Chapter 40

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Your POV

I got home and walk to my room i then went inside the covers and just curl into a ball thinking about Lauren and Brad and about what Camila said, i really can't get it out of my head it's like it's just stuck in there. Suddenly i felt something wet on my arm i look at them seeing little tears. wait why am i crying? There's no need to be crying right? Y/N don't be so negative please? I'm sorry it's just the sight of them being together laughing in a different table. And the Lauren being distant. Ugh STOP! I wipe my eyes but it's no use cause new ones are flowing down. I then felt arms around my body i didn't move because i know these familiar arms "What are you doing here?" i ask in a small voice "i told you i'm coming" she said softly i sigh and cuddle back to my pillow since i still felt sad. "Baby talk to me please?" her voice cracked well i want to but i don't know what to say "Please?" i still didn't say anything "Look i'm sorry for making you feel i'm being distant with you" i then face her and then i saw her frown and wipe my cheeks. "I'm sorry baby" i nodded "it's okay" i said even though i still felt hurt she sighs and bury her face to my neck "i feel like i'm a bad girlfriend no the WORST girlfriend" i then hug her when she said that. "No you're not" i said kissing her forehead "i feel like i've hurt you" you did, but i didn't say that all i did is shake my head.

We then started talking and finally i felt happy that she started talking to me and have time for me she cuddled to me we then watched a movie together. Soon i felt my eyes getting heavy so i fell asleep on her chest.


Next day i was with Lauren in our spot and she's being hyper and i don't know why, "babbyyyyy" she whine i look at her weirdly she laughed "love you" i roll my eyes and cracked a smile "You're weird. Did you eat something sweet today babe?" i ask she shrug "i did, i guess i ate a sweet cookie and a popsicle" i chuckled "no wonder you're hyper" i mumble she smirked and hopped on top of me. I whimpered when she did "Lauren..." she giggled and kiss my cheek "Tell me you love me" she said i stuck my tongue out "No" she glared at me cutely making me smirk as i feel her trying to tickle me i switched our positions now that i'm on top of her i smirk and tickle her. She then began laughing and crying "Y/N!!!" i laugh and we started rolling, as we roll we laughed and suddenly we landed on the field. "Lauren? Y/N?" we look up and saw Ally and Normani raising an eyebrow at us i giggle and tried to get up but that was a bad move, cause when i did that i bumped my forehead to Lauren's making us both groan and hold our foreheads.

We heard our friends started laughing "Ow Y/N! You clumsy shit" Lauren groan i gasped dramatically making her giggle i push her away from me and got up fixing my clothes. "Sorry, it's just Lauren's being a little hyper" i said shrugging suddenly i felt arms around me and then she started squishing me. I groan when she threw me to her shoulder "Sorry we gotta go it looks like your teacher is gonna kill us" Lauren said and she started to walk away from them with me on her shoulder "Can i go down now?" i ask "Nope" i glare at her playfully. Then suddenly i felt her put me down i smile and wrap my arms around her neck pulling her closer to me she sighed relaxing herself on top of me i feel her face cuddling to my neck. "Ehem" someone cleared their throat we pulled away from each other and saw Brad smiling at us "Hi" he greeted Lauren smiled "Hello, come sit" she said patting the space in front of us. He walked to us and sat down i look at him and he didn't even notice me he was busy staring at my girlfriend, i sigh and look at Lauren who was talking to him but looks like Brad is not listening.

Minutes later they're both in a deep conversation and i was just sitting there listening but slightly glaring at Brad since he was like looking at Lauren like she was his. I could see him giving her his cute smile and his cute giggles and every time Lauren speaks Brad would compliment her making Lauren blush and smile. "Oh no! I remember you slamming that pie on my face!" Brad said laughing Lauren laughed with him "Well that was your birthday anyway" she said Brad nodded "You made that pie right?" Lauren nodded "Oh shit, could you make me another one? I kinda miss it already" Brad said pouting i glare at him and then i heard Lauren 'aw'ed making me glare at her. "Sure, what about tomorrow? Come to my house and i'll teach you how to make it" Lauren said, OH HELL NO! i frown when she said that is she really gonna let her ex boyfriend come to her home? "Oh babe do you want to join us?" Lauren ask Brad finally looked at me and i observed his face as he look at me. It's like his eyes are saying 'why did she pick her?' his eyebrows were furrowed and he looks disgusted but when our eyes met he gave me a fake smile. Oh i could tell it was fake, i could tell because his eyes are giving it away.

"No thanks, i'm busy" i said blankly and then stood up "Where are you going?" Lauren asked holding onto my hand "I have to go to the library" i sorta lied she stood up and stare into my eyes with her eyebrows furrowed. "Don't lie to me Y/N. I remember what you did when i was with Destiny" she whispered i raised an eyebrow "you never came back" she whispered again i nodded "Yeah this time i'm not coming back" i said i was too pissed with Brad. I saw her frown "I'm not lying Lauren, i'm just going to the library and i'll see you maybe lunch time?" she got my hands "Why maybe? I will definitely see you in lunch time" she said i sigh "Okay" i mumble i got my bag and swing it to my shoulder. Before i left she surprised me with a soft kiss on the lips i melted for a good 3 seconds but went back to reality afterwards but the way she looked at me made me smile so i peck her lips once more before i started walking away from her. And as i walk i could feel her eyes burning holes through my head so i slightly turn to her and she was still staring at me i gave her a smile making her sigh and smile back i then turn back around and went inside.

Lauren's POV

As i watch Y/N went inside i could feel Brad staring at me when she's finally inside i look down and sat back down, i look at Brad and he was smiling at me and i smiled back. "Anyway, i missed you Lauren" he said i sighed deeply and felt something wrong inside me "I missed you too" i honestly said okay i'm not gonna lie but i sorta do miss him too. Well Brad was my first love, first everything so i don't know why i'm like this. But of course i love my baby, but the way he looks at me it reminds me of the days when we were together and honestly i missed it. "Lauren you okay?" he asked i nodded "Yeah just....thinking" i said he chuckled "What's in that pretty head of yours? i remember when i used to annoy you by pronouncing the words wrong" he said laughing i smiled and laughed "Yeah well it still annoyed me" i said shrugging he smiled. "Lauren when you and Y/N break up soon is it okay to be first in line to date you again?" he ask my head then began to go ughsjgbgirbdbg "Brad i don't think that Y/N and i will break up, i mean i love her so much and i'm not planning to cheat on her like what you did" he frown "But...don't you want a second chance with me? honestly Lauren i'm not over you yet" i sighed "Well Brad i'm with the most beautiful girl ever and i am deeply in love with her so i'm sorry" i said and stood up.

"But Lauren.." i shake my head "I love Y/N, she's my girlfriend and i'm hers" i said before walking away from him, i sigh and ran my fingers through my hair. I walk up to the library and looked for my girlfriend when i saw her i smile and approached her, "hey beautiful" she jumped and look at me i smile and wrap my arms around her. "Hi, why aren't you with Brad?" she asked while not looking at me i placed my chin to her shoulder and look up at her, i then began to do funny faces i saw her glance at me but went back to her book. I pout and started kissing her cheek repeatedly "Ugh stop" she groaned moving away from me i chuckled slightly and moved to her again, i laid my head to her lap and stare at her the whole time and after a while she groaned and covered my eyes making me laugh. My head fell when i felt her stand up and started to walk to the books i smile and followed her like a little kid, i then wrap my arms around her waist and began tickling her neck with my lips. "Urgh Lauren" she said annoyed and she pushed me away and walked to the other side of the library and of course i followed her again. I love it when she's annoyed at my childish actions it's just funny and she looks so cute.

I saw her and she was reading peacefully but then i started tickling her making her laugh quietly i smile and continued "Lauren! Stop!" she whispered/yelled and she slapped my hands i giggle and she glared at me. "Are you mad at me now?" i ask she nodded "Oh yeah, you're so annoying!" she said walking away but i got her by the waist and hug her lovingly "i'm sorry" i said while smiling she sighed in annoyance and kept getting gout of my grip but it wasn't working. "Lauren let go" she said sternly "No" i said in a baby voice she groaned "Is it too late now to say sorry? Cause I'm missing more than just your body" i sung while hugging her. "I looooveeee yooouuuu" i said and stole a kiss from her making her glare at me i just smiled at her sheepishly then suddenly i saw her crack a smile and slap my cheek gently "i fucking hate you" she said smiling while putting the book back to the shelf. I smiled happily "Yayyy!!! You love me again!!" she giggle and peck my lips "Come on dork, lunch time is in three minutes" i nodded like a kid "okay" i said and i held her hand and we walk out of the library.


A/N: HELLO!!!! I'm back :) And here's an update for you all!! :*

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