Chapter 20

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Your POV

As i walk to the hallway with Camila i saw Hope and her friends come to us "Hey Mila, you are invited to our Halloween party tonight!! Bring anyone you want" she said smiling Camila nodded "Thanks" she said getting the invitation. Hope looked at me and i look away "i can bring her right?" i heard Camila say "Uh...sure" i sighed and look at them but Hope already walked away "I'm not going" i said walking away "No Y/N! Please?" Camila said pouting i groaned "Camila stop with your adorable puppy face!" she giggled "Pleasee??" i shrug "I'm not wearing any costumes alright?" she nodded "It's alright" she said and she tug on my arm. "Y/N!" i got pulled back and was met by Lauren "Oh hey?" she smiled "Are you going to the Halloween party?" "No-" "Yes she is Lauren! Right Y/N?" Camila said raising an eyebrow. "I think so?" i shrug Lauren giggled and i smile since i love hearing her giggle "Well i wish you could come" she said smiling "I'll you there, i have to go to my dad's office. I got in trouble for ditching" she said rolling her eyes i laughed and hug her last time "Bye" i said to her ear, she smiled and kissed my cheek "Bye beautiful" and then she ran to her dad's office.

I sighed and look at Camila who had a smirk "Shut up and keep moving" i said pushing her she laughed "Y/N's in loooovee" she sang i groaned and kept pushing her "Camila use your damn legs please" i said whining well cause i'm literally just pushing her so she could move. I then let go of her making her fall on her back and stopped singing i laughed and she glared at me "OW!" i smirk "you had legs, you could walk" i said shrugging. She stood up and started chasing me and i laugh and ran faster, i accidentally bumped into people but i could careless right now but i said my sorry anyway. Camila caught me and started tickling me and i laughed and laughed until i was out of breath "Shit Camila stop" i said breathing heavily she stopped and laughed as i lean on her car breathlessly. "Get in" she said and i got in before she could do anything to me.

We then arrived at her house we walk to her room and started searching for a costume she'll wear and then she squealed and i look up "what?" i asked she grinned at me "I know what you're gonna wear" she said i groaned "No Mila! i told you i'm not wearing costumes" i whined "No you are! you have to!" she said we then started arguing. "You're wearing this!" she demanded "NO!" "YES" "NO" "YES" "NO!" she then tickled me again, "No Camila this is so unfair!" she stopped and glare at me "you will wear it or i will tickle you again" she said i sighed and finally gave up "Fine" i frown and stood up. "No go try it on" she said pushing me to her bathroom. I sighed and stare at the costume "Urgh i hate you" i mumble and then quickly changed to it.

It was already 8 and i told my mom that we were going to a Halloween party and now Camila's doing my make up she was mini mouse and she looks so adorable like seriously! I saw Colton walk it and smile at me. He was dressed up like Wolverine from X-Men and i laughed "Damn dude...want to show off your abs?" he laughed and hugged me "Well..yeah cause i'm hot, hahah kidding!" i chuckle "You look beautiful by the way" he said caressing my cheeks. (Your costume is the one on top) I smile and hug him again "You look hot" i said he laughed "Hey how about me? i'm your sister!" Camila said "Oh, you look really adorable Mila" he said Camila smiled and flip her hair. "I know right?" i laughed and we walk downstairs and Colt drove us to Hope's house where the party is, when we got there the house was huge more like Lauren's. We got inside and music were blasting through the speakers and red cups are in the hands of the teenagers. Some people are making out some are dancing and drinking some are just talking.

"I'll see you guys later" Colton said as he joins his teammates Camila pulled me to the girls and they greeted us except for Lauren and Destiny, well they were both busy you know? They were like flirting....Destiny's arms were around Lauren's neck and Lauren's arms are around her waist. They were both laughing and talking about whatever they're talking about, Destiny was wearing a sexy Cat costume i mean she literally look so sexy in that costume. As for Lauren she's a hot sexy vampire, and of course she would fall for Destiny i mean come on bruh! She's talented and she got the looks and everything and i'm just normal. Destiny is very talented well because she's a good dancer, she does ballet, jazz and hip hop and she's very good at singing too and acting, i can't beat her to that. All i do is just singing and sports man, i feel like i don't have any chance with Lauren. She must have been lucky if they were together, Lauren will have the best girlfriend ever!! And you know Destiny became popular but still hang out with us.

For my first week it has been hell well i got coffee on my shirt, i got cracked egg on my head well for her she didn't get any of those why? because she's talented and very popular now. She's beautiful and sexy and very friendly...sometimes but she is to others, people started shipping them together but i don't really care. They said that they would be perfect for each other and i was there smiling and congratulating them saying how cute and perfect they are but inside i'm dying and hurting myself with a damn knife.  "Y/N?" i snapped out of my thoughts and the girls smiled at me "Are you okay?" Dinah shouted since the music was too loud i nodded "Yeah, i'm fine" i shouted back they smiled and gave me a cup and i look at them "It's coke don't worry" Camila shouted i nodded and tasted it and indeed is coke so i just drank it. I hope there is no drugs or anything here...well i'm sure there isn't well since i trust the girls, i walk passed Lauren and Destiny but she still hadn't notice me i frown and just walk to Colt who was in the dance floor.

"Hey Y/N!" i smile and danced with him "Hey, how are you doing?" he shrug "i'm enjoying the party! are you?" i nodded "Sorta" i said he looked at me confused and he pulled me to the kitchen "Sorta? why?" he asked i sighed "Nothing, it's just Lauren and Destiny" i said he nodded "Ah... Lauren is still blind i see" i sighed and shrug "Yup she still is...anyway let's get some drinks?" he nodded and went to the fridge "Alcohol or just soft drinks?" he asked me "Just Coke" i said he nodded and got my cup and poured the coke and he drank coke too. "We- Y/N?" we turn to the door and saw Lauren who had a smile on her face, now she notices me? I smile back slightly "Hey" i said nodding she hugged me "you came!" i nodded "What time?" she asked "Like 30 minutes ago" i said she looked at me confused. "Really? have the girls seen you?" i nodded "Yup and i saw you but you were busy so i just walked away" i fake chuckled she frown "I'm sorry" i sigh and look at Colt. Lauren then glared at him as she caught me looking at his abs....well that was on purpose, i bit my lip and still staring at his abs "Colt, out now!" Lauren said sternly Colt shrug and smiled at me.

"See you later Y/N" he said kissing my cheek and i blush "Bye Colt" Lauren glared at me and i look at her confused "What?" i ask "What were you two doing in here?" she asked "Nothing, just drank coke" i said truthfully. "No seriously Y/N tell me the truth" she said i groaned "Lauren i am telling you the truth!" i said she still doesn't look convinced "Ugh okay fine, don't trust me then" i said taking her grip on my arms off and walked away. Suddenly, she pulled me back with her arms on my waist "you aren't going anywhere cause you might go back to him" i chuckled "Lauren i can do what i want to do" i said she frown "Y/N please don't make this harder" she plead "Lauren i'm not, i just simply want to be out there" i said "Fine but i'm coming with you" i glare at her "Lauren..." "No, you are not going to him" i laugh "Why Lauren? give me a reason why" i said "Because....he's with his teammates" she made an excuse i raise an eyebrow at her but she just looked away.

"I'm sure they'll be alright with me hanging there with Colt" she groaned "Stop Y/N! you are staying with me" i sighed "Destiny will look for you" i said "N-" "Oh there you are" we look to the door and saw Destiny looking at us awkwardly. "Told you" i mumble Lauren stared into my eyes sadly and got off her grip "Go on Lauren, i'll just be outside" i said walking to the door there was an awkward silence then i turn to Lauren and she was still staring at me sadly and hurt and then i got out of the room. I sighed deeply and walk around the house looking for a bathroom since i needed to pee so....once i found one i did my business then i washed my hands,  walked out and bumped to a guy "Sorry" i mumble "It's alright, it was my fault anyway i was on the way" i smile and awkwardly walk away. This will be a long party.

A/N: Hey guys I'm not gonna be updating for a while cause I have my exams and everything and I have to study. Well I'll update if I have time so I'm so sorry for the cliffhangers and everything and know that I love you all! 😘😊

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