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instead of being at stranger's and apologizing her ass off, ally had booked her a radio interview the next day.

lauren smiled and greeted the interviewer. she really wanted to get this over with and go home and possibly try to get camila to talk to her.

"hello lauren, i'm max. thanks for coming." he extended his hand.

"thanks for having me." lauren plastered a fake smile, taking his hand. she sat down on the chair and adjusted her microphone to her liking.

"lets get down to business," max started. "hey guess, our special guest today is the one and only, lauren jauregui!" he said into the microphone in a radio hosty show voice.

lauren laughed and say a small hello into her micro above the cheers she was getting from the crew behind her.

"so lauren?"

"so max?" lauren said teasingly.

"word on the street is that you are working on a new album."

lauren nodded but then she remembered the audience couldn't see her. "i am, but the process kinda slow considering the fact i have writers block."

"is that the reason you're on a break?" max asked.

lauren shrugged before nodding. "yes and no. there break is more for personal reasons." she explained.

max nodded. "speaking of personal things," he held up a printed copy of lauren and camila kissing in mcdonalds a few weeks back.

lauren smiled and hid her face in the palms of her hands. "ughhhhhh," she groaned, laughing a bit.

"who is she lauren?" max wiggled his eyebrows. "you've been spotted with her a few times."

"she's a really good friend." lauren said.

"i kiss all of my good friends like this too." max joked making lauren laugh embarrassingly as she hid her face again.

"so does that mean you and vanessa ortin are over?"

lauren tugged on her bottom lip. she was speechless knowing that whatever she said could fuck things up. if she said yes, camila would be happy but obviously vanessa wouldn't; if she said no, vanessa would be pissed but on the other camila wouldn't be (as much); and if lauren chose i dont know, both of the girls would want her head on a plate.

part of lauren actually wasn't ready to say goodbye to vanessa. lauren still had feelings for vanessa, they were together for a long time and that wasn't something that would just evaporate into thin air.

"i-" lauren opened her mouth to speak. she didn't know what she was saying. "yes."


ally seemed pleased after the interview, lauren hadn't said anything she wasn't supposed to.

"so are you and vanessa really over?" ally asked her client when they got inside their car that took them to the interview.

"um, well you see about that..." lauren looked down at her lap and played with the rings on her fingers.

"lauren jauregui, what are you trying to say?" ally said near a growl.

"i haven't officially broken up with vanessa," lauren confessed. "i actually haven't even told her anything."

"are you fucking crazy?!" ally yelled. "how could you be so stupid?! vanessa and her people are gonna be pissed."

"i know! but stranger is really mad at me and if said vanessa and i were still together, she wouldn't talk to me ever again!"

ally sighed, placing her fingertips on the bridge of her nose. "lauren," she breathed out. "you are not making this easier on yourself."

lauren frowned. she knew ally was disappointed in her. instead of replying, lauren slid out her phone sending a quick text to someone.

i know i'm already in trouble and i know i'll be in a lot more later. is it okay if i stop by your house?

she hit send and waited for a reply.

her phone dinged.


lauren told the driver the new destination, earning a dirty look from ally.

lauren stepped out the car, running up to camila's door. she knocked and took a step back before it opened. there stood camila. her hair was thrown into a messy ponytail, she was wearing an old kiss shirt and a pajama pants. lauren appreciated the fact that she still managed to look beautiful without even trying.

"can i help you?" she greeted coldly.

lauren gulped. "can i come in?"

camila just took a step back, signaling for lauren to come inside.

"you like kiss?" lauren asked, pointing to the other girl's shirt.

the brunette shrugged. "not really. it was my dad's."

lauren nodded. she never realized that stranger never really talked about her dad. she would ask but she figured it wasn't the best thing to do; they already weren't exactly on good terms.

"so what did you want?" camila asked walking towards her kitchen.

lauren followed, "i wanted to talk about yesterday."


lauren took a deep breath before continuing. "i still have feelings for vanessa."

camila scoffed, not understanding how this was supposed to help the situation, lauren was just putting herself in a deeper hole.

"but," lauren continued. "i don't want to loose what we have. i really like you, even though i don't know your name." she laughed to lighten the mood, but failed. she coughed awkwardly before moving on. "anyway, what i'm trying to say is that i want to be with you."

camila shook her head. "i think this is a sign lauren."

"a sign?" lauren raised her eyebrow. "a sign for what?"

"that maybe we shouldn't be together..." her voice trailed off as she looked down. "lets face it. we're completely different. things wouldn't work out. besides i know nothing about you," she said chuckling. "i may be a fan, but you always said that i didnt know you. like what's your favorite color, food, number, darkest fear, what you do when you're alone."

lauren kept her mouth shut as she stared at the girl in front of her. she watched the younger girl turn her back on her, ready to show lauren the door.

lauren collected her thoughts before opening her mouth. "grey, cheeseburgers, zero, drowning, i dance around and sing brittney spears really loud."

"what?" brown eyes turned back around.

lauren gave her a half hearted smile. "you said you didn't know those things about me; now you do."

camila couldn't help the cheesy grin from spreading across her face. lauren took the opportunity to move closer to the other girl. she took her hands in hers.

"babe, i'm trying. all you have to do now is let me in. once i'm in, i'm in for good."

camila chewed on her bottom lip, debating on what she should do. she knew what she was getting herself and lauren into if she agreed. she sighed before looking up at lauren with those puppy like chocolate eyes. she stood on her tiptoes considering the fact lauren was a little taller, and attached her lips on hers.

lauren quickly reacted and wrapped her arms around camila's waist, pulling her closer. camila's hands cupped the singer's cheeks, moving their lips together in a perfect sync.

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