You Can't Go To Bed Without A Cup Of Tea

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Holly's P.O.V

Today the boys had a concert so we all had to be up early so they could rehearse.It was 5 am and I really wasnt a morning person.

"Holly wake up!"Liam shouted for the 1000th time this morning.

"Liam ive told you 5 more minutes"I grunted pulling the covers over my body.

"She won't get up"Liam shouted down the hall way

"pour water over her" someone suggested.

"okkay get a glass"Liam told Niall.

"Im up! im up! im up!"I shouted sitting up and surrendering my self.

"Doesn't matter Nialler"Liam shouted sitting on my bed.

"Wheres Louis?"I askedhe must be 2with harry.

"With Eleanor"Liam frowned

"Im going back to bed then"I sighed

"Dont be like that, you and lou can make it through this" Liam smiled.

"Maybe, maybe not"I said getting up and walking into the bathroom, shutting the door in Liams face.

I got my towels out and put 'More than this' on full blast as I took a shower I sung at the top of my lungs.

"I can Love you more than this!!!!!"I sang as I heard clapps from outside the door, where they listening?I finnished the shower letting the steamy water fall down my body, I felt so relaxed.I got s fluffy towel and wrapped It around me putting my underwear on and walking outside the room.

"Sing for us!!"Niall begged.

"yeah please!"Zayn pulled a puppy dog face.

"I cant sing"I stated while walking to get some clothes.As I turned around shocked faces were all staring at me.had my towel dropped? I checked.nope it was still covering me.

"ummh...why are you staring?"I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"Holly, you just said you can't sing? we just heard you! you can sing!"Liam argued while eveyone sat there nodding.

" thanks but I really cant"truth was I loved singing, I was just shy.

"sing for us!"Harry begged as Ellie nodded with him.

"what song?"I asked deciding if it was a good idea.

"Isn't she lovely"Harry sugvested as I nodded.

"Okkay"i said everyones eyes were on me, I was so nervus.

"Isn't she lovely.., isnt she wonderful..., isn't she precious.."I started my voice becoming more and more powerful as all the boys smiled at me.

"Less than one minute old!, and i never thought through love we'd be making one as lovely as she" I smiled at my self getting lost in the music.

"isn't she lovely made from love" I finished as everyone clapped, I couldnt stop smiling.

"My little sister can sing!"Liam looked so proud wrapping me in a sibling hug.

"aw! you could have 2 famous people in the family soon"Ellie said smiling too.

"What do you mean"I didn't want to be famous I wasn't even that good.

"She means were so telling uncle si about this!"Liam shouted a massive smile on his face.

"I don't know.."I pondered.

"How about if I told you, if you performed for us before our concerts you could get Louis away from eleanor"zayn smirked.

"really!"I beeamed.

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