Chapter Forty Eight

Start from the beginning

''re...paying me for that', the brunette panted when she let Emily off her back.

'I'll bake you a cake tomorrow', Emily promised.

They had approached the front door of the house, and Beca was now letting everyone in. Straight away, Sam and Emily headed towards the lounge, and Chloe announced that she needed to use the bathroom.

'Okay, I'm coming up with you', Beca told her, standing behind her girlfriend.

All the way up the stairs, the brunette protectively kept Chloe steady, holding her waist and watching their steps. As they reached the bathroom, she left Chloe to use it on her own, shutting the door for her.

A few minutes passed, and the redhead was still in there; Beca grew worried.

'Chlo? What are you doing?'

After hearing no reply, she put an ear to the door to listen in.

She was crying.

Beca opened the door immediately, and found a softly sobbing Chloe sat on top of the toilet seat lid.

'Hey, what's wrong?', she said, kneeling in front of Chloe and resting a hand on her knees.

The ginger wiped at her eyes, then said solemnly, 'I've got a headache and I feel lightheaded, so I-I think I'm pregnant'

Beca tried with all her might not to burst out laughing at what she just heard- instead saying, 'You do know that's impossible, right? Unless you've been cheating on me, Beale'

'I've only been having sex with you', Chloe answered innocently, 'We have sex a lot, Beca', she added with a sob.

'You say that like it's a bad thing'

'That means I'm pregnant. If you do it all the time, it makes you pregnant'

Beca couldn't hold her laughter back any longer. 'Chlo, I don't have a dick! It would be physically impossible'

'For real?'

'For real'

'Oh', Chloe replied. She instantly stopped crying and became doe-eyed. 'Wouldn't it be nice if I did get pregnant though?'

'You are so confusing'

The DJ lifted her girlfriend off the toilet seat and escorted her downstairs. They sat next to each other on the sofa, with Sam and Emily chilling out in their own armchairs opposite.

'I just had to explain to this dork why it's impossible for me to get her pregnant', Beca told the younger girls.

They both laughed, then Sam's facial expression turned into an 'o' shape. 'How cute would that be though?', she exclaimed.

'What would you call them?', Emily demanded to know, putting her hands on both arms of the seat as if she was stabilising herself.

Chloe looked puzzled for a second, as if she was thinking deeply about the question. 'Tell us- tell us some names, and we'll say if we like them or not'





'I kinda like Jake', Beca admitted.

'Yes', Chloe agreed.

'Jennifer, or Jenny', Sam suggested.


'I love that name'

Emily scratched her chin theatrically, and as Sam watched her do it, she started doing it too.

'There's not really any point in asking what our children's names would be, is there?', Beca said out of the blue, breaking the girls' train of thought, and sending the train onto a completely different track.

Was Beca about to tell everyone that she never wanted to have kids? That she hated kids? Her and Chloe had never discussed it, as far as anyone knew, so it was probable.

'Because we might change our minds when- if- if it happens', the brunette finished, bringing a welcome smile and air of relief over the room.

Chloe, in reaction to what she just heard, snuggled up to Beca, putting her head on her lap. Beca played with her hair as she lay there happily.

'Whose surname would they take?', Sam wondered aloud, not necessarily expecting anyone to know the answer.

'I looked it up once', Beca replied, 'I think you can choose whose name the baby has nowadays'

'That's cool. So would your kids be Beales or Mitchells?'

Similtaneously, Beca and Chloe called out their own surname, then frowned at each other.

'We would definitely use my name', Chloe insisted.

'No way'

'If we got married, you'd totes take my name'

'Bullshit!', Beca argued, looking down at her girlfriend, who was still laying her head on her lap.

'To be honest, I agree with Chloe', Emily said carefully.

Beca threw her a look that said 'what the hell, dude?'. Emily shrugged innocently.

The DJ thought to herself momentarily, imagining what it would be like if she actually did drop 'Mitchell'.

Then it hit her.

'I'd be Beca Beale. Beca freaking Beale. Do you realise how stupid that sounds?', she exclaimed, making all the girls burst out laughing. 'No, you'd have to take my name. Chloe Mitchell', she added.

The redhead laying on Beca's legs turned to face her and smiled, 'That suits me'

'It's sorted then. You'll be Chloe Mitchell. Mark my words'

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