A choice was in order- did he deserve to die?

Robin thought about Regina; he remembered the look on her face when he asked her to marry him, the way Roland adored her, finally connecting with Henry...

Images of his family filled his vision as he clasped his hands around his throat; he kept squeezing and squeezing until the light left his eyes.

Rumple watched him intently, honestly surprised at what he saw. He was driven, he would give him that.

"Glad you finally got rid of him, he was getting very annoying." He told him, watching him stand up with a blank stare on his face.

Alan James was dead.

"Now. Let's talk about what I need you to do."

Robin had a million things on his mind, and talking to an imp wasn't one of them. But he was alone, he didn't have anything else to do- hell, he had just killed a man. He immediately knew he had to find a portal back to Storybrooke, where Robin could only hope his family ended up. And he could only do that if he agreed to whatever the dark one wanted.

So he shrugged and gave him his full attention. "Sure. Tell me what I need to do."

Rumple let out a wide grin. "I need you to... Fetch something, for me."

"Well why can't you fetch it yourself?" Robin shot back, "why me?"

"Because I can't! I'm not allowed in the region where it lies! And you fit the bill."

Robin sighed. "What is this thing you want me to find for you? What could a man like you possibly need?"

"Something I lost long ago." He replied, "something I need again. It's located on the far east side of the Enchanted Forest-"

"That's... That's at least a two month's journey!" Robin exclaimed, "and nobody hardly ever goes to the east side anymore!"

Sighing Rumple proceeded on. "Which is why I needed your family out of the way- you couldn't go on this journey if you still had to worry about your children."

"Can't you... Use magic to get me there? Even just half way? It's the middle of the summer for God's sake!"

"Sorry, I cannot." Robin could sense a false to his voice. "Because that's the thing... My magic, it's running out."

He furrowed his brow. "Running out? How?"

"It's part of the prophecy. Nothing can be perfect forever, it's only a matter of time before my magic is gone and things start to... Catch up with me."

Robin didn't have a clue on what he was talking about, but he shrugged again and nodded.

"When do I have to leave?"

"As soon as possible."

"And when... When you get your magic back, you'll send me back to be with my family, right?"

Rumple glanced down at the man lying on the floor. "Considering you killed him just because he put a few bruises on Regina's face, I don't see why not."

He knew he would be away from his family for a long while. It was only a few months, what could possibly change during a few months?


The sun was already high in the sky by the time Regina woke. With the physical pain gone from her body, she actually had a decent sleep. She forgot how nice it felt to sleep on such a comfortable mattress, with cozy blankets and big white pillows. The test still lay on the table beside her; she had to check it again to make sure it was real.

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