"Snow you're pregnant? Oh my God!" The brunette practically jumped the counter to tackle her in an embrace.

"And so is Regina!" Snow exclaimed, immediately putting her on the spot.

Ruby turned towards her, baffled at first, but soon melting into her usual charismatic smile.

"That's amazing! Two babies at the same time?!"

Regina was taken aback when she threw her arms around her neck. She had never really gotten to know Ruby very well over the years; last time she checked the girl was nineteen and struggling with her werewolf problem.

"Belle told me you're letting her stay the mayor," Ruby said, "I think that's awesome of you to do that for her. She's been a pretty good leader for the past few months."

Before Regina had the chance to say anything in response, the girl continued on.

"I'd really love to hear what happened with you over in the Enchanted Forest- oh, and since you're not mayor anymore, you don't need to dress all fancy. How about I take you shopping tomorrow! You'll need maternity clothes too- both of you. I already promised Snow we'd go on Saturday."

Regina had to take a second to process what she was rambling about. "Uh, well I guess I could use some new clothes..."

"Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow!" Ruby just about squealed, just as Granny yelled something back at her from inside the kitchen. "I gotta go. I'm so excited!"

She gave Snow one last hug before disappearing into the kitchen. When she was gone, Regina and Snow exchanged looks.

"She can be... Quite enthusiastic sometimes," Snow smirked.

"I just don't know how I feel about her getting behind the wheel of a car," Regina replied smugly, turning her attention back to her milkshake.

Then she thought for a moment. Maybe repairing her relationship with Snow would be a good thing. Why not- after all, they were both pregnant.

"Hey, why don't you stay a while," Regina said, "I'll buy you a milkshake- on the house."

Her stepdaughter gave her a look. "Really?"

She nodded. "Yeah. A... Congratulations to us- for our babies."

Smiling, Snow set her purse down on the counter. "Sure. Why not."


It was early in the morning, and it was already getting suffocatingly hot. But Robin was never the type of guy to complain, so he trudged on down the deserted dirt road that almost seemed endless. While trying to sort out all the instructions Rumple had given him, he thought about his family. He thought about what Roland would do in this new realm he was in. No matter how different it he perceived it to be, Robin knew Regina would do a good job making him feel at home. He just hoped she would be treated alright by everyone else in Storybrooke; he knew how hard she struggled with fitting in with everything that happened in the past.

Why couldn't they all see her the way he did?

Robin sighed. He didn't feel like himself anymore, not since she had gone. He just wanted to hold her in his arms again and tell her that everything was going to be okay. The way she smiled, the feel of her touch, the sound of her voice... He missed it all.

He was slowly approaching a small town; the run down buildings and houses could be seen from where Robin was at. Towns like these dotted the fields that went on forever and ever, and he had only been to a few of them in his lifetime.

When he made it to those small buildings, all he wanted to do was find somewhere to rest. Who knew walking could be so tiring. A few people were milling about, but not many. Robin wiped the sweat off his forehead as he came across a stone well in the middle of the courtyard. He dove his hands into the cool water and wiped his face, feeling absolutely drained of all energy. Water had never tasted so good.

"You're not from around here, are you?" A voice from beside him said, causing him to look up.

"I'm on a... Business trip," he said, giving the woman beside him a sideways glance.

"Wait, you're Robin Hood!"

His face scrunched up in confusion. "How'd you know that?"

Instead of a reply, he was answered by a stinging slap to the face.

"You're a bastard," she spat towards him, taking the bucket of water in her hands and walking away briskly.

Robin simply stood there and lightly touched his fingers to the right side of his face.

It was proving to be quite an interesting journey.

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