Chapter 22

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Your POV

It was now a Saturday and we have to classes on Monday so three days without school! SWEET! I'm now with Camila in her house i slept over last night and we kept laughing and doing weird stuff with each other. Now we're watching a movie with a bowl of popcorn in our arms "KAKI KAKI!! Can i have some?" Sofi asked cutely i smile and gave her my bowl and she got some and she kissed my cheek "Thank you Y/N" i smile and nodded "Sure little Camila" she giggle and went up to her room. "I still don't get why you won't tell Lauren you like her" Camila said i shake my head "No i don't want to, remember she doesn't do relationships or something" she sighed "Lauren is being hard to get huh?" i shrug "Destiny will probably get her, because she's perfect" i said placing a popcorn inside my mouth. "Destiny is not perfect, nobody's perfect" i shrug "Oh well..." we then continued watching and eating popcorn, i felt my phone vibrating so i got it out and look who was calling me it was Lauren. "It's Lauren" i told Camila "Answer it" she said and i answered it.

"Hello?" i answered "Hey Y/N, whatchadoin?" she ask "I'm just chilling with Camila" i said "where? i'm in front of your house" my eyes widen "What are you doing in there?" i asked "Well i thought you were here duh" i chuckle "Well we're in Camila's" i said i heard her sigh "I'm coming" she said and hung up. "Lauren's coming" i said she nodded and smirk "no" i said she giggled and smile sheepishly, soon the doorbell rang so Camila opened the door. "Y/N" i heard Lauren mumble as she wrap her arms around me i smile "Hey, come sit" i said and she sat between Camila and i "So what are you guys doing?" she asked "Well we were just watching a movie together any plans?" Camila asked "i don't know do you guys wanna do something?" she asked while getting popcorn from my bowl. "Wanna just hang on a park or something?" Camila asked we nodded "sure" we then started cleaning ourselves and walk to the nearest park that was near Camila's house. As i walk i could feel Lauren's hand to mine so i look up and her and Camila were talking, i then shyly slid my hand inside hers and i saw her smile while talking.

We arrived and sat down near the river and then suddenly we saw a frisbee Camila grin and got it "Let's play" Lauren giggle and stood up "Come on Y/N" they pulled me up "I don't know how to play" i said pouting. "It's alright i'll help you" Lauren said pulling me to her Camila smirked and was ready to throw the frisbee "All you gotta do is catch the frisbee like....Camz throw it to me" Lauren said and Camila threw it and Lauren got it with one hand "Like that" my jaw drop "uh...okay?" she chuckled "Try catching it" she said my eyes widen "No i'll throw it, it'll be softly" i sigh and she threw the frisbee softly and i caught it with two hands. Well i can't do it like Lauren! She smiled "Again, i'll move further away from you and you have to catch it" she said i nodded and she back away from me, when she threw it, the frisbee was going near me fast and i immediately felt scared to catch it so i just duck down. Then i heard laughing i look up and saw Camila and Lauren laughing "you catch idiot" Camila said laughing i pouted and Lauren jogged to me "It's alright, it's your first time anyway" she cup my cheeks and smile.

"I'm bad at this" i mumble Lauren giggle and hug me tight "God, you're so fucking adorable" she mumble she kissed my head "Again, be brave alright? If you get hurt i'll take care of you" she said caressing my cheek while smiling at me sweetly. I blush and nodded she then got the frisbee and jogged away from me, Camila was smirking at me i roll my eyes at her playfully and focus on Lauren. She threw the frisbee and i took a deep breath and squint my eyes and scrunch my face and caught it, when i did i cheered making Lauren and Camila laugh. "Good job Y/N!" Camila said clapping i chuckle "Now try throwing it" Lauren said she was beside Camila i then threw it but landed on the ground Camila chuckled and Lauren just smile and jog back to me. "Alright, just place your hand here..." she was behind me and she was holding my hand, "and then you slightly pull back and....throw" the frisbee then flew and Camila caught it with one hand. "Oh yay!" i cheered Lauren chuckled and hugged me tight "Got it?" she asked from my shoulder i nodded and kiss her cheek "Thank you Ms Jauregui" she laughed and she kissed my temple. "Now we play" she said letting go of me "READY CAMZ?" i look at her and she just smiled and look to Camila.

We then started playing and i got the hang of it and it made me happy! when i look to my right and saw kids on the playground i smiled and then suddenly the frisbee hit my on my shoulder making me jump and wince. "Shit i'm so sorry Y/N" Camila said i nodded and held my shoulder "It's alright" i mumble i saw Lauren walk to me "are you okay?" she asked worriedly i nodded "Yeah i'm alright" i said smiling. She then looked at my shoulder it has a little bruise but i'm alright it's just little anyway "I'm so sorry Y/N" Camila said hugging me i smile and hug her back "it's alright Camila" she sighed and kiss my cheek. I look at Lauren and she just looked at Camila sadly but turned away and look at me with a smile, i chuckle and pulled away "Can i see it?" i showed her my shoulder and she frown "It's just tiny don't worry" i said she sighed and nodded. Her phone then started ringing and Camila answered it "Yeah....okay" she then hung up "Y/N i have to go alright? see you both tomorrow or at school" she said waving at us. We wave back and Camila walked away leaving me with the one only Lauren Jauregui.

"You sure you're alright?" Lauren asked softly i smile "Yes i'm alright, i'm a big girl now Lauren" she cracked a smile and pull me to her "Okay, i'm sure a big girl won't want ice cream?" i smiled excitedly and look up at her while jumping a little. "Ice creaaaamm???" she laughed "No you said you're a big girl so..." i pouted "Nooo pleaaaaseee i want ice cream! Please Lauren?" i beg in a baby voice, i cup her cheeks and pouted in front of her. She laughed "Alright alright...let's go" i smile "YAAAY!!" i then pull her to her car, soon we arrive in an ice cream shop and we walk inside. "Oh have you tried Chocolate Chip Sandwich? it has like ice cream between two cookies would you want to taste that?" Lauren said looking at it. "It look delicious, so yeah sure" i said smiling she nodded and started ordering and she ordered herself the waffle one between them is vanilla ice cream, "we'll share it" she said kissing my head. I smile and sat down and she got the food and sat beside me "Here try it" she said giving me one i excitedly got it "Hmm...this smells good" i moaned she chuckle.

"Are you sure this is good?" she nodded "Of course, Ally would always get that well because she loves waffles" Lauren said i smile and took a bite and moaned again "oh shit...this is good" i said nodded she laughed. I smile at Lauren and took another bite, "yup i'm in heaven" i said Lauren just stared at me while eating and she smile at me when i finished it, she got tissue and wiped my mouth i smile "Thank you" she nodded and i fed her the cookie with ice cream and she liked it too. All we did the rest of the day is eat ice cream and talk about things and it ended up me having the waffle and her the cookies. But we still share.


Your POV

Monday, Ally and i walked together to our table in the cafeteria but was stopped by a tall guy "Ally hey, uh...can we please talk?" i look at Ally confused and she sighed "Fine Troy" she then look at me "See you later Y/N" i nodded and walk to the table and sat next to Camila. I saw Lauren walk to us and sat across me "Where's Des?" Dinah asked Lauren "Restroom" she said smiling she then looked at me and i smiled at her before eating my lunch. We all made a conversation but i could feel Lauren's eyes on me the whole time, Destiny came back and sat next to Lauren like she always does she smiled at Lauren gave her a kiss on the cheek making Lauren blush and smile. "Who's Troy?" i asked them "Oh Troy is Ally's ex boyfriend" Normani said i nodded "Oh, wow... do you think they'll be back together again?" i got a grape and placed it on my mouth. "Hope not" Mani mumble making me smirk but quickly wiped it off before anyone could see "Hey girls!" i look up and smile widely "COLTON!" he chuckled and sat next to me "Sup brutha" Camila said punching his brother's arm making Colt look at her weirdly.

"Are you in drugs?" he asked Camila who glared at him "No, i'm simply like this! Gosh Colt! I'm your sister you should get used to it!" Camila said making Colt laugh, "Oh Cabello siblings" i said they laugh and hug me. "So, how's football?" i asked him he shrug "Eh, good but really tiring" i nodded "Did you shower?" i joked he laughed "no" my eyes widen "hahah! i'm kidding! of course i did, i love being clean" he said i smile and hug him sniffing his guy perfume. "Mmmm...your perfume smells so nice" he chuckled and warp an arm around me "Really? i like yours well yours is really sweet and it suits you" i smile at him. We then heard someone cleared their throat making us look at the person which was Lauren, i smirked and raised an eyebrow at her "yes Lauren?" She glared at me. "Do you have a girlfriend Colt?" She asked Colton who shook his head "No why?" He asked back "nothing, do you have a crush?" I look over to Colt and he blushed and nodded "yeah..." I look back to Lauren who sighed "who?" She asked "Lauren we all know who his crush is" Camila said smirking I smirked too "Well who is it?" She asked frustratedly "really you don't know?" Dinah said Lauren groaned "Who is it?" She asked again "Y/N" they all said making Lauren clench her jaw i smile at her.

A/N:  Another update 😊 just cause I have time

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