Alois x Short!Reader

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Alois x Short!Reader

Requested by: anonymous

Lemon Rating: 2/10

Title: Trancy's Fiance

Word Count: 1548

Your P.O.V

You remember being the only girl among the dozens of young boys, only two of them you knew. Luca and Jim Macken were the two best friends you could ever ask for, although your relationship seemed to be much more than that sometimes. It was more like Luca was yours and Jim's son to look after and cherish forever, although that relationship never lasted long. You remember that Jim would often speak of demons and that making a contract with one, should you summon them, could help us escape that horrible hell house. That was all in the past, however. Now both yourself and Jim were staring down in shock at the small, fragile, dead body of Luca, his big brown eyes dull and lifeless as though the soul had been sucked right out of his body. "J-Jim?" Jim started to have a small giggle fit which soon turned into loud spurts of laughter while you stumbled away from him, horrified at his sudden display of hard out craziness. "They're all dead!" He managed to shout out in between laughs, which you could only reply to with a gasp. "JIM! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" You felt sinful when you cussed, but when in the heat of a moment, who knows what you could say or do. "I bet it was a demon! I told you they was real! The demons have gone and saved us! We're free, (Y/N)!" You backed away even further, unable to say anything since you were still taken aback by his insane behavior. "Let's get out of here," he said with a serious look on his face, holding out his pale hand to you. "N-no," you stuttered nervously, taking another small step back and  cringing when you heard a loud squishing sound. "What are you on about? Let's go! NOW," he threatened, shifting forward slightly to strengthen his powerful stance. "No, I refuse to go with a psycho like you," and with that you stormed away, not even glancing back at his desperate cries for you to not leave him alone.

~3 to 4 years later~

You had heard of a young Lord in town that was looking for a fiance that, from what you had heard, had to be a beautiful, preferably sexy girl. Why a Lord as young as he was so specific as to what girl he wanted was unknown to you, but you decided to go visit the boy anyway. Many girls had been rejected, but that's because most of them were older women who didn't realize the Lord was only a year older than yourself. You being thirteen at the time thought that you at least deserved a chance to receive the perverted Lord's opinion, even though you thought there was a huge chance for rejection. Knocking on the manor door you waited for a mere three seconds before it was pulled open by a large man in a tailcoat. "Whoa! I never seen a real Butler before!" You shouted excitedly, neither accustomed to nor caring about being polite in his presence. "You must be 'Lady' (Y/L/N). Please, come in. His Highness is expecting you" You nodded and followed the Butler up the stairs and down the hall, almost cringing when you heard a loud voice yell, "CLAUDE! Where's this girl I'm supposed to meet!" Approaching a door the Butler you now knew as Claude pushed it open, tilting his head just in time for a paper plane to soar past. "She's right here and 'eager' to meet you, your Highness. Miss (Y/L/N)," he pushed the door open further to reveal you, "this is Lord Alois Trancy" Stepping into the study you couldn't help but feel as though the young Lord looked familiar with his piercing blue eyes and blond hair, but you simply brushed that thought to the side and curtsied politely. "Pleased to meet 'cha! You ain't what I thought you'd be, but I reckoned I deserve just as much chance to apply for the unfortunate job of fiance as everyone else" He giggled and moved away from his desk revealing his high boots and booty shorts. "You're funny, I think you'll do nicely"


It had been two months since the bipolar Lord had 'assigned' you as his fiance, and you must say that you never got bored. The way the fourteen year old tried so hard to make his Butler smile or laugh was extremely amusing for you, except when he lost his temper and yelled at you for laughing instead of Claude. Despite him being a little brat I can't help but feel drawn to him, you thought to yourself during the night, Alois sound asleep beside you with an arm wrapped protectively around your waist. Softly sighing contentedly you couldn't help but admire how sweet Alois could really be, even if he usually hid it with his perverted façade. Smiling at his innocent looking face you failed to notice the smirking Butler engulfed in shadows, completely blind from your limited vision.

Alois' P.O.V

While marching down the hall to check on the triplets and Hannah I couldn't help but wonder why I was so... connected with (Y/N). Sure, she had the same name as my childhood crush, but that couldn't be her. I was certain it was just a mere coincidence when I came across the library, the door ajar slightly. Peeking in I saw beautiful (Y/N) reading one of my favourite books until she snapped it shut and whispered, "Jim... where are you? I'm sorry for leaving after Luca was... killed. Please, tell me you're still alive." I gasped silently and whirled around, sprinting back down the hall with a bright smile on my face. While my brain told me to stay away, that it was for the best, my heart pounding in my chest, screaming at me to turn around and run into her arms. (Y/N) had always been my childhood crush, and I always knew there must have been some reason I was so captured by her perfect existence. Even though it had only been a few years I couldn't help but think that her small body had filled out rather nicely, although she was still incredibly short. She's probably around Ciel's height, maybe shorter,  I thought to myself, thinking that maybe one day I should visit him and annoy the living daylights out of him and is Butler. I hadn't noticed how far away form the library I was when I bumped into Hannah, who was currently shifting through a vase of roses, replacing the withering ones with freshly bloomed ones. "Hannah?" She turned to me, that soft smile that I despised so much on her pathetic face. "Yes, your Highness?" "Why are the roses white?" She gulped nervously, shifting uncomfortably in her place with her hands clasped together in front of her. "You ordered it, the Highness," she said in one, shaky breath and I scowled, grabbing one of the roses and throwing it to the ground. "Well, I don't fucking like it! Ciel Phantomhive's favourite rose is white and I will not have that in my mansion! Change it immediately!" I would have lost it entirely and slapped Hannah, but (Y/N) insisted that I should try and control my temper to the best of my ability, and that's when I started to love her. She didn't hate me for the things I did, she simply forgave me and politely ordered that I never do it again.

~6 years later~

Your P.O.V

To your joy only a few weeks ago Alois had knelt down on one knee and properly proposed while hosting an elegant ball, the only spoil for the night being a drunk man sexually harassing a young lady, but you enjoyed yourself all the same. Although while you loved Alois with all your heart you couldn't help but feel he was keeping something from you, and you often silently prayed to yourself that it wasn't anything heartbreaking. "(Y/N), there's been something I've needed to tell you for quite a few years now. I-I've just been too chicken to talk to you about it." Snapping out of your daze you looked at your nervous soon-to-be-husband with a soft smile in your face, gently taking both of his hands in yours and looking up to meet his gaze. "It's me... I'm... I'm Jim Macken, (Your/Nick/Name)" You gasped and your breath hitched in your throat as you processed his surprising confession only to be brought back to Earth by Alois loudly snapping his fingers in your eyes. Grinning widely you jumped up and wrapped your legs and arms around him, his hands quickly making their way to your thighs for support as you roughly pressed your lips to his. Whirling around he slammed you against the wall and forced his tongue into your mouth, swirling it around and leaving you breathless. Pulling back he began, "I'm sorry about-" but you quickly interrupted him with a shower of passionate kisses, lustfully mumbling "Shut up and fuck me," in between each kiss.

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