Chapter 41

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Lauren's POV
Next day after school Y/N said she's going somewhere with Camila so I'm now at home alone. Well my parents are at work and Tay and Chris are with their new friends. I felt my phone vibrate so I took it out and saw Brad texted me.

Brad: Hey Laur, still up with the pie thing?

Me: Yeah sure, I'm alone at home anyway.

Brad: Cool, be there in a second.

I sighed and walk to my art room and look back to my Polaroid photos. I smiled at the memories and then I stare at Y/N's photo as she was painting I smiled and continued to look around my room. When I heard my doorbell ring I walk back downstairs and to the door. I opened it and saw Brad smiling "Hey" he greeted I smile "Hey" one hand was hiding behind his back but soon he took it off and showed me the flowers and gave it to me. "For you" he said smiling shyly I smile "Aw thanks Bradley" I teased "NOOO you know I hate it when you call me Bradley" I giggle and nodded "Yup I know" I then invited him inside. "Go to the kitchen and I'll teach you how to do the pie" he nodded and took off his jacket. I followed him to the kitchen and he got the stuff for making the pie as I turn on the stereo and played music. As Photograph by Ed Sheeran came I immediately remembered Y/N. I got my phone and called her quickly, "Baby?" Her cute voice answered I smile "Hey babe how are you with Camz?" I ask she giggle "we're fine, we are actually in a Pizza place right now well you know Camzi" I giggle "Shut up!" I heard Camila say I smile "just wanted to check up on you, wanna hang soon baby?" I ask "yeah of course BUT I don't want to hang if Brad is still there" oh...hmm? "Okay wanna sleep over? Or do you want me to go to your house?" I ask "I don't mind, I just want to spend time with you later" she said "Sure babe, I love you" I said slightly blushing "I love you too" she then kissed her phone and we hung up.

After we made the pie we are it we talked about our lives and everything and how he regretted hurting me and shit. But after a while we decided to watch a movie I feel him staring at me so I looked at him and he just smiled. I smile and went back to watching but soon he brought his hand to my thigh but I shake his hand off. "Lauren" he said softly "yeah?" I ask "do you ever miss the way I touched you?" I look at him slowly and frown "Brad don't" he sighed "Sorry, i just....really miss you" he mumble i sigh in relief and continued watching. Suddenly i felt palms on my cheeks and was forced to lean forward then suddenly i felt his lips collided into mine, at first i tried to push him but something inside me is doing something weird. So i let him kiss me my mind is too mixed up to process shit, BUT I DIDN'T KISS BACK! We heard the door open so i push Brad away and saw Dinah and Ally shocked i immediately felt like i've been shot. I look at Brad and his eyes are widen in shock too i then felt anger rise on my body so i did what i had to do, the echo of my palm colliding with his cheek making a red mark.

He held his cheek whimpering "How could you do that?!" i yelled standing up he look up to me "I'm so sorry i just missed you so much i just couldn't control myself" he ramble i gave him another slap on the other cheek. "Lauren stop!" Dinah said holding me back as Ally help him "Don't you dare help him Ally!" Ally glared at me and still helped him "How could you do that?!!" i shouted again "Lauren please calm down!" Dinah shouted since i can see her struggling to hold me i was too furious "I can't mother fucking calm down alright?!" i pushed her but she still held me tight. "Ally call Y/N please?" my eyes widen "No! No no no no!!! Don't please" i said and then felt myself falling to the ground on my knees. "Lauren i'm sorry" Brad said i glared at him "Shut up!" i shouted and then this continues for minutes now, but soon i saw my girlfriend running to me "Lauren?" she kneel down beside me and i immediately felt calm when she hugged me she rubbed my back and i was crying on her shoulder. Camila stood there looking at us confused and Dinah and Ally are just looking at me disappointed "What happened?" she asked quietly i hugged her tight "Cuddle with me please?" was all i said. She nodded "Your room?" i nodded "Okay let's go" we then walk to my room but before i left the room i looked at Dinah "Make him leave" i said and went to my room.

As i was laying my head on her chest i felt guilty and it hurts me "Do you wanna talk about it?" she asked i shake my head "no" i mumble i heard her sigh and comb my hair with her fingers just the way i like it. Soon i felt my eyes grow heavy and went to deep sleep.

Camila's POV

"What the fuck happened?" i ask looking at my other two friends who glared at Brad making me glare at him too "What did you do" i said sternly he gulped "I kinda..." "SPEAK LOUDER" he jumped "I kissed Lauren" i stayed quiet but it's not a good silence and i think Dinah and Ally knows that i'm gonna explode soon. "Mila let's go out" Dinah said calmly i sharply inhaled through my nose and walked outside with Dinah beside me and Ally then Brad "YOU DID WHAT?!" i shouted "Shh...calm down okay?" Dinah said kissing her temple i glare at him. "I'm sorry, i just missed Lauren so much and i couldn't control myself" he said "Did she kiss back?" i ask "what?" i roll my eyes "Oh man!" i kicked the trash can and faced him. "Did. she. kiss. back" he looked like he was thinking "Yes" i bit my lip and went to Dinah and hugged me. Fucking hell Lauren!! WHY?! Why you gotta kiss his fucking lips? when you have a damn girlfriend which is now with you trying to comfort you! Why the fuck are you crying huh?!!!!

I have to calm myself "You. Leave" i said pointing a finger at Brad who sigh and nodded and walked slowly "Faster!" i shouted and he ran i roll my eyes and went inside i walk up to her room and opened it slowly. I saw them cuddled up and Y/N was sleeping i could see Lauren is still awake so i shake her shoulder she looked at me scared i pointed to the room next door, she slowly got up and kissed Y/N's cheek before going with me. When we entered the room my first question was "Why did you kiss Brad?" she looked at me confused and mad "I didn't kiss him!" i glare at her "Lauren i have no time for your shitty lies right now" i said "What? you don't believe your best friend? Who said i kissed him back?" i cross my arms "Brad said you kissed him back! Lauren you knew you had a girlfriend! Why would you do this to her?" i groan making her furious.

Lauren's POV
Suddenly she attacked me and i attacked her back, "You fucking bitch!" she shouted i protected my face as she hit me on my hands. And then i felt her punch my stomach making me groan in pain, "why don't you believe me?" i ask she was breathing heavily. "Tell me the truth Lauren" she said i sigh "i am!" she was about to attack me but i saw Y/N stop her "Camila!" Camila looked at her and went out of the room.

"What the fuck was that?!" she shouted i stayed there laying on the floor holding my stomach "Tell me what happened now" she demanded i gulped "Brad kissed me" i said tears on my eyes her face dropped and she stared at me. " didn't kiss back right?" she asked her voice cracked i shake my head "Baby i promise i didn't" i said standing up but fell back on the ground because of my stomach. "Please don't lie" she cried i was catching my breath i couldn't talk cause my stomach really hurts "Do you still like him Lauren?" again i didn't talk but i really wanna say NO! after that i regretted not saying a word. "So you do?" she cried i look up shocked "NO!!!" she bit her lip and cried "Lauren...i thought you love me?" she then ran out of the room, i groaned "fuck!" i tried getting up but failed but still did it again and again. "Y/N" i called when i was at the stairs but then she went outside with Camila, i then felt myself crashing down Dinah and Ally ran to me "Come on Lauren we'll help you to your bed" Ally said and they tried helping me to me bed. "You guys believe me right?" i asked hoping they do "Yes" they said smiling i sighed and nodded "Thank you" they nodded and hugged me "well we saw you slapped him twice so" Dinah said i nodded "He deserved it" i said angrily. They nodded "We know but do you still like him though?" i shake my head "Fuck no" i said and held my stomach in pain.


It's been three days now i didn't go to school cause day one my stomach literally hurt day two i had a massive headache and day three i lied saying my stomach hurt again but honestly i was just scared to see Y/N again. But i really want to talk to her so today i might go to school, i dressed up and walk to my car and hopefully she talks to me and hopefully she's still my girlfriend. I really didn't kiss him back and i really don't like him anymore, Y/N is the only one for me she's the only girl i love so much and i have to tell her that before it gets worst.

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