Driving Me Insane

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A/N updating a few more times tonight stay online!

Louis P.O.V

I must have sat here smiling to myself at how perfect holly was.I had been watching her sleep for about two hours just gazing at her.She looked so beautiful, I dont even know how to describe how lucky I am to have her.She was on her side on my chest her hand over my stomache and her head resting on me.her lips were pwrted with soft snores echoing through them while her hair was in waves around her shoulders she looked Perfect.

"Morning"she whispered as she stirred opening her eyes slowly.I laughed at how tired she was.

"Morning princess"I got under the coverswrapping one arm around her and onother in hers.

"Last night, hurts"she whined as she blushed slightly.

"Awe babe, it will for abit, we just need to keep at it so It will stop hurting"I watched her face.she wasn't scared anymore.

we stayed in bed comfortably chatting for a few hours.

"Lou who did you losse your virginity to?"she asked me I blushed

"A perfect girl"I smiled at the thought.

"What was her name?"she asked as I blushed.

"Holly Payne"I smiled as she looked shocked.

"Me?"she asked as I laughed.

"Nooo! another Holly Payne, with brown wavy hair and bright blue eyes and happens to have the same last name"I bullyed her as she whined.

"Louueeeh, but you were so...so...like you had done it before"she tried to explain as I held her closer.

"I guess im just good at it"I laughed as she blushed.

"Do you think I will be?"she blushed as she tried to hide her face.

"I know you will be, you allready are babe, I didn't want to rush you last night but jesus you were driving me wild"I said as she looked at me giggling.

"Maybe..I can drive you wild again?"she winked as I growled flipping her over on the bed so she was on top of me.

"when do we start?"I asked as she laughed.

"How about now"she winked as I attached my lips to hers sparks shooting through me.

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