Chapter 45

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Lauren's POV

I woke up and felt my body tied up in a chair i still felt dizzy what the fuck happened to me? My vision is blurred i had to blink multiple times just to make it a bit clearer but here i am in an old dark basement. To be honest i'm really terrified what happened before this? I remembered Brad, he was smirking at me and he said sorry then something was on my mouth and nose and then everything was black. Where am i? It does looks like a basement but whose? I felt my eyes getting watery since i'm really scared, i wanna go home i wanna go back to Y/N. I want Y/N with me, i want her to hold me. I look around and looked at my tied hands and legs i gulped when i couldn't really moved them, my breathing is uneven cause i'm seriously about to sob. "Help!" i screamed then tried to pull my arms away and legs but they won't budge "Somebody! Help me please!" i screamed again i cried harder and look around for something sharp so i could escape. I bit my lip and bow my head as i cry, there's no use i couldn't move, no one can hear me, i'm gonna lose my family, friends and my girlfriend. Why am i even here? I have so many questions that needed answers.

"Lauren, you're finally awake" i froze and slowly look up "Wow, the first time i see you scared" another voice said i gulped "I told you i'm sorry Lauren" another voice said and i know all those three voices. Then the three of them walk to me i bit my lip scared "Hi Lauren missed us?" Luis said i shake my head "What do you want from me?" i ask a bit weak. I then look at the other two Destiny and Brad "you're with them?" i ask Destiny she gave me her bitchy look and nodded i cried and cried "Why are you guys doing this?" i ask again "Because Lauren we want you to feel the pain we felt" my breath hitched. "Please please let me go" i begged "I just want to go home" i sobbed "You can't go home just yet" Brad snapped "How long have i been here?" i ask "Three days" Destiny said i bow my head. "Oh and your little girlfriend is not so happy" Destiny said smirking i glare at her and began moving my hands and legs but they still won't budge. "Shut up!" i shout i then felt something hit my cheek making me sob i look up and saw Brad's hand "How does that feel huh Lauren?" i gulped and tried to move away. "Not so good huh?" he smirked i then felt a sharp pain on my stomach i groaned in pain and look up seeing Luis smirking "Yeah for all the time you've beaten me up this is how i felt" i was having trouble of breathing.

"I just...want to go home" i mumble and whimpered as Brad slapped me again "Shut up!" i bit my lip and finally shut up, i don't want to get hurt anymore. "We'll see you later Lauren" Brad said and Luis gave me another punch on the stomach making me fall with the chair i groaned again and felt my body so sore. Then the chair was picked up and placed it back on it's original place i look up and saw Destiny "Des please help me" i beg she look at me and gulp she shake her head and walk away slowly "Des i know you don't want to do this" i beg "Please don't let them do this, let me go please Destiny?" she turn to me. "I'm sorry Lauren" she then walked out leaving me in the dark with one light, i look down and sobbed again thinking if i could get out of here alive, or if i could still see my girlfriend. Why did they have to do this? Suddenly i felt something vibrate on my pocket i immediately stopped crying and tried to reach for my pocket. I groaned in pain when i tried reaching for it and thankfully i succeeded. I opened it and saw so many missed calls and texts from my family, friends and my girlfriend. I smiled cause i'm thankful i still have my phone with me i then quickly called Y/N. "LAUREN!?" "Shh!" she then started crying "Where are you?" she cried "I missed you so much, you've been away for three days now. Where are you?" she asked i sighed "Y/N i've been kidnapped by Luis, Brad and Destiny please get help" i said in a shaky voice.

"Oh my god! Police is here tell us where you are" she said "I can't, i'm inside the basement i don't know where i am" i cried "Ma'am who are the people you've mentioned?" i heard the police asked "Luis, Brad and Destiny my girlfriend knows them" i said "Are you in any of their basements? do you know who has a basement?" i then thought about it "Luis and Brad" i said "Alright we'll send are best men do you know the address?" "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" i look up "Ma'am?" Brad got my phone and looked at it. "You son of a bitch!" he said and slapped me hard "LAUREN!" i heard my girlfriend shouted from my phone as i whimper and cry, shit that burns! "Who is this?" i heard the police say but he hung up. "You will not contact anybody! Understand?!" i then suddenly got furious "How can i contact anyone when you fucking have my fucking phone you asshole!" he then slapped me again. "SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!" he shouted and then he walked out of the basement i saw the outside but he closed it immediately it looked familiar. It looked like Brad's!! I was correct! Now i'm hoping the police will be here soon.


4 days! 4 days with beatings and no food. I am so hungry, my body is so sore my lip was bleeding but i could careless right now, my body had bruises. I need to get out of here, i couldn't see anything it's still pitched black there is just one light which was above me and that's it. I heard my stomach making noises and i groan, i thought they were coming where are they? Why are they taking so long? i'm so hungry and weak. I feel like i'm gonna passed out soon, when i heard the door open i didn't bother to look up since only three people always goes in and out of here. But then suddenly i felt the person cutting the rope on my legs i felt my eyes watery again and i look up seeing Destiny cutting them i smile weakly as she freed my legs and freed my hands. "Thank you" i whispered she looked at me and smile "i called the police and told them you're here. Your parents and friends and Y/N are coming but right now we have to leave the house. You have to hide behind the trees in the park" she said i nodded and when i stood up i groaned in pain. "Come on Lauren you can do it" i sighed and tried my best to move, when we were so near the exit we heard sirens "Shit they heard them" she mumble we then started to move faster. "LAUREN!" i look up and saw my family, friends and Y/N.

Y/N was running to me and i was about to run but i got yanked back "YOU BETRAYED US!" Brad yelled at Destiny who was struggling to get out of Luis's grip. Then Brad pointed the gun on me "You little shit! You called the police!" "Drop your weapon!" the officer said but Brad still had the gun pointed to me and i didn't want to move cause if i did he'll shoot me. Suddenly i felt a body pushed me then the gun fired twice i look up and saw Brad got hit and Luis is now in the hands of the officer same with Destiny. I look to the person who pushed me and saw Y/N! "Y/N?! Y/N!? Baby answer me!!!" i said worriedly she sat up and hugged me i hugged her tight and look at her "Did you get hit?!" she shake her head "No, he missed" she said she was still crying. "God i missed you so much" she said hugging me "i missed you too princess" i cried i then felt weak, my family and friends came and hugged me but one of the nurses told us that they needed to bring me to the hospital to have a check up on my health so they took me to the ambulance and of course i got Y/N and my dad to come with me.

Your POV

As we wait at the waiting area I was cuddling with Camila, I was so relieved that she's safe and she has not been shot. When the door opened i stood up, "you may now go inside" the doctor said and came to Mr and Mrs Jauregui. I went in first and I smile when I saw her she looked at me and smiled "Hey princess" I wipe my eyes and have her a hug. "Did....did you jump in front of the bullet for me?" She asked quietly I bit my lip and nodded "Why? You know you could've been killed and I swear if you got hit and die I would die with you" I shake my head "I'm sorry it's just.... I don't know what I was thinking. Also people do crazy stuff when they're in love" she shake her head and pulled me to her chest. "Please be careful next time" I nodded "I'm so thankful you're safe" I mumble against her neck. "Me too" i cuddled my face to her neck and inhaled her scent i missed her so fucking much, "how are you? i mean are you okay?" she nodded "Yeah i just need to eat cause i haven't eaten for like 7 days" my eyes widen and stood up searching for food. "But i hate hospital food" she said frowning "i always ate hospital food when i was here before" she said i look at her and kiss her head "Want some KFC or McDonalds? i can buy for you" i said smiling she look at me "Yes please. Ooooh McDonalds" i nodded "do you want anything? or you have like a request?" i ask she shake her head "you choose for me princess" i nodded and kissed her before going out of the room.

When i got back i saw Lauren's family are in there "Where are the girls?" i ask "They went to school" i nodded "you should too baby i don't want you to fail" Lauren said i shake my head "I want to be here with you" i then look at Mr Jauregui. "Can i please stay with Lauren?" i ask with a pout making Lauren smile and awed Mike chuckled "Sure, i'm pretty sure the next day Lauren will be able to go home to yeah why not be absent for one day? Also i have to go too in a few minutes" he said i nodded and gave Lauren the food i bought her. She smiled happily and sat up then started eating, woah she really is hungry. " i eating too fast?" i shake my head and chuckle "You're too cute baby" i said kissing her nose she scrunch it up and continued eating. Thank god she's still here, safe and sound. 


A/N: I'm sorry if this is lame 😂but hey an update. I feel like this story is getting boring, lol i apologize for that. Maybe i'm just really tired everyday or something. But thank you guys for reading! love you! ❤️

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