Sabertooth Members

Start from the beginning

He felt her stiffen for a few minutes before relaxing.

The short bookworm was rather funny.

He could never figure out what she was thinking.

Or saying for that matter.

The pretty thing was too fast. Too smart. And almost always, too clueless.

Gajeel took a long whiff of her scent.

It always calmed him. Sometimes got him grinning when he smelled it close by.

The tiny blue dynamite was around.

That was the only thing her scent said to him.

He'd taken a real liking to her.

She was great company.

PantherLily said that too.

Speaking of the cat...

Pantherlily flew in with a white haired kitty.

He nodded solemnly to something Carla said.

"Oi, Lily!"

The flying exceed turned to him in surprise and Levy squealed.


Pantherlily smiled before flying over.

"Hello, Carla!" Erza greeted the serious female cat as she flew over too.

Cana grinned.

"What are you lot doing here, may I ask?" Pantherlily asked as he made it into Levy's waiting arms.

Gajeel watched her squeeze him to death as he opened his mouth to reply.

"We're waitin' fer Gramps. Plannin' on askin' the guy if we can borrow Kinana for the mission."

Carla cocked her head to the side, "Will that be necessary? Kinana is not much of a combat person."

Erza nodded, "Yes, but she will be good to have on the team."

Gajeel didn't add anything as he watched Pantherlily gasp for breath.

"Maybe... not that tight, Levy?" The cat struggled in her arms.

"Sorry, Lily!" Levy smiled, loosening her embrace.

Gajeel heard the guys inside the office touch the door knob on the other side.

Two guys... Smelt exactly like Natsu...

And another girl...

The door opened and out stepped a guy with blond hair.

The boy had a earring on and narrowed eyes. He passed Gajeel without a word but seemed to take note of the others.

The man behind him had unkempt, dark hair and a scar on his good looking face.

He stared into Gajeel a good two minutes before following his companion out.

Gajeel growled, keeping it low so as not to scare Levy.

That guy was looking for a fight.

His entire demeanor screamed it.

The girl at the end hurried after the other two.

Levy and her shared a quick, sweet smile.

She had short, silver white hair and pretty eyes as she ran after the other two and almost tripped before the guy with dark hair caught her.


Gajeel only nodded when Jellal spoke, keeping his eyes fixed on the three youngsters who left the room.

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