Chapter 48

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Your POV

I was walking home from my Grandma's house and it was already 8, i had to help my cousins in something and my parents are busy i'm sure they're not home yet so i had to walk. When i felt something drop in my nose i look up and whine "No don't rain" i didn't have an umbrella! Dammit i should've brought one. Soon the rain started pouring down making me pout and wrap myself with my jacket that doesn't have a freakin hood! Ugh. I started shivering but i still kept going, as i walk in the streets i saw a car passed by but i didn't look i just wanted to go home now. Well i wish i have a freakin car on my own. "Y/N!" i heard someone call my name i turned around and saw Lauren running to me with an umbrella i smiled when she got close "What the fuck are you doing out here? It's freakin raining and you don't have a fucking umbrella" she said i smiled "I know, i had to walk cause my parents were busy" she sighed "You could've called me babe" she said "I know, but you might be busy too?" she shake her head "even though I'm busy, i would always put you first. I tried calling you and you never answered so i drove to your house which was empty and i started driving here" i smiled "Thank you though" she nodded and wrap her arm around me "come on let's get you dry" she said i smirked and pulled her hand back.

"Come on Y/N" she said "But i wanna do something before we go" i said shyly "What is that?" i got her umbrella and closed it making her look at me confused "Uh you know i'm getting wet now" i giggle and pull her into a kiss. "Mmm- Y/N! It's raining-" i cut her off again by kissing her deeply, she then gave up and wrap her arms around my waist kissing me back passionately i smiled to our kiss making her giggle. Soon we pull back and i smile at her "What was that about?" she asked breathlessly "I always wanted to kiss someone under the rain. It's cute" i said shyly she smiled and kissed my forehead "You're so adorable you know that?" i shrugged she then wrap her arm around me "Let's go cutie" i nodded and we walk inside the car. When we got to their house she gave me a towel and i wiped myself "Why are you both soaked?" Taylor asked Lauren looked at me "wanna answer that Y/N?" i blushed "Nothing" i said Taylor raised an eyebrow and i just shrug and kissed Lauren's cheek. "Can i shower in your room babe?" i ask her she nodded "I'll join you soon" i nodded and ran up to her room my favorite hoodie of hers and shorts then i ran to the bathroom. When i was in the middle of the warm shower i felt arms snaking around my waist "sorry i'm late" she said and kissed my shoulder, i smiled and turn to her she then look down to my body biting her lip.

"Nope don't be naughty my love your family is here and i don't want them hearing....noises coming from us" she pouted "But-" "NO butts for you" i winked at her she groaned and kept her arms around me tight. "But please? Just a quickie?" she begged "No" i said giggling she then pushed me against the wall "well too late Juliet, Romeo is gonna make love to you" she said and then started kissing me. "Fine just a quickie" i said pointing at her she nodded and we started to do just a little quickie, i hope we were not too noisy. When we were done i started to soap our bodies and soon i shampooed her hair and she does this cute face when i shampooed her hair making me laugh. "Have you eaten your dinner?" she asked once we were done drying our hair and all dressed up "uhm... not yet why?" she got my hand "come i'll make you dinner" she said i smiled and we walk downstairs seeing Chris and Taylor playing x-box and Mike was on his newspaper and Clara was on her laptop. "Oh hello Y/N" Clara greeted "Hello Clara!" Lauren then pulled me to the kitchen, "Sit" she said pecking my lips i sat down and stare at her as she cooks dinner.

Minutes later i felt a pair of lips on my cheek making me look up and smile like a kid when i saw the food she made, she made hamburgers!! "YAYY!!" i cheered making her laugh "You gotta kiss me" she said i gave her a kiss on the lips lingering it there for a while then pull away. "Woah" she whispered i giggle and began eating my hamburger she sat next to me and ate her hamburger, "this is so good" i said chewing she laughed and i look at her confused "hold on" she then lean towards me and lick the side of my lip and kissed it. "Sorry just a little Ketchup on the side of your lips" she said i smiled and continued eating, "so what did you do in your Grandma's house?" she asked i looked at her "I just helped my cousins and everything" i said shrugging "were you busy before you called me?" i ask wiping my mouth a tissue. "I just finished my homework then i called you" i nodded and placed the dishes in the sink i started washing them "You know you don't have to wash them? I could do it myself" she said wrapping her arms around my waist. "But in the future i'm your wife and you're like gonna be the husband who is bread winner that works and i clean" i said she blushed at the words i said and then she kissed my lips lovingly "I like the sound of wife more than girlfriend" i bit my lip rub our noses together. "Me too, anyway go and i'll wash" i said pushing her front with my butt making her breath hitch.

Lauren's POV

Hours later, we were watching a movie in my room and when i heard quiet snores i look down and saw my girlfriend already asleep. I got her phone and quickly texted her mom saying that she fell asleep in our house and then she sent an okay take care of her, i kissed her forehead making her cuddle into me more. "Lauren" i look at her "yeah?" "I love you" i smile "I love you too nugget" she sighed and fell back to sleep, i caressed her cheek and just stare at her beautiful face. I then fell asleep after her.


(A/N: So guys i'm gonna be skipping time now. Cause there are like few more chapters until this story ends. SO i'm gonna be skipping time. Sorry :( )

- College Graduation -

I'm finally done with College!! Now i'm free and maybe can get a job. Now we just graduated! We're all taking pictures with our families, my family and Y/N's family are talking about random things and i'm here with my brother and sister. I was actually looking for Y/N, i look around but then soon i felt someone jump on my back causing me on her thighs "We graduated!!" Y/N squealed i smiled and put her down. I wrap my arms around her waist and lean down to kiss her lips but our parents interrupted us making me groan Y/N giggled and kiss my cheek, "Okay i want some pictures of the both of you" mom said i rolled my eyes and placed an arm around Y/N neck and smiled. Y/N wrapped her arms around me and smiled too once mom took the photo her mom also took a photo, "Oh Tay can you take a photo of us?" i said handing her my Polaroid camera she nodded and took a photo oh us. I smiled and kissed Y/N's temple before getting the Polaroid camera and looking at the picture, i smiled and kept it in my little album. "Come on! We're having dinner with Y/N's family" my dad said i smiled widely and nodded also guess what i got for my graduation present?? A NEW CAR!! i'm so fucking happy! Well my old car was now Taylor's but now i have my new one! i bit my lip and carried Y/N bridal style to my car "See you all there" i said to my parents they nodded and wave at me.

Y/N changed at the back and i tried to look but she would always snap at me i smiled and look down and waited patiently, "alright your turn" she said going to the passenger seat, i went to the back and dressed up normally when i was done i went back to the drivers seat and began driving. When we entered the fancy restaurant i already saw our family, we sat down together and we ordered our food, as we waited the family started to have a conversation. "So lovebirds, since you both are now 22 what are you planning with your life?" my dad ask i blush "dad seriously?" he nodded "Yeah you both are adults now" Y/N smiled widely and look at me. "Well...." i bit my lip thinking of the things i want for the future "What is it baby girl?" mom ask i look up and all of them were looking at me "Well i want to get a job first, and when i have enough money i...uh..." Y/N looked at me and smiled making me a bit relaxed "To propose to Y/N soon" i said blushing really hard. I heard our family started squealing and saying how cute it is and shit i didn't make any contact in the eyes because i was really blushing hard. Well i do wanna marry Y/N soon and have children of course, that's what i want with her. "Is that really want you want?" Y/N whispered i look at her and nodded "Of course" she smiled at me sweetly "me too" i blush again and kiss her lips.

After dinner, i drove to our new apartment yes Y/N and i now have an apartment together!! I'm actually so happy when we got this because the place is beautiful and most importantly i get to wake up with her beside me everyday! "Oh gosh my shoes are killing me" she said groaning as we got inside i giggle and carried her. "Well i guess my queen would like to be carried to her room?" she nodded "Yes please my king" she said and kissed my cheek i smiled and brought her to our room, once i put her down she started to unbutton my shirt while smirking. And y'all know whats gonna happen.

A/N: Merry Christmas!!!!! 😊🎄

Scared of Love || Lauren/YouWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu