Chapter 18

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Your POV

We soon arrived at the roller skating rink, i saw the girls with their roller skates when they saw us they smiled and skated to us i then saw Destiny hug Lauren making me frown but quickly hid it. "Hey girls looking so hot" i said they laugh "You look hotter babe" Camila said kissing my cheek i smile and Dinah and Ally excitedly pulled me to the counter to get my roller skates. As we were waiting for my roller skates i look over to Destiny and Lauren who were holding hands as they talk and giggle, i sigh i will never have a chance with Lauren when Destiny's here. "Y/N" i snapped out of my thoughts and look at Ally who got my roller skates "Oh thanks" i said and i put them on "Do you know how to skate?" they asked i shake my head "This is actually my first time" i said they smiled and helped me get to the girls. "are you guys ready?" Camila asked "Oh not yet i haven't got my roller skates, come with me" she got Destiny's hand and they both walk to the counter, i sighed sadly then Lauren turn to me and gave me a smile but i just ignored her and went inside.

"You know how to roller skate?" Camila asked i shake my head "No sadly" she laughed "Fine i'll help you i could let Lauren do it but looks like she's with someone" i sighed and just shake my head "I don't want to be with Lauren right now" i said she nodded and hugged me. "It's okay, she'll realize this soon" i sighed and just got her hand "Forget her, help me" i joked she smiled and and we started pulling me and i hold on her tightly "Camila" i squeak making her laugh and held both of my hands. "Alright so try to balance yourself first" she said and slowly letting me go, minutes later i slipped and got Camila's hand making her fall with me. We then both fell on the ground with her on top of me we were both laughing we look up and saw Lauren and Destiny looking at us i chuckle and hit Camila's arm "You didn't catch me" i said pouting she smiled "I'm sorry okay?" she said and stood up and she helped me up. I sighed "Now my butt is painful" we both laughed "You're such a pussy" she joked i smile "okay fine, let's do it again" i said she rolled her eyes playfully and began teaching me again.

After the times i fell on my butt i finally got used to it Camila would always laugh at me when i fall and i laugh at her when she falls on her butt because of laughing, Dinah then joined us "can i hang here? Normally are having a thing right there" she said pointing to Normani and Ally. We nodded and Camila smiled at her "So do you know how to skate now?" Dinah asked i nodded "A little, well i can't do tricks" she laughed and nodded "Well looks Destiny can" we all look to Destiny who was doing tricks and Lauren looks so surprised. I think she's falling for her then? Why do i get my hopes up with the girl who doesn't even love me? Fine, Y/N you gotta stop thinking about Lauren alright? i told myself so i look away from Lauren. The girls then cheered for her as she finished i just clapped and began to ignore her, "i'm gonna try to skate by myself" i said Dinah and Camila nodded, i then smirked at Camila making her wink at me. I laugh and gave the cute couple some time for themselves, i then started skating slowly, i started to skate around the rink and seeing couples makes me sad.

Well i never experienced being someone's girlfriend and i never experienced those couple things, it makes me sad oh well i guess i'm just gonna wait then? I then saw a cute couple joking around like the girl fell down and the guy kissed her forehead and helped her up whispering something on her ear making the girl smile. Those couples are just so cute, suddenly i got pushed accidentally but before my butt touches the ground i felt familiar arms wrapped around me securely, i turn my head to the person and saw Lauren who was breathing heavily. "Be careful" i nodded and got out of her grip "I'll be careful now" i said and began skating again i saw her staring at me worriedly but i just ignored it, but bad luck came cause when i started skating again Destiny and i bumped to each other and i hit my head on the ground but it wasn't hard thankfully. Destiny just landed on her butt "Shit i'm so sorry" Destiny said i nodded while holding my head "It's alright" i mumble "here let me help you" she said sticking a hand out but when i got it i slipped again since her hand was slippery. "Y/N" i look up and saw Lauren kneel down in front of me, "i told you to be careful" she said sighing "i know i know" i said getting up.

"No, you're resting" she said "Wha- no!" i said pouting, i mean i want to skate again it's fun just not the falling on the ground part "No Y/N, you bumped your head on the ground good thing it wasn't that hard" she said pulling me up. "No i want to skate Lauren" she shake her head "No Y/N let's go to the bleachers" i sighed in annoyance and she just guided me to the bleachers and sat me down with her beside me. "Y/N are you okay?! i saw you bump your head on the ground" Camila asked worriedly i smiled "I'm fine Camila" she sighed and kissed my forehead "Be careful woman" i giggle and she smile at me "Are you okay?" the girls asked i nodded and they smiled. "You guys can go and skate" i said they nodded and began skating again but Lauren stayed beside me, "you can go too Lauren" i said looking at her she shake her head "No cause i know if i leave you're gonna skate again" my face fell, damn it! she smiled "I know your little plan" she joked i smile at her. "But Destiny's alone" i made an excuse she looked over to Destiny who was with the girls, "She'll be fine at least she doesn't fall on her butt" i look at her.

"So you think i'm bad at skating? well excuse me Lauren this is my first time and i'm positive she had experienced this already" i said crossing my arms "What?! NO! i didn't mean it that way, i mean-" "I got what you mean, i know i'm bad Lauren that's why i didn't want to go" i said moving away from her. She then scooted closer to me "I meant that i want to be here for you because this is your first time and i want to help you" i shake my head "Camila already helped me" i said with blank face. "Really? cause you're doing it wrong" i roll my eyes "I don't care" she sighed "I'm sorry okay? i'm not saying you're bad at skating you're just learning it so it's alright" i sighed and nodded "Alright you can leave me now" i said "I won't leave you, cause i don't want you to hit your head again" i groaned "Why are you so worried? that was just one time" i said looking at her. She shrug "well... Because I care  about you and I hate seeing my friends hurt" I nodded and sighed she then wrap her arms around me making me smile and hug her back. She then kissed the part where I hit my head "does it hurt?" She whispered to my ear "Not really" I mumble against her shoulder. "Good, are you hungry?" She asked looking down at me I smile "a little, but I'm alright" I said "no come on I'll buy you food" she said holding my hand.

We then skated outside the rink, we then saw ice cream I smiled when I saw it. "What flavor baby girl?" I blushed at the nickname "Cookies and Cream please" she nodded and smiled at me. She wrapped an arm around my neck and pull me closer to her kissing the side of my head softly. "Two cookies and cream please" she said and paid the guy, she then stare at my eyes. I slowly close my eyes and bury my face to her neck inhaling her sweet scent "thank you for the ice cream" I mumble against her chest she planted a soft kiss on my forehead "it's alright" she mumble I sigh and we got our ice cream. "Thank you" we said and we walk to a photo booth and took some photos" when we got out Normani walked to us. "Des sprained her ankle" Lauren let go of me and she went to Destiny who was on the floor holding her ankle I sighed and finished my ice cream. Then I saw Lauren and Destiny on the bleachers and Lauren took care of her like she did to me. I skated to Camila slowly and wrap my arms around her neck "Hey" she smiled and hugged me tight "she faked it, I knew she faked it just to get Lauren's attention" she said I look at her "Camila maybe she is hurt" I said she shake her head "she purposely did it" I sighed "Oh well... At least she has Lauren now right?" She sighed and just hug me.

"Can we go home and let's have a best friend day thing" I giggle and nodded "sure" we skated to the others and saw Destiny's head on Lauren's chest. "We're going now, we're gonna hang out with each other for a while" Camila said "Wait what? So you mean you guys are ditching us?" Lauren asked I nodded "not ditching, I just want to go home and Camila wants to come with me" I said the girls nodded but Lauren was frowning "Stay, please guys?" I look at Camila and gave her the 'I don't want' look and she understood. "Lauren, Destiny and the girls are here anyway you'll have fun" she said and Lauren was giving me her puppy eyes but I just ignore her. "Come on" Camila said and I look at Lauren one last time and she looked so upset and disappointed, we then walked out.

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