When am I going to stop running away?

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Hiding from my feelings,

feelings I'm ashamed of, 

but I hate saying that because it makes me look like a hypocrite.

Running, it's the easy way out.

temporarily permanent.

I was scared.

No, I am scared.

But then again,

I'm always scared.

When am I going to stop being a coward?

I've come to terms with the fact one can only run away for so long.

hopefully this is long enough 

to make me forget everything.

But I'm scared of that, too.

My memories, they're all I hold on to.

But I guess running is only a biased compromise where the opponent gets more in favor.

Maybe that's why it still hurts.

Shut Your Eyes (February 2011 - August 2011)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu