

"Why is she obsessed with you?" Clarke murmurs in my ear.

"I have no idea. She has been obsessed with having me since I became Commander."

"Weren't you ten or something?"


"That's disgusting. How many years older than you is she?"

"I am not sure. In the years I have known her, she does not seem to have aged at all. I do not know her age." I look the Ice Queen in the eyes. She has a sparkle in them that I do not like. "I will not go with you."

"I thought you would say that." She snaps her fingers.

I let go of Clarke's hand and get into a fighting stance as two more Ice Warriors walk into the clearing. I focus on them, ready to fight when they attack. They stand still.

I hear a surprised squeak come from behind me. I spin around. Please, gods, let that not be Clarke.

It was. Clarke.

Their Enemies (sequel to Her Weakness)Where stories live. Discover now