twenty three

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many awards had been given out and camila couldn't focus on anything else other than the fact that vanessa knew her name. how? she had no clue. she looked over lauren who was smiling because of one of the jokes the host of the show just made. lauren caught her girlfriend looking at her and she squeezed her hand.

inside, lauren was a wreck herself. she had been nominated for artist of the year and if she didn't win, she'd be crushed. this award was a big deal to her, her very first and she wanted stranger to be proud of her.
towards the end of the show, lauren's category came up. lauren squeezed her girlfriend'a hand again, trying to calm her nerves.

"this envelope here, holds the answer." the presenter, ariana grande held up the paper in her hand. she carefully opened it and huge smile took over her face. "lauren jauregui!"

lauren's heart stopped when camila bounced up and down, shaking her arm. they both stood up and lauren gave brown eyes a quick kiss on the lips, jogging to the stage.

she hugged ariana before accepting her award. she adjusted the microphone to her mouth. "wow," she breathed. she started sayinh her speech. "i'm about to pee my pants." she laughed. "uh, i would like to thank my mom for giving birth to me, uh my friends and family who believed in me throughout this. my manager ally for helping me as well," lauren smiled. "and my little stranger for helping me stay on my toes. i love you." lauren froze along with the rest of her body. she just said she loved her, in front of an audience, in front of live tv. she smiled and said one last thank you before scurrying off stage.

camila was frozen too. the singer just admitted that she was in love with her. yes, they had been dating for a month or two but they had known each other much longer. they never discussed deep feelings like that which each other, and when lauren said that, it startled them both.

vanessa seat was not too far from where camila and lauren sat. and out of the corner of her eye, stranger saw vanessa glaring evilly.

after the show, lauren and camila decided to check in a hotel. neither of them discussed what went down when lauren accepted her speech.

"i'm so proud of you." camila said once the girls entered their suite.

lauren thanked her setting her award down. "sorry if my phone blows up tonight. it's probably my family congratulating me."

camila shook her head. "i dont mind. they're proud of you, just like me." she took a seat on one of the hotel beds.

lauren grabbed her make up bag, pulling out a wipe to get rid of her makeup. she watched her girlfriend through the reflection as she randomly looked around. she wanted to bring it up but she had no idea how brown eyes was going to react. what if she didn't feel the same way? lauren didn't even know she felt that way until now. she realized her loved everything about her; from the way she talked, walked, laughed, smiled, or got that stupid cute look on her face whenever she looked at lauren.

the singer turned around, wiping off the eyeshadow. "hey." she started.

"hey." the brunette replied teasingly.

"so about what happened with the acceptance speech..." lauren trailed off.

"oh." camila had been wanting to bring it up too, but had no idea how.

"so um..." this was now officially awkward. lauren mentally slapped herself for bringing it up and saying it in the first place. "i'm sorry."

"you're sorry?" the other girl raised her eyebrow. "sorry for loving me?" she was utterly confused.

lauren quickly shook her head. "that's not what i meant! i- uh," she sighed. "i have no idea, i dont know what to say."

"you love me."

lauren became lost in her thoughts with silence. she opened her mouth but no words left. "i don't know. i know that i have strong feelings for you."

"i have strong feelings for you as well." camila nodded.

"i would hope so." lauren smiled teasingly earning a laugh from her girlfriend. that was it. that was one of the things lauren loved about her. "fuck it." she blurted, confusing the girl in front of her. "i'm in love with you."

camila stared not sure what to say. "lauren, i-"

lauren placed up a hand to stop her. "it's okay. i understand. i'm not gonna pressure you if you're not ready, but i'm just saying that i'm so in love with you and on this night, i finally realized it. the way you say things, they way you try to sound smart but obviously fail, your lame ass jokes," lauren listed making camila grin. "i'm in love with all of those things. and all of those things make up you, therefore, i am in love with you." she grabbed her hands, pulling her up so they were now face to face.


"don't say it yet."

brown eyes furrowed her eyebrows. "why not?"

"because i don't want you to be influenced by me, you feel like you have to say it because i did. i want you to say when you find that moment you love me, like i found mine. lauren explained.

the brunette nodded with a smile. "i have strong feelings for you lauren."

lauren let out a laugh before her palms grabbed her girlfriend's cheeks. "you're such a dork." she said, making their lips touch.

"but you love me." camila said into their kiss making them both smile.

i sure do lauren said to her self



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