Chapter 1

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Your POV

I arrived at the school and i grew nervous "Good luck sweetie" my mom said before driving away i frown and sighed, well i guess i have to go now before the bell rings. I was wearing a white dress with my white flats, and my school bag i don't know i just love white so much the color white just feels happy or something. I entered the school and i saw guys staring at me up and down and well i felt comfortable, girls were staring at me too but some of them are glaring at me, wow my first day and i already get hate? Well damn. I walk to the office and i saw a guy, "Hello, my name is Mike Jauregui the principal" i smile and shake his hand "and you are Y/N Y/L/N, a new student" i nodded shyly "That is great!" he then gave me my time table, my locker number and they told me to wait for a person. So i sat on the chair and patiently waited for that person.

"Hey sir, sorry i'm late but where is she?" i saw a girl asked Mike smiled and pointed to me the girl turned and smiled widely, oh okay. I stood up "Hello there! My name is Camila Cabello, and i will be your friend for two weeks. I'm in your class so that i could help you if you need help. But i do hope we're gonna be friends for real" she said smiling "Hi i'm Y/N Y/L/N, and thank you for helping me and yes i do hope we'll be friends for real" she smiled and taking me by surprise she wrapped her arms around me. She giggle "Sorry, i'm a hugger" she said i smile and hug her back "so am i" i said "omg! you are so cute!" she squeal i laugh "Oh Ms Cabello here is my daughter's friend and she is really responsible and very friendly so don't be afraid of her" Mike told me i nodded and Camila got my timetable.

When we got out of the office she dragged me to my locker "You seem friendly, how old are you?" she asked "I'm 17" i said shyly "Aw, don't be shy! and hey! i'm 17 too" she said i giggle, after i was done putting my stuff in my locker she guided me to a classroom. "We have Biology, and trust me the teacher here is annoying" she said and i laughed making her smile, we then entered and the whole class was quiet. Okay this is awkward, "Sorry we're late, Mr Jauregui called me to help a new student and her name is Y/N Y/L/N" Camila said the teacher looked at me and smiled "Welcome, hope you enjoy Biology" he said giving me a lollipop. Uh okay? "Thanks" i mumble he nodded and went back to teaching. "Ugh how come i didn't get a lollipop?" Camila pouted i smile and gave it to her "No it's okay, it's for you" i shake my head "i don't like lollipops" i said she bit her lip "are you sure?" i nodded and then she hugged me.

We walk at the back and we sat together "you know, Mr Fitz doesn't like our class and i'm surprised he was nice to you" she said "CAMILA! QUIT TALKING!" Camila rolled her eyes "See?" i giggle and began taking some notes. "You're his favorite student then" she laughed "I'm his 2nd the 1st one is the principal's daughter" she said looking at me "really? is she nice?" she then laughed loudly getting all the attention in class. "Whoops, sorry" she said "Camila, last warning!" Camila shrugged, "her name's Lauren, Lauren Jauregui. And yes she is my friend but she is not nice to other people except for the people she loves" she said smiling. Then suddenly there was a knock on the door, Camila and i looked up and she smirked "Yup, and that my friend is Lauren Michelle Jauregui the bad ass chick in school" she said i look at the girl and she rolled her eyes at the teacher. "Lauren is nice to people who are nice to her but if she hates the person she really hates the person. Lauren is a bad ass because that's how people see her, she always gets in trouble for disrespecting the teachers and she always starts a fight when someone is pissing her off. But she's nice." Camila said.

"Oh she also ditch classes sometimes but still manage to keep her grades up" i nodded "Is she in a relationship?" i asked she chuckled "No, she doesn't do relationships anymore" she said smiling at me. We then saw Lauren took a seat in a table in front "Why?" i asked she sighed "Ask Lauren, try to get to know her more okay?" i nodded and we both started taking notes of what the teacher was saying.

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