Chapter 47

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Your POV

When we were all in the living room cuddled up since the room was cold because of the air conditioner, the curtains and doors were closed so the room was dark and the only light was the TV. Lauren and i were inside a big warm blanket and it really feels good and so fluffy, i felt Lauren's arms pulling me closer to her so my butt was touching her front. She nuzzled her face to my neck and smile "you're really comfy" she said i giggle and wiggle myself to her more she silently moaned and tighten her grip on me "Stop wiggling your butt" she said quietly i smiled and kissed her nose "sorry" i said and continued to watch. "Ugh no stop it!" i heard Camila said groaning i look at her and she was with Dinah and Dinah was tickling her "Stop it!" Camila groaned she then stood up "Lauren you're going with Dinah i wanna cuddle with my best friend" she said pulling Lauren off me "No Camz! Stop- No i want to be with my girlfriend" she was then already with Dinah. Camila cuddled to me and i look at Lauren she had a pout on her lips i chuckled and shrug. "Camila that's so unfair she's my girlfriend" Lauren whined while pouting i smile at her cuteness "What's wrong Camzi?" i ask Camila she shake her head and kiss my cheek "nothing just wanted to cuddle with you" i smile and hugged her tight making Lauren glare at me.

When we were about to go to another movie we decided to take a break and eat dinner Normani volunteered to call the pizza place and Dinah added some spicy chicken wings. I look at Lauren and she was on her phone it looked like she just woke up i stood up and joined her in the big blue bean bag. I kissed her cheek to get her attention she looked at me and glared at me "you cuddled with Camz" she said pouting and then she turned away from me i smiled "Aw Lolo" i said kissing her shoulder she then made cute noises "Stop" she mumble in a baby voice. "Kisses" i said puckering my lips "No" i pout "Come on Lauwen" she stuck her tongue out, i sighed "Fine no kisses for the rest of the week" i said standing up "NOOO!!" i then felt myself get pulled back in the bean bag. "NO i'm sorry, i'm sorry" she said doing her best puppy eyes with her cute pout "Nope, i'll just kiss someone else" she crossed her arms pouting and glaring at me. "You know someone like Colt?" she then started giving me a death glare i giggle well i was joking anyway i crawl to her and kiss her cheek i then saw a little tear escaped her left eye. "Aw why are you crying?" i asked then i pulled her to me "I thought you were serious" she said in a baby voice I laughed "Baby of course not, i ain't kissing anybody except for you" i said kissing her nose.

"But you said i can't kiss you for a week" she said pouting i smile and wipe her eyes "I was kidding, even i can't do it" she smiled and i finally kissed her lips "you're such a softy" i heard Camila say Lauren looked at her and squint her eyes. "No i'm not" she laughed "oh please, you were about to cry because Y/N won't kiss you for a week and you thought that she was really gonna kiss my brother" i saw Lauren look down with a pout. I smile and sat on her lap wrapping my arms around her neck and pulled her closer to me "It's alright you're a cutie" I cooed while kissing her cheek repeatedly. She giggle and wrap her arms around me and threw me to the bean bag with her on top of me "i wuv wu Lauwen Jauwegui" i cooed and kiss her nose she scrunched it up and laid her head on top of my chest. I then began to comb her hair with my fingers "Mmhmm...that feels good" she moaned i smiled and saw her falling asleep on top of me, i then saw Dinah walking to us "Hey wanna go to a party later at 9?" she asked me. "The girls said they're coming what about you two?" she asked i look down to Lauren and nodded "Yeah we'll go" i said she nodded "Sweet, i'll tell my friend that" she said and went back to her phone.

- Party -

The girls and i walked to the party and i could feel Lauren's grip on my hand tighten i look at her confused "Sorry" she mumble i smile and kiss her cheek "it's okay" i said intertwining our fingers, she relaxed and we entered a room. "Let's dance" Camila said grabbing my arm Lauren was about to grab my other arm but i was already with Camila to the dance floor, i saw her sigh and stare at me as i walk away. When we got to the dance floor Camila and i started dancing "Would you like a drink?" a girl asked while holding a tray of alcohol drinks. "Yeah! Sure" Camila said getting one "You want one?" the girl ask i shake my head "No i'm okay" i said smiling a bit she nodded and walked away i then saw Camila drinking. "Ooooh look at that hottie" she said i look at her weirdly and followed her gaze when i look back to Camila she was drinking another cup "Woah Camila don't drink too much okay? i don't want to carry you" i joked she laughed i then saw her walk to the guy leaving me alone at the dance floor. I shrug and walked around "Would you want a drink?" another girl asked i then thought about it "Uh...sure" i said and got one she then walked away, i sighed and took a sip i shrug and continued looking around.

After two drinks i feel a little tipsy but i'm alright also i have to pee, i walk upstairs and started looking for the bathroom when i opened a door it was empty and it was not the bathroom i groaned since i really needed to pee. When i got to the end of the hall i saw the bathroom but no toilet? What the fuck? i went to the door beside it and saw the toilet "UGH why is it separated?" i groaned and finally used it. When i got out i sighed in relief and made my way to the stairs then i tried looking for Lauren, i got another drink while searching for her suddenly i felt someone pulled me back and turn me "Woah mama" he said smirking i rolled my eyes and tried getting out of the drunk dude's grasp on my wrist but he was too strong. "UGH let go of me you piece of shit" i then punched him but he just got my wrists and pinned them on the wall "NO PLEASE STOP!" he then started kissing my neck and i was so disgusted. "LAUREN!!" i shouted he then pulled away and look at me "Shhh" i glared at him and shouted Lauren's name again he placed on his shoulder and i wiggled out "LAUREN!!!" i shouted again the dude laughed and once we got to the stairs i heard my girlfriend's voice. "You put her down right now" she said i look at her and she looked so hot, well let's be honest here she was wearing a sexy dress that hugs her curves and her make up and shit makes it even more hotter and now her angry face. I bit my lip and stare at her "I said put her down" she said i saw her knuckles were turning white.

The dude put me down and looked at Lauren "You wanna fight me little girl?" he teased Lauren was furious i could tell "You do not touch her like that you understand me?" she said angrily and she got me but she then got pushed back by the dude. The people around us 'oh'ed suddenly she started beating him up i saw the girls came in and their eyes widen as they saw Lauren on a fight, i saw the guy punched her in the stomach making her groan and stayed on the ground the guy was about to throw another punch but she got the fist and turned it making the guy wince in pain "Okay okay! I'm sorry" he said "YOU ARE NEVER GOING NEAR HER UNDERSTAND?!" she shouted the guy nodded and Lauren let got of him. Once the guy was out of sight i walked to Lauren and i cupped her cheeks "Lolo?" she looked at me and smiled "I'm okay don't worry but did he do anything to you?" i shake my head "not really" she nodded "Can you sit with me?" i nodded "Sure" i said and i helped her to the couch. Good thing the room was quiet and no one was here except for the both of us, "i was looking everywhere for you but i couldn't find you" she said rubbing her stomach "I'm sorry i was at the bathroom" she nodded i then massaged her tummy.

Lauren's POV

Hours later we finally decided to go home only Ally, Dinah and i are the sober ones and the other three well they're drunk. "Come on babe we're going home" i said holding into Y/N as she laughs and laid her head on my chest, "but Lauren we haven't got to...uh...what'd you call that uh.." "Y/N we gotta go-" "Shhh" she shushed me by putting her finger on my mouth. "Dance! dance with me" she said and began dancing like an idiot, i laughed at her and gave her a kiss on the forehead making her hum "i love it when you kiss my forehead it makes me feel so safe, when you kiss my cheek it makes me blush, when you kiss my lips i could feel your love" she mumble against my chest. Suddenly i heard her hiccup making me laugh "Why are you *hiccup* laughing *hiccup* you're so *hiccup* mean *hiccup*" i giggle and gave her a glass of water "Drink it baby" i said kissing her cheek she smiled and drank it and then she passed out in my arms. I sighed and looked at Dinah "Shall we go?" i ask carrying my girlfriend in my arms they nodded and we all went home with our drunk friends.

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