Chapter 43

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Your POV

I'm now at home i didn't go to school because i was sick, i had high fever so i stayed at home and Lauren is texting me non-stop she was like saying she's gonna come by this afternoon and spend the whole day with me. The bell like rang an hour ago so i think Lauren's on her way here, then the doorbell rang, see.... she's here. My mom opened the door i smile "thanks mom" she nodded and i saw Lauren walking to me "Aw my bay is sick" i pouted and nodded she smiled and kissed my forehead. "Damn you are hot" i roll my eyes "Thanks" she giggled "want me to make soup for you?" i shrug "Have you eaten your lunch?" i shake my head "okay, i'm making you soup" she said going to the kitchen "Lauren" i said she turned around "I love you" i said smiling she blushed "I love you too babe" she then walk to the kitchen i sighed happily as i watch her walk away. I pull the blanket to my neck and sigh since i was cold soon i saw Lauren came back with soup i smile and sat up "Thank you" i said softly she smiled and sat next to me. As i was about to take it she pulled it back "I'm feeding you" she said i giggled and nodded i then opened my mouth and she fed me soup.

As i drink my soup she was talking to me about school and how she misses me i smile at how cute she is "Gosh you really know how to make my day" i mumble and she fed me again with a smile on her face. When i finished the soup she placed the bowl in the kitchen "Baby i'm going to work alright? i'm sure Lauren will take care of you" my mom said i smile and nodded "bye mommy" she smile and kissed my head "love you baby girl behave for Lauren" Lauren then came to the room i smirk "i'll try" my mom chuckled and walk out of the house. I pat the space beside me for Lauren so she sat down and i cuddled with her "Aw you are really hot" she said rubbing my arms i sigh "yeah" i said sadly "don't worry if you feel better tomorrow maybe we can go somewhere just us" i smile and kiss her cheek. "You're the best you know?" she chuckled "I know" she sassed i laughed and cuddle my face to her neck i then heard her humming a song making me sleepy, so i sigh and finally closed my eyes falling into a deep sleep.

Hours later i feel myself waking up before i open my eyes i felt lips on mine i smile and kissed them back "yay! you're awake" Lauren said pulling away i giggle "How long was i asleep?" i asked then yawned "About two hours" i raise my eyebrows in surprise. "Oh did you sleep?" she nodded "Just for 1 hour" i nodded and kissed her cheek, "do you want something?" she ask i shake my head "no i'm good wanna play something?" i ask she nodded "Sure, what you got?" she ask i got up and walk to a drawer. "I got Monopoly, Uno, Scrabble and that's it" i said shrugging she nodded "What about uno first then Monopoly then Scrabble? sounds good?" i nodded and got them out "yup, get ready to lose babe" i said smirking she laughed "I love Uno" i said shrugging "Let's see who will win my princess" she said leaning to me with a smirk and then she peck my lips. "Okay let's start!" i said cheerfully and then began shuffling the cards i then gave her 7 cards and i got 7 cards and then we started to play UNO. An hour later we stopped and counted our scores and i jumped happily since i did win "IN YOUR FACE JAUREGUI" i shout she laughed and then she picked me up and threw me on the couch, she then started peppering my face with kisses "I actually let you win because you were sicky and cutie" i roll my eyes "No i won because i'm good at it" i said sticking my tongue out. "Nah i let you win" she said shrugging i slap her arm making her laugh.

"Fine one round and see who really is the winner" i said she nodded and we played one round and it ended up me winning again "SEE!!" she smiled and kissed my cheek lovingly "Yeah okay princess you did win because you are so good at it" i smile and hug her. "It's okay i bet you'll beat me to Monopoly" i said getting the board game i sat between her legs and lean my back against hers and she kissed my shoulder as she gave out the money and everything. After our monopoly game she was fixing the game board and i was just staring at her face just admiring her beauty i smile when i saw her smile too "You know i can't really concentrate when your beautiful eyes are staring at me like that" she said i chuckle and rubbed my nose to her cheek making her blush. "Y/N stop" she said smiling i bit my lip and kissed her cheek lingering it there for a moment and then pulled away she sigh and shake her head "you're distracting me" she mumble i then kissed down to her jaw and then down to her neck. Her breathing hitched when i reached her favorite spot i smirked and sucked on it gently leaving a small hickey just wanted to let people know she's mine. "Stop it" she whispered i didn't listen and just kept sucking her neck and my hands started to roam around her back and i pulled her closer to me.

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