Save Your Heart Tonight

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I waited a few hours, all I could hear was niall calming eveyone down and liam saying how hard it must be for me, that calmed them down.Louis hadnt come out of his room.I had to go get him.

I walked go his door and waljed in not bothering to knock his hands were red and his eyes were bloodshot, he ha been crying because of I felt guilty.

'why did you do it?'louis said stolll with his back to me.

'I didnt want to be known that I live with you, people will use me and hate on me like evryone does on twitter, my dad could track me down easyer and it just wasnt worth going to'I mumbled putting my hand on louis back and turning him round so he was facing me again.

'I sorry'I said putting my small hnads in his big ones, they fit perfectly.hetook a deep breath and smiled slightly before saying 'me too, dont do it again though babe, promise me?'

'I didnt want to promise but I kind of hand to,'fine'I sqid giving him a fake pout.

'bear make up hug?'louis sqid beofre jumping on , e and hugging me, I hugged him back and then he started tickling making me giggle.

'love you darlin'he said berfore I could say it back soft lips landed on mine and sparks flew.

'now lets go make up and do this poo!'louis said talking my hand back in his as we skippedmdown the stairs.

the familiar sight of the boys walking round half naked was before me as normal.

'im sorry I wont doit again I just dont want to be judged for doing things like this'I said as I held out the sun paper I got given.

'ohh, shitee'harry said going red

'harry your dead'louis smirked chasing harry around the room while liam, zayn and niall were the sensible onds acctualy trying to figure out what to do.

'well have a interview and announce about you two, school know you live with us so well just tell them to ask students to give u space and how about you go to school when lots and fizz get back.then you can go together?'liam said while everyone nodded.

'perfect'I said while giving liam a big bear hug.

'aheem, wheres ours!'the rest of the boys said running amd joining the hug.'

'I think I deserve something babe'louis whispered.

'keep dreaming'I teased kissing niall on the cheek as louis stood tuere jelousy rising to his face.

'better go appologise holly, louis looks like hes going to explode'harry chuckled.

'Love you Louisss' I shouted running and jumping on him.

How was he so perfect when hes not even trying to be?

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