45. #8 Dave Silk (US Olympic Team 1980)

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Later that day, I head back to the hotel, when someone calls me. I turn around and see a bunch of guys behind me.
"Are you talking to me?"
"Yeah," a guy with heavy Boston accents laughs and introduces himself in the next moment: "Jack O'Callahan or OC as I get called."
"Oh, the one who drops his gloves in a blink of an eye. I've heard of you," I smile at him, making two guys next to him burst into chuckling.
"Should I be proud I am the only guy you've heard of?" he asks, half grin resting on his lips. I shrug my shoulders: "Maybe. And who are you two?"
"Mike Eruzione and this is Dave Silk," another guy with heavy Boston accent introduces him and his team mate.
"Nice to meet you, I am Y/N."
I shake their hands before Jack puts his arm around my shoulders: "Wanna hang out with us? We're going to the club to relax a bit."
"Uh, I don't know...Is Coxy going?"
"Coxy? Why do you care if he's going?" Silk asks, slight jealousy in his voice.
"He is the one who is keeping his eyes on me."
"Trust me, babe, all of us are keeping our eyes on you," OC laughs and nudges Silky's arm.
"Come on, OC, don't scare her," Rizzo jumps in, making me think he probably is the leader or at least will be soon. Then he turns to me: "But really, it'd be great if you joined us."
The truth is, I really want to obey my dad, but on the other hand, it's not like they will harm me. Plus, this girl wants to have some fun.
"A little fun can't hurt me, right?" I smile at them and they all return me approving grins.
"And don't worry, Coxy will be there," OC comforts you while walking to the bar.
"What can I get you?" OC asks me and leans his palms on a table.
"I don't know. What will you guys have?"
"Beer for sure," they answer in unison, guys being guys.
"I'll have a glass of water, please."
"You are no fun," Silky grimaces, earning laugh from his teammates and a glare from me: "I think Herb wouldn't be happy to hear you can't go a night without a beer."
"Come on, we work hard, we can have a bit of fun," Rizzo, the usual voice of reason, explains and leans back on his chair.
"Oi, Verchota, over here!" he waves his hand, making you turn around on your seat and looking in the direction Rizzo is watching. A bunch of guys from the team approaches us, Verchota, a guy who Coxy said liked me, being one of them.
And Coxy is also a part of the group. As soon as he sees me, he shakes his head: "What are you doing here?"
"Come on, Coxy, she is just having a bit of fun," OC, who has brought beverages on the table, pats his teammate's shoulder.
"OC, I know what having fun means when you say it."
"Coxy, the only reason I am here is hockey and nothing else. But... if we met in different circumstances..."
"Nothing would happen," you cut him off, making the rest of the guys laugh.
"Hey, Rizzo!" someone yells from the entrance and Rizzo waves his hand: "Mac!"
"Come on, OC, we are on the same side now," Rizzo rolls his eyes when he sees OC tense up.
"Yeah, so? He can still annoy me," OC rolls his eyes and takes a huge sip of his beer.
"Why are you so quiet, Silky?" I turn to a quiet guy, sitting next to me, who is absently drinking his beer.
"Uh? Nothing. I am going out for a bit, guys, I'll be right back," he gets up and storms out of the bar.
"What the hell is wrong with him?" Rizz looks around the table, looking for answer.
"Don't know, man. He is acting a bit odd. Hey, Y/N, what if you try to find out what's wrong?" OC suggests, turning to me.
"I can tell you he likes you, so maybe you could get him to tell us what's wrong?" Rizzo sticks up with his teammate, now all of them looking at you.
"Like that's gonna work," I smile in disbelief.
"Why don't you try?"
Now all of the guys from the table are looking at me, making me get up and follow Silky. I find him standing outside, wrapped only in a jacket and apparently, freezing.
"Oh, Y/N. What's up?"
"Nothing. Just... I don't know. I kinda like this girl I've just met and I don't know anything about her except for her name and..."
I put my hands on his chest, step on my tip toes and kiss corner of his lips. He freezes and looks down at me: "How did I know I was talking about you?"
"I didn't. I hoped you did."
Grin grows on his lips before he kisses my forehead.
"I like you too, Dave Silk, but unfortunately I only have one month here."
"So, let's make the best of this month. Y/N, after the Games end, I swear I will find you."
"Won't be that hard..."
He looks at me with a bit worried eyes: "What do you mean? Tell me you are not on a list of most wanted criminals."
I laugh at his attempt to joke and put my hand on his shoulder: "Nope. It's just...Herb Brooks is my father."
He steps away from me, looking me in the eyes as he whispers: "Tell m you are joking... don't do this to me..."
I show him my ID: "Y/N Y/M/N Brooks, see?"
"Oh my god. Now I am pretty sure I am dead..."
The next day after practice I hear Silky talking to my father; "Uh, coach... I have a confession to make..."
"What, Silky?"
Dave nervously intertwines his fingers: "I kinda fell for Y/N...and I know she is your daughter and I really, really want to have a chance with her..."
"I will be honest. I like you, but if you hurt my baby girl... you won't see the Olympics no matter how good you are. Are we clear?"
"Yes. Thanks, coach, I won't hurt her."
He rushes out and bumps into you, making both of you laugh.
"So you talked to my father..."
"Yeah and..." he leans down, kissing me on my lips, his hand pulling me closer to him.
"Will you go out with me? Only two of us?"
I nod my head excitedly: "Of course!"
With a huge grin on his lips, he kisses me again and lifts me off the floor, spinning me around.

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